Saturday, April 23, 2016

Special Dupont Filament Toothbrushes

If you have been looking for a different kind of toothbrush, you can try these quantum's out.

I gave one to my mother and she reported back to me that it she felt her mouth was cleaner after using these toothbrushes over those she had experienced in the past.  

I was intrigued to hear that.  I personally don't detect that difference but that could be that I use items beyond toothbrushes in an attempt to keep my teeth clean and my gums healthy.

The reason I thought it was interesting is because my mother is coming from a 'raw' experience.  She doesn't use the items I use.   So, she was really feeling a difference with this particular toothbrush.

The kind of toothbrush I'm talking about has special tufted filaments made by Dupont.  You don't see this type of toothbrush filament just anywhere.

If you would like to read more about them,   you can see them here:

David For ToothyGrinsStore