Thursday, June 13, 2013

Is The Government Recording Everything You Do?

You may or may not already be aware of this article in the Washington Post

Since this story is a couple of weeks old, you may already be aware of it.

I'd like to ask you what you think about this wide scale data collection where your voice calls and emails are copied and saved by the NSA - National Security Agency?

1. Do you feel that it is ok and that "as long as you are not doing anything wrong" it doesn't matter?


2. You are against the collection and storage of every single email and voice call that you ever make or receive? 

If you have thoughts on this topic, please share them in the comments below.  




  1. Richard H. Holden D.V.M.June 14, 2013 at 12:00 AM

    Hi David,

    Should the government record everything the citizens do?

    Of course not. No question about it. The constitution is only a starter on this topic. If you want to sponsor a world class market environment, where bonds are stable, where stocks make sense, where patents protect inventors, where businesses go head to head, then you can not allow cheating. If someone can listen to your life and read your private documents, and see your hand in the card game, you don't have a real game at all.

    Game over.

    They are advertising the fact with everything they do.

    There is a non-stop demonstration of the fact that the United States is vulnerable to attack and has a weak underbelly. As I watch the BBC showing me as much as they can the take down of the prey by the predator, the chase, the killing, while calling the video a children's educational show, I still can't watch the end take place. The killing of the baby elephant while watching with night vision cameras from a secure truck location. No one steppping out of the truck and shooing off the lions and saving the day. Just hours of watching the killing and still calling it children educational material. My 9 year old son can stand the killing scene while I can't. He has been desensitized to the collapse and can stand right next to the event and let it happen. I can't. I would step out of the truck and yell at the top of my lungs .... GET THE FUCK OUT and of course back that yell with a big fucking gun.

    1. Well hopefully the lions didn't have lookouts behind the truck you were sitting in, that might be a problem.
