Showing posts with label gum disease book. Show all posts
Showing posts with label gum disease book. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Readers' Praise For The Book: What You Should Know About Gum Disease

You can get this book here at Toothy Grins Store,   at Therabreath  at Amazon. 
It can also be found at B & N and many other online bookstores.   Garrison Keillor also has it on his site.   

Readers' Praise 
I love this book. It is a great resource for those interested in improving or achieving periodontal health.
—Stan Wint, DDS Periodontist 

David speaks for thousands of compliant patients who visit dental professionals regularly. These people follow directions, use recom- mended products yet never reach the conclusion of their treat- ment plan. Is oral health beyond control? Is damage caused by insufficient care? David shines a bright light on these concerns. Read, enjoy and start to question authority!
—Ellie Phillips, DDS 

David Snape saves!!! He may save teeth, money, time, and pain, but most importantly, he may save lives. Now that links have been established between the infection of chronic periodontal disease and many systemic illnesses like Diabetes, Heart Disease, Stroke and Low-weight pre-term birth his words are invaluable! Dave's new guide, "WHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW ABOUT GUM DISEASE" is a great layman's handbook about how to care for your teeth and gums. He has thoroughly researched gum disease and has written an easy to read guide for people to help themselves, yet gives bal- ance to the need for professional care. This book is a must read for people who are afraid to go to the dentist, people in underserved areas or those who just can't afford professional dental services. Dave makes the reader aware of the signs of gum disease and what they can do to help themselves. 

This book should be in dentist and doctor's office waiting areas and health clinics for the poor and working poor. He is respectful to the importance of Dentists and Hygienists in their role in help- ing people achieve good oral and systemic health, but also helps inform the public how to be better patients! Definitely a valuable book to have handy on everyone's bookshelf! 

—Hillary Yasmer Shemin, RDH, BSDH Marquette University Class of 1974, Holland, PA 

David Snape really gets it. Only you, the individual, can keep your- self from slipping through the many cracks in our well-meaning, but overly generic health care system. Perhaps not glamorous enough to command constant media coverage, Periodontal Disease, nonetheless has far-reaching health implications for every individual, affecting both quality of life and longevity.
Drawing from his own in-depth experience and knowledge on the subject, Snape enables his reader to go easily beyond the minimal preventive care offered to most Americans. The results will empower his readers to take charge of this vital, yet often-ignored aspect of good health and wellbeing. I only wish I had this book twenty years (and several lost teeth) ago.
—John Corso, MD, author of Stupid Reasons People Die 

The book IS wonderful, and very informative! It's down to earth, in layperson language, and gives direction where one can begin searching for dental health and improving overall periodontal care.
—Dr. Tamerut Adams, D.O. Board Certified in Internal Medicine 

Thank you to all of the professionals who were kind enough to read my book and provide this wonderful feedback!  Thank you very much.   

Get Your Copy Today 



PS:  Get your free guides on fighting gum disease and stopping bad breath 

Interesting Links: 
Read About The Hydro Floss ( a tool I know that has had a positive impact on the dental health of many people). 

Customer Reviews. 

Pocket Pal Tips   

Pocket Pal Tip Reviews

Saturday, March 16, 2013

HydroFloss And Free Book

The book is valued at $21.99, so you will get this value along with a brand new HydroFloss (latest model).  The HydroFloss comes with a warranty as well.   This is a 'real' book.  It is one that you can hold in your hand and read - the old fashioned way! 

The book, What You Should Know About Gum Disease is an excellent adjunct to your Hydro Floss.  It is about 240 pages packed full of easy-to-understand information on gum disease and dental health.  

This chocked full of the 'secrets' to dental health that most professionals either don't know or don't have the time to tell / teach you.   And 'secrets' there are. 

For example, the measurement of your periodontal pocket depths is an objective guage to the health of your gums.  3mm and below is, generally speaking considered good by dental health professionald and anything above, generally speaking, is considered a problem.

Yet,  many dental offices are not measuring these on each dental visit, they are not telling their patients what these numbers mean and the importance of them.  

You are empowered with these numbers to know where you stand.  When gum health deteriorates, expensive treatments are right around the corner.  And unfortunately, this is often the point that people find out they have gum disease! 

However, we already know, according to dental professionals, that 75% of people have some gum disease right now!   Start protecting yourself today.  

Click Here To  Read More ABout This Deal Now 



Author: What You Should Know About Gum Disease

PS:  my  favorite tool for dental health 

PPS:   Get your free guides on fighting gum disease and stopping bad breath  

* I speak in general terms only on this site.  Specific questions about your unique dental health situation should be addressed by  your doctor or periodontist.  

Friday, March 8, 2013

Gum Disease Treatment Video

This is a video on the post I wrote earlier entitled:  Gum Disease Treatment.

Here is the video:  (leave your comments and thoughts below)

Here is the link to the full post:  

Do not foolishly believe that gum disease is something you should not be concerned about.  The fact is MOST people have some gum disease.   Since it is the leading cause of lost teeth, it is not something you want to fool around with.

Do not join the ranks of people who have lost teeth and had dentures and implants installed and still don't know the reason they lost their teeth was due to gum disease! 

As many doctors are fully aware:  Many people are headed for expensive periodontal (gum) treatments and they just don't know it.   Look at the office lobby of any periodontist and you will understand how widespread this problem is.

Next:  Read The Full Article Now


PS: Scoop up your free guides on fighting 1. gum disease and 2. bad breath

Gum Disease Treatment

One should definitely be under the care of a periodontist if you know you have gum disease.  My periodontist has been very helpful.

One of the key concepts about gum disease is that it is a daily struggle.  As you have probably heard at sometime in your life:  The daily disruption of plaque is crucial to your success.

You can get this guide:  How To Stop Gum Disease In 4 Easy Steps

Since the daily disruption of plaque is important, it stands to reason that you cannot rely solely on your regular periodontal office visits.   As your doctor and hygienist will agree, what you do at home is very, very important.

Gum disease is a big problem today.  A lot of people have it whether they know it or not.   It also happens to be the primary (#1) Cause of tooth loss in this world.

That's a tragedy folks.  In most cases it does not have to be that way.

Periodontal Pockets

The measurements of your periodontal pockets provides your baseline and guage to  know whether what you do at home + your in office visits are working for you.

Generally speaking, you want your periodontal pockets to be 3mm and below.  Generally speaking again,  most dentists will consider your gums healthy when all of your periodontal pockets measure 3 mm or below.

So, for most people shrinking those pockets is going to be the key to success.  Failure to do so, as a corollary, is the key to failure.

I've written a tremendous amount of background information, in easy to understand terms, in the book: What You Should Know About Gum Disease  : A Layman's Guide To Fighting Gum Disease. I suggest you get a copy and read it from cover to cover.   There is a wealth of information in there.

The most powerful tool that I have found, bar none, is this.   And I believe you should get one of them and start using it.  I have posted guidelines in the above free publication,  How To Stop Gum Disease In 4 Easy steps.    It's free so you might as well get it and read it, starting today.

Finally, I want to point out that I speak in general terms in all of my information.  And it is important that you are under the care of a skillful and good periodontist.   He can provide advice, diagnosis and treatment for you. 

Yet, the above publications and information is very important to you.  As I mentioned before, and your doctor will likely agree, what you do at home is of the utmost importance.  The daily disruption of plaque is the main key to your success.  And since you cannot see your doctor every day - what you do at home, on your own, is crucial.   Again, ask your doctor if you don't believe me.


Check out the tool I mentioned on this article.


PS: Scoop up your free guides on fighting 1. gum disease and 2. bad breath

Monday, February 11, 2013

Amazon Has My Book On Their Site

About two days ago, I had written that Garrison Keillor from  A Prairie Home Companion fame has my book on his site.

I thought it would only be fitting to acknowledge that Amazon is also displaying my book on their site as well.  

Looks like they are even sporting a Kindle Edition.

The Importance To You

Ok, it is nice to say my book is here and there.  But what about you?

Why do you NEED this book.    It would be a shame if you came here and read this post and never understood or recognized the importance of this book in relation to your life - as well as the lives of those whom you love.

I know it sounds crazy, but the reality is that about 3 out of every 4 people have gum disease.  It is not just elderly folks either.  You can be 6 years old and have gum disease.

Far more people have this problem than most people would guess, even in their dreams!

Why Is That Important?  - Simple!  Gum disease is the number one cause of tooth loss, period.

My book makes it easy to understand what you are dealing with and provides some 'alternative' ideas on what you can actually DO about it.

Brushing and flossing are very important, of course,  but they are not enough.  It is self-evident that if 75% of people have gum disease, brushing and flossing is only sufficient for, at most, the other 25% of people.   Since not everyone flosses, probably even less than that.

What else can you do to protect your dental health?   Turns out, there are a number of things!  

Get your family's copy of What You Should Know About Gum Disease today and discover the long term difference it can make in your life.  

Getting a tooth pulled or even a single dental cleaning costs a LOT more than this book.  But if this book saved you from even one lost tooth, cavity or gum surgery, it would have paid for itself many, many times over.

This book has real value for you and your loved ones.  


PS:  Information is power.   What if you could save a lot of time, money and pain but reading this book?  How many times over could it pay for itself?  

Friday, February 8, 2013

Garrison Keillor Has My Book On His Website

As I am a fan of Garrison Keillor, I am ever more greatly delighted to discover that he has good taste in useful books as well.

You can find my book:  What You Should Know About Gum Disease available on Garrison Keillor's bookstore :   Common Good Books

If you are not already familiar and you should be: Garrison is the personality behind the dashingly good show:  A Prairie Home Companion.

This show sponsors fun, wit, good humor and stories.  Garrison's hit show has delighted audiences for years and years!   And it is still going strong.

Love the cast, love the show, love the characters.

And now,  you can get my book on his site:

Check it out - Read more here


David Snape

PS: You can also findWhat You Should Know About Gum Disease on This sit.

This book is likely to provide you with a great deal of insight.  If you are a person who believes in protecting yourself, saving money and avoiding painful and costly treatments - this book is definitely for you!


Monday, January 14, 2013

What You Should Know About Gum Disease Part 31 Video

Part 31 Video

Part 30 Video 

What You Should Know About Gum Disease 

Top Tool For Home Use

Part 31 Video

You can only see your dentist a few times a year.   Most people don't get their teeth cleaned more than 2 to 4 times per year.

However, the struggle against gum disease is a daily one.  Since your dentist can't clean your teeth for you every day,  the bulk of the struggle against gum disease, cavities and bad breath falls on your shoulders.

Since gum disease is the number one cause of tooth loss, this daily struggle should be taken very seriously.   As you likely already know, the cost of fillings is fairly high.   I can assure you that the cost of dental surgery, gum grafts and implants is much higher.

Don't get stuck with big bills.  Learn what you need to do, beyond regular brushing and flossing, to help protect your dental health and your wallet!

Read the book:  What You Should Know About Gum Disease : A Layman's Guide To Fighting Gum Disease  Today!



PS:  Pick up your free guide to stopping gum disease.   And check out one of the best tools you can use to help you in that daily struggle you are facing.


Sunday, January 13, 2013

What You Should Know About Gum Disease Part 30 Video

Part 30 Video:

The full book can be found at:

Top tool that you should want to know about:

This Gum Disease Problem

It really is a big problem.  Lots of people have it and many don't know they have it.   So, how do you get this information in the hands of people if they don't even know they have the problem.

Preventing the problem is very important.  Stopping and existing problem is equally important.

When I say a lot of people have gum disease, dental professionals tell us about 75%  (sometimes higher) have gum disease.   That's 3 out of every 4 people.   That really is a lot.   What do you think the odds are that you are the 1 out of 4 that is safe? 

As I mentioned before, people just don't know they have this problem.  Often times, they are not told until it is time for an expensive treatment.

People are busy and they don't always have time to educate their patients.   Many doctors have found that the people actually do not listen until the situation is critical.   In a certain sense, you cannot blame them because they know people won't listen.

On the other hand, some dental professionals keep trying even though they understand the probability of getting through to more than a few people is unlikely.   This has been the blockage that has faced other dentists who have gone out of their way to talk about prevention. 

Unfortunately,  I am finding a similar situation.  Even though about 75% of people have some gum disease, they just don't want to pay attention to what I have to say.  

On the other hand, there are those who are delighted to find my information.  The absorb it, act on it, and some even call me to tell me how much better their dental health has become - as measured by their hygienist or dentist. 

I always advocate working with professionals.   My book is easy-to-understand and I believe it has the potential to save you a tremendous amount of money, pain and unhappiness over the years. 

Every family should have a copy and ever dental office should be giving copies to their patients. 

Read more here:

And don't forget the machine that I think provides exceptional value and one that has the potential to also save you a great deal of cash and turmoil. 
