Showing posts with label getting rid of bad breath. Show all posts
Showing posts with label getting rid of bad breath. Show all posts

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Why Are Probiotics For The Mouth Important?

This is an interesting concept that relatively few people are aware of.  The idea of probiotics for the mouth is to shift the bacterial population to a healthier one.

It is a similar concept to probiotics for the gut.  When there is a strong healthy bacterial population, it is much harder for the 'bad' and 'harmful' bacteria and even other organisms to get a foothold.

Yogurt can be beneficial, but there also probiotics created especially for the mouth.   The K-12 strand it one in particular.  People with this type of bacteria rarely suffer from bad breath issues.

The 'bad bactera' (anaerobic in nature) are responsible for cavities, gum disease and even bad breath!
By making the healthy colonies stronger, you might be able to prevent more of the bad ones from getting a foothold.   This is the basic concept of probiotics for the mouth.  

Let me know if this made sense to you.  Tell me if I am correct in assuming probiotics for the mouth is something that you have not heard of before.

read more on probiotics for the mouth


PS:  Get your free guides on fighting gum disease and stopping bad breath   

PPS: prevention can also help a lot in reducing an individual's or family's health care costs.  My favorite prevention tool.   

Hydro Floss Customer Reviews  

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

2 Concepts For Conquering Bad Breath

There are two aspects to beating bad breath that many people have overlooked.

The first one is pH balance.   Higher pH is great for slowing down the growth of bacteria.

The second concept is oxygenation.  This is something that the vast, vast majority of products on shelves do NOT address.

Anaerobic (oxygen hating) bacteria produce the volatile sulfur compounds and other smelly stuff that is responsible for bad breath.    Since oxygen is what they hate and fear - why not give them plenty of it?

You can read about these concepts and more in this free guide for conquering bad breath:


PS:  Get your free guides on fighting gum disease

Helpful Links:  

Read About The Hydro Floss

Customer Reviews. 

Pocket Pal Tips    

Pocket Pal Tip Reviews

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Destroying Bad Breath

Want to destroy bad breath?   We all do [Even those of us who don't have it!]

If you know it is a problem for you or a loved one, then this starter kit is something you will want to have.

Let's be honest, not everything works 100% of the time for 100% of the people.   But, you cannot know what is best for you until you try!

Reasons why this kit may work for you:

Oxygenation - the majority of mouthwash on the market does not deliver oxygen to the mouth.  This formula uses a CLO2  for oxygenation.

 Oxygen kills anaerobic (oxygen hating bacteria)  - They are the ones responsible for bad breath.

pH Balance  Most mouthwash available today has no pH balance to it.   Acid is something the bacteria love.  It makes them multiply faster (think rabbits).

Designed By An Expert   This starter kit was designed by an expert who has focused on destroying bad breath since the 1970s.

You will never know unless you try.   But, imagine this is the best solution for you.   And I have given you the reasons why it may be so.

Get It Now. 

Author: What You Should Know About Gum Disease

PS:  my  favorite tool for dental health 

PPS:   Get your free guides on fighting gum disease and stopping bad breath 

Monday, March 18, 2013

Can You Really Stop Bad Breath?

Well, that is the big question, isn't it?   The truth of the matter is, no one can be certain.   This is because what works for one person may not work for another.

Every human body is different and every situation is compounded by unique circumstances.  That is why there is no way to say something will work for everyone.  We are all different.  

That's just a basic fact about the human body.  It also explains why there is so much confusion over  medications and dosages today.   Each body is different and there is just no legitimate way to standardize that stuff  - but I digress.

We do have a starter kit for fighting bad breath.   Here is how you will know if it works for you.   Read all the instructions that come with it.   Follow the instructions diligently.   Then ask someone close to you to check your breath.

Why can't you tell yourself?   Sometimes you can, but often times, you just can't tell.  The reason is that we often get used to our own breath.   It is a lot like a person who smokes.  You walk in their house as a non-smoker and all you can smell is that smoke.   But the smoker inside is so used to it that they don't even notice!   It is the same concept.

There is an alternative if you are alone.  You may or may not be willing to do this 'test'.   It involves licking the back of your hand and letting it air dry.  Then you can sniff that area (after it is dry).  This will give you a rough idea about how your breath smells to others.   Not a perfect test, but at least you have a test.   Otherwise, you are groping about in the dark.

So, to answer the question:  Can you really stop bad breath?  The answer is:  Every person is different.  What works for some may not work for others.  The only way to know for sure is to test!

Read More About The Bad Breath Starter Kit  - This is the 'normal' formula.

This is the More powerful formula.  

Author: What You Should Know About Gum Disease

PS:  my  favorite tool for dental health 

PPS:   Get your free guides on fighting gum disease and stopping bad breath

* I speak in general terms only on this site.  Specific questions about your unique dental health situation should be addressed by  your doctor or periodontist.  

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Conquering Bad Breath Sale Is Ending Soon - Video


As I mentioned in the video, the time for this sale is short as I received an email about it yesterday. 

However, if you visit this page after the sale is over, please do not be too disturbed.  If you go to the above page,  towards the end of the post, near the signature, you will find a link to coupons that are good year round.   

The savings won't be as good as this sale, as you can read here.   But, savings are savings!  You can share those coupons too.   Why not help a friend out? 

Author: What You Should Know About Gum Disease 

 PS:  Get your free guides on fighting gum disease and stopping bad breath  

Sunday, March 3, 2013

How To Beat Bad Breath

I found this article at online

What Was Good

What I liked about this article is that it raises awareness on the very common problem of bad breath.
And, well, no much beyond that...

What Could Be Better

What I didn't like about this article is that it did not provide real solutions to the problem.  It said things like,  use an electric toothbrush,  use mouthwash,  brush twice per day, floss, etc.

It did not go on to explain how you really beat bad breath.  Those things they mentioned can be helpful, but you really need more.

It's not entirely their fault though.  They did interview a dentist who apparently gave them that advice.

Defeating bad breath requires more than covering odors or merely brushing and flossing.   The bacteria responsible are too small, and you won't get them all out through any method.   The real secret is about 'population control'.

You want to keep the beasties down to minimal levels.   That would be levels that others cannot detect on your breath!

Oxygen helps as does pH balance.   Here is a booklet (free) that teaches you about how to deliver oxygen and pH balance. 

I applaud the other of the article for addressing the very real concerns that many people have about bad breath.

However, I thought I would make a few points here that go beyond the scope of the article.

How Do You Beat Bad Breath?  

Start with this free information that teaches reality from fiction

Author: What You Should Know About Gum Disease

PS:  my  favorite tool for dental health 

PPS: PS:  Get your free guides on fighting gum disease and stopping bad breath  

 How To Use Coupons

Monday, January 21, 2013

Music Teachers And Bad Breath

Music Teachers And Any Customer / Student / Client Situation

Sorry, music teachers of the world.  I am not trying to pick on you.  It's just that this scenario works out to be a particularly good example and illustration. 

You see, bad breath is a problem for millions of people around the world.   It can harm both personal and, in this case, professional relationships.

Imagine You Are A Music Student

Music students need to concentrate.   When you take lessons at a store or a private studio, you are often times stuck in a small room with your music teacher.

If that teacher has bad breath, you, as a student, will have some difficulty concentrating on the lesson at hand.   In fact, you might even be thinking about escaping!

Perhaps after one or two lessons, you hate breathing in that breath so much that you decide to quit lessons or just go down the street and find another teacher!   I think you can easily see how that could happen.


As A Music Teacher

In considering the above example, I think it is obvious that bad breath can affect not only the number of students you can retain but also your financial situation.  Insuring fresh breath at all times is very important for your life!

Being in close quarters with anyone is already uncomfortable for some people.   Add bad breath to the mix and it can easily be a complete deal breaker.  The worst part is that you may never know why they left.   They are probably not going to tell you that it had to do with your breath.


Many people are judgmental against a person with bad breath.   You hear people saying something about other people all the time.   "Go Brush Your Teeth",  Or something to that effect is often behind the other person's back.  You have probably heard that one yourself.

People do NOT understand that the person with bad breath often times does not know that he has bad breath.   The person suffering from chronic bad breath gets used to his own breath and he can't even tell that he has it.

But other people notice.  And THAT is where the damage to your professional and perhaps even personal relationships can occur.   You might not even get a chance to form a personal relationship with a particular person because first impressions are so very important.

Handle IT

I think I don't even have to spell out the need to remedy this situation.  I am quite sure you already have all the motivation you need.

Get your free guide on stopping this problem now.  


Author:  What You Should Know About Gum Disease - click here to see.

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Saving The Whole Family From Bad Breath

Does Bad Breath "Run In The Family"?  

Let's face it, sometimes an entire family is afflicted by bad breath.

Inheriting a Problem

One of the problems with being a baby is that we tend to receive our first oral bacteria from our primary care giver, most often the parents.   So, if the parents transmit the bacteria to the children, it can happen that the develop colonies of  the same type.

In addition,  Geographical Tongue refers to a tongue that has a lot of grooves and fissures when compared to other tongues.   These extra hiding spots are great for the anaerobic sulfur compound producing bacteria to hide.

You could inherit this type of tongue from one (or both) of your parents.  Therefore, yes,  it is possible to develop the same problems as our parents have.

What You Do Must Work

What you do to fight this problem has to be effective.   Fresh breath has an influence on both personal and working relationships as well as that all important  'first impression' that everyone talks about.

Even though it may not be true, many people will interpret bad breath as a sign of a person who does not have sufficient cleanliness habits.    This in turn, can affect a person's overall opinion of you.   In sales, it can be a problem that directly affects your bottom line.

Therefore, you have to hit this problem hard.  You have to strike it in a way that is not just masking symptoms but making an impact on reducing bacterial populations.   Many mouthwashes, gums and drops simply cover one smell with another.   This is not the ideal solution.

This is where the power of oxygen comes in.  Remember that bad breath causing bacteria are mostly anaerobic in nature?   This means that they don't like oxygen.  In many cases they can die in the presence of oxygen.

Therefor oxygen is something you might consider adding to your daily oral health routine.   Striking at the level of the bacteria present might make a greater impact over missing them completely by simply covering the smell.   Get at the root of the problem can help to lessen the situation.

pH balance is also important in a product.  A low pH (acidic) causes bacteria to grow more rapidly.  Therefore, it might be helpful to utilize products that  drive the pH higher.  This can slow the growht of the 'bad' bacteria.

Since this problem can afflict an entire family, you can read more about the Family Bad Breath Kit. This kit contains oxygenated and pH balanced products. 


David Snape  on Google

PS:  Get your free home ozone report here. 

PPS:  Get your free guides on fighting gum disease and stopping bad breath