Showing posts with label dental health care. Show all posts
Showing posts with label dental health care. Show all posts

Monday, April 1, 2013

Should US Schools Provide Dental Care To Students?

I found an interesting article about schools providing a  dental health safety net at Ed Source

There are some really interesting statistics in that article.  For example:

1. Children with dental health issues are 12 time more likely to miss class  due to a dental health issue than students with great dental care. 

2.  Children with poor dental health care are 4 times more likely to get lower grades!  

This article focuses on the State of California.   There even appears to be a state mandated program for dental health screenings.  But, there is no funding for the programs, so they are overlooked - apparently.

Their seems to be some underlying assumptions or expectations as well.

Should students be given dental care as part of the regular school program?   I bet a lot of parents would be happy about that!   

The burden of costs for such programs would likely be very high and California is already having a hard time keeping everything going with their education programs  - as is the rest of the country.  

Where is the balance between ever increasing expectations of things for free and how much tax payers must shell out?    Seems to me we already have financial issues in this country.  Are we going to make them worse? 

On the other hand, who would be willing to stand up and say they are against what amounts to 'universal dental care' for school aged students?  

Medi-Cal appears to be California's attempt to provide affordable dental care to poor children and it sounds like it has been dubbed a failure.  They are having a hard time getting enough dental health providers to accept Medi-Cal students because the program doesn't pay enough.  

This brings up an interesting point.   Government programs are very costly.  Even when in place, it appears that children are still having trouble getting adequate care. 

Is it possible for family's and individuals to increase their odds of preventing costly dental health procedures?   Such a possibility could potentially relieve the burden on such programs and protect the students themselves.  

Share your thoughts and comments in the comment section below.  

Do not overlook / forget about dental health problem prevention.  Many expensive dental procedures could be avoided in the first place, if individuals and families  were more educated about prevention.   My favorite.  


PS:  Get your free guides on fighting gum disease and stopping bad breath  

PPS: prevention can also help a lot in reducing an individual's or family's health care costs.  My favorite prevention tool.  

Sunday, March 31, 2013

Restoring Preventive Dental Care For Poor Could Save Public Money - Not To Mention Individuals

I found this article on the NewsTribune website

Nice article. However, it is rather lengthy.  Let me break it down to the simple facts.

 Basically, they figured out that medicaid cuts are allowing people only one alternative, an emergency room visit or office visit that will allow only for a pulled tooth.

But pulled teeth are quite expensive and so are their replacements.  "They" have realized that prevention is more cost effective than having someone wait to have a tooth pulled.  A cheaper procedure earlier or prevention would do the job just fine!  Thank you.

This is the problem today.  Prevention does pay.  It pays for the government to support as we see in this article.  But more importantly, it pays individuals - no matter what socioeconomic class they may be in.

You see, lost teeth are expensive, no matter how you look at.  Something has to be placed in that lost space.  Either a partial / full denture or a costly implant for those who have the money.   But problems don't always stop there!

Loss of another tooth means modification to a denture or a new implant.   Gum disease is a big reason people lose their teeth.

Prevention pays.  I'll say it again.  This is the biggest message this website can give you.  Please help to spread the word.


Do not overlook / forget about prevention as well.  Many expensive dental procedures could be avoided in the first place, if patient's were more educated about prevention.   My favorite.  


PS:  Get your free guides on fighting gum disease and stopping bad breath  

PPS: prevention can also help a lot in reducing an individual's or family's health care costs.  My favorite prevention tool.  

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Bill To Upgrade Hygienists' Licensure in The State of Main

Here is the story link to Press Herald

This is a very interesting development.  The article says there is a shortage in 15 counties in Maine and that 55% of children lack access to dental care.

Wow, that's a shocker.  No wonder they want to do something about that.   If you are a dental hygienist, this might be a good time to consider relocation.

I wish the story specified exactly what the newly empowered hygienists' scope of work will be.  But there was no mention of that.   It is also doesn't tell us if there will be additional training offered to those hygienists.

The bill is being sponsored by Mark Eves (House Speaker)  and Rep. Anne-Marie Mastraccio ( a former dental hygienist)   

I wonder what it is about Maine that they have a shortage of dentists?   If you understand the situation and have commentary, please provide it in the comment section below.


And don't forget about prevention as well.  Many expensive dental procedures could be avoided in the first place, if patient's were more educated about prevention.   My favorite.   


PS:  Get your free guides on fighting gum disease and stopping bad breath  

PPS: prevention can also help a lot in reducing an individual's or family's health care costs.  My favorite prevention tool. 

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Introducing Dr. Ellie Phillips - Video

Link To The Web Page In The Video

Dr. Ellie Phillips has really done a lot to further the cause of preventing dental health problems.  This is something that should interest those who want to better protect their dental health and improve their odds of avoiding costly and painful treatments.  

Keeping your teeth for a lifetime of good service is powered by prevention!  

Thank you for all of your contributions, Dr. Ellie!   


PS: pick up your free guides on   stopping gum disease  and defeating bad breath



Thursday, March 21, 2013

Introducing Dr. Ellie Phillips

Dr. Phillips is the author of the book:  Kiss Your Dentist Goodbye.  

She is also the author of the Zellies Complete Mouth Care System.

Dr. Ellie has been a leader who focuses on dental health prevention.  That is something I definitely applaud.

With over 30 years of clinical experience she has been able to help many people achieve and maintain a healthy mouth.   That translates to patients keeping more teeth for a lifetime of good service as well as avoiding expensive dental bills and pain.

Dr. Phillips deserves much praise as a trail blazer who has worked diligently to help the public understand that prevention really does pay.  Prevention pays the patient.  This shows that Dr. Ellie's heart is in the right place.

Dr. Ellie has her own line of xylitol gums and mints called Zellies.   Her brand of xylitol has helped and will continue to help people with prevention.   The pH elevating powers and bacteria hindering properties of xylitol make it a powerful tool in the arsenal of those who believe in prevention.

I applaud Dr. Ellie for her hard work and efforts to truly help patients over the decades.  She shines brightly in a world that needs more light!

Thank you Dr. Phillips for all that  you have done for the people.
