Saturday, March 30, 2013

Caring For Colorado Foundation and Dr. Chris J Wiant's Article on Dental Care

I found this article at the Craig Daily Press online

Dr. Wiant's article is very interesting.   It states that nearly 4 out of every 10 Coloradans don't have dental insurance.

Caring For Colorado Foundation  has been able to increase patient visits over the last 10 years  by a substantial amount.   In addition, they have helped to establish 10 non-profit clinics.  That's Awesome!

I applaud the Caring For Colorado Foundation for their efforts.   I also applaud Dr. Wiant for sharing this great information with us. 

It seems to me,  based on limited knowledge, that a similar under served population exists in many states in the US.   Dental care is expensive and dental insurance is perhaps even less prevalent than regular health insurance.

The US sure is having a tough time with health care isn't it?   The cost of dental care when compared to GDP is so much higher than most (or perhaps all) other developed nations.  That is incredible, isn't it?

Unfortunately,  the problems don't seem to be fundamentally fixable.  As of yet, there has not been a solution that everyone will agree upon that actually works towards lowering health care costs and thereby presumably allowing access for more people. 

As we have seen with other recent legislation, once a bill goes to lobby, it is subject to all kinds of changes from various influencers.   That means powerful money groups with big budgets will exert their influence.

Unfortunately, what these power groups want (for their group members or special interests) often does not square with what is best for the people or the nation.

But perhaps the Caring For Colorado Foundation has set an example for a possible partial solution or  offset to the problem. 

Congrats again to the foundation and thanks to Dr. Wiant for writing this article.  

I would love to hear some comment's from dental health professionals on this??


And don't forget about prevention as well.  Many expensive dental procedures could be avoided in the first place, if patient's were more educated about prevention.   My favorite.   


PS:  Get your free guides on fighting gum disease and stopping bad breath  

PPS: prevention can also help a lot in reducing an individual's or family's health care costs.  My favorite prevention tool. 

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