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When the health of your mouth fails, your body may be more vulnerable. Why might this be true?
Think about the wisdom of farmers. They know that they should not buy livestock that has unhealthy teeth.
The reflection is something that doctors have noted for a very long time.
Your gum tissue should remain healthy. When you have a high bacterial load in your mouth, it is easy to see how bacteria could easily find their way into the blood stream.
Maybe that is why they are finding p.gingivalis ( a gum disease causing bacteria) in the artery plaque of the heart! Gum disease may not only be the number one cause of tooth loss, it may also have a lot to do with your heart health!
Researchers have noted for some time the connection between gum disease and many body diseases. They may not fully understand or be able to explain the connections, but they have noted them for quite some time.
How Do You Keep Your Gums Healthy?
This can be a tricky subject. What works for one person may not work for another. The bottom line is that the amount of work that you put into it, is going to depend on what you, personally, need.
For some people, normal brushing and flossing is all they need. For others, they need to spend a lot of time every day to maintain healthy gums and teeth.
There are a few factors involved. Genetics, type of bacteria, diet, immune deficiencies and access to quality care are just a few items that factor into the equation.
You should want to level the playing field.
I wrote a short guide called: How To Stop Gum Disease In 4 Easy steps. You can get it here, right now, at no monetary cost.
Gum Disease Is Evil
It really is. It has the power to rob people of their teeth.
You should always ask your dentist what your periodontal pocket depths are on every office visit. They can check them in a few minutes and it generally doesn't cost anything extra. You want to keep an eye on these numbers at all times.
Generally speaking, most dental professionals will consider your gums healthy if all of your pockets are 3mm or less. Generally speaking again, they will consider them unhealthy if you have numbers above 4mm.
Sometimes, they will suggest that you get a 'deep cleaning' or 'Scaling and Root Planing' treatment done. The draw back is that they are generally expensive, more invasive than regular cleanings and they often have to be done again in 1-3 years or so.
Some literature points to the suspicion that these types of treatments can contribute to gum recession as well. So be careful. If you are not sure about what your dentist is telling you, you can always go to another dentist and get a second or third opinion.
Many people have had good luck reducing their periodontal pockets - as measured by their hygienist or dentist - with the Hydro Floss Oral Irrigator.
Whatever You Do, Consider Doing Something!
If you already know that your gums are in a diseased state, don't let them stay that way. Start taking action to reduce those pockets as soon as possible. Your dentists knows that at best they can only clean your teeth 3 or 4 times per year.
However, the fight against gum disease is a daily one. You must disrupt that plaque daily in order to keep the 'bad bacteria' from growing to large enough numbers to cause damage. When your pockets are deeper, these 'bad bacteria' have room to expand and cause more damage to your teeth and gums with their acidic secretions.
That doesn't sound like fun, does it?
Always be under the care of a doctor. But, also educate yourself about what you can do at home to tip the odds in your favor! Then verify your results on the next office visit with those periodontal pocket depth numbers.
Get the report: How To Stop Gum Disease In 4 Easy Steps
Stay healthy and well!
PS: Get your free guide(s) to stopping bad breath or gum disease
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