Thursday, June 13, 2013

What Do You Think About Fluoride? - Comment 1


You are free to go to the above page to read the other comments there or to share your own views.  As the moderator I must keep an impartial stance. 

You can also leave your comments about fluoride use here on this page, but I respectfully suggest that it would be better to leave them on the page found at the above link. 

I'm pretty sure you may have an opinion about fluoride, so I want to encourage you to leave a comment.    A growing number of cities and towns are voting to remove the fluoride from their drinking supply.   

How do you feel about this issue?  Are you pro-fluoride or anti-fluoride?

The more rational and sound argument you can muster, the more likely you are to influence others on this topic.  

I invite you to go there and make yourself heard on this topic. 


PS:  Get your free guide to stopping bad breath   or gum disease

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