Friday, May 20, 2016

Can The Zika Virus Be Treated With Silver And Gold?

So, science already knows that gold and silver kill viruses.  Can colloids of these elements be used?

Science also knows that ozone can kill viruses as well.

These solutions seem relatively simple, don't they?

I wonder why the government sees the need to dump 1.9 Billion dollars into the problem?

Medical grade ozone for intravenous therapy is already available.

Wouldn't it be possible and better to work with the simple and cost effective solutions that they already know about?

I'm just asking the questions,  I don't have definitive answers.  Share your opinion below.

Of course, you should not self treat.  Always be under the care of a qualified physician when exploring your options.

If you have any comments on this post,  share below under comments.


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