Friday, January 18, 2013

Introducing Annie Williams and Business Starts With People For Dental Offices

Annie Williams From Business Starts With People - Helping Dental Offices Put The Sparkle Back In Their Practice

What do I do?

My business looks at how to get the best out of the people in your practice, staff morale within dentistry is quite low due to long hours, poor salaries and lack of communication, this in turn will reduce the incoming revenue, as the costs of constantly replacing staff increases, and no-one wants to visit a practice full of unhappy and uncooperative people!! 
How is it done?

My first point of research comes through anonymous climate surveys which are sent directly to me to be assessed, I then identify and highlight the problem areas and formulate an action plan on how to move forward.

The results are taken to the principles and discussed. Together we initiate how to incorporate the team by transforming the problem areas into positive situations analysing each stage ensuring that the benefits are becoming apparent and all involved have a good understanding of the changes and able to adapt. For this to work it requires cooperation from the whole team.

What does the Principle/Stakeholder get?

They will get an increase in revenue, as staff will become more involved within the practice and happily donate their views and time to increasing revenue, new patients, and research initiatives. 
When looking at the costs for replacing members of staff it can reach anything up to £5000, which includes temporary staff cover, recruitment fees, induction time and resources, not forgetting extra pressure on those left in the practice.

I have undertaken this at many practices and the results have been phenomenal staff members have gone above and beyond their duties, purely because someone stopped, looked and listened.

You can find Annie At This Website: 

Twitter  @anniewilliams23  

Business Telephone:  07581475066


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