Monday, March 25, 2013

Smoking Can Be Fatal - In German

Smoking Can Be Fatal In German is:  Rauchen kann tödlich sein

This is what is written on cigarette advertisements and cartons in Germany 

Here is a video to give you an idea of the pronunciation:   


Not only can smoking be fatal, it is not good for your dental health either! 

Here is an excerpt from the book: What You Should Know About Gum Disease : A Layman's Guide to Fighting Gum Disease. 

Smoking: It seems like there are plenty of good reasons to give up smoking. Here is yet another. Smoking is a contributing factor to the development of gum disease. This could be because of the smoke’s effect on the immune system or the direct effect of the smoke on gum tissue. Smoking dries out the mucous and saliva-producing tis- sues of the mouth, and smoke is also toxic in nature. Any of these reasons—and more—can be why smoking contributes to the progression of gum disease. It makes sense, right? Smoke is poison and poison harms the tissues of the body. 

You can also find the book : What You Should Know About Gum Disease here. 

If smoking is affecting your breath (of course it does) you might want to counter that with a little : French Kiss Chewing Gum.  

If you haven't quite yet, I hope this helps to motivate you to 'make it happen'.   And if you love someone who hasn't quit yet,  you could send this page to them.  


PPS obtain your guide on stopping bad breath. 

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