If you are like many people out there, you may have bought a whole lot of these very expensive products only to find that no matter how hard you work, you just can't get to where you want to be.
Not everyone can be as successful as they want to be. There are reasons for that, but they are NOT something these success gurus are at all aware of. Therefore, they cannot teach these reasons to you, even if they wanted to.
It is like the blind leading the blind. They really have no better understanding of why you can't be as successful as them than you do. In fact, probably less so. You know you better than they know you.
So what are these principles that work to keep you from the success that you are seeking?
While, I myself, may have a rudimentary understanding of them, I do not feel at all qualified to explain them.
Instead, I will direct you to a book called Zhuan Falun. This book can help you to understand not only the answer to the above question, but it can help you to understand many other things about this world that we live in, how it works and why it is the way it is.
I am pretty certain, that you will discover things that you really never knew before upon reading this book.
You can download a free copy of this book, in the language of your preference at this web site.
Go there now.
David Snape
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