Showing posts with label gum disease. Show all posts
Showing posts with label gum disease. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Covid-19 And Gum Disease

Covid-19 And Gum Disease 

Today's Theme:  "Your mouth reflects the health of your body".  

Interesting Info On Gum Disease and Covid-19  

Researchers have, for many years, noticed a relationship between gum disease and heart disease, lung disease, diabetes and a number of other illnesses.   
Farmers have always known that the health of livestock is reflected in their mouths.  Hence, the saying, "Don't look a gift horse in the mouth".   
Now, The Journal of Clinical Periodontology has published an article indicating that there is a relationship between gum disease and Covid-19 in the sense of higher risk of ICU admission, ventilator need and death.  
You can read more here:  
As you may have heard me say many times: the HydroFloss is the best tool that I have personally used to help my gums to get healthy and stay healthy.   Keep your pockets to 3mm or less.   If you can do that, generally speaking, most dental professionals would say your gums are healthy.  
As you can see above,  keeping your gums healthy may have a big impact on the health of the rest of your body.   
You may share this newsletters with others if you would like to!   

Thank You And Stay Motivated!  

The Journal mentioned above, also published two studies on the HydroFloss, both studies showed that the HydroFloss was about 50% more effective at reducing plaque and tartar buildup between your regular dental cleanings - compared to irrigators without the patented hydromagnetic technology.   Those studies were published in May 0f 1993 and April of 1998 in the journal.   

Hopefully, you found motivation to keep on hydro flossing.  Stay diligent with it.   Always ask your hygienist or dentist to measure your pockets and make sure they are at or below 3mms.  


Sunday, April 5, 2020

Lung Infections and Gum Disease

Lung Infections and Gum Health Or Disease

I found an interesting abstract in PubMed about respiratory disease and gum disease.
It appears that gum health (or lack of it) has some relationship to lung infections.  
The conclusion of the abstract:  "The findings of the present analysis support an association between respiratory and periodontal disease..."

Here is a link to the abstract if you care to read it:

I remember when I wrote my book about gum disease 12 years ago, that there was a seeming relationship between gum disease and lung infections - and a number of other diseases as well. 

Research continues. We don't draw definitive conclusions.  But we also don't have to in order to take action that may be beneficial. 

If farmers and ancient people knew that livestock were not good if there mouths were not healthy, it makes sense that researchers of today would start to notice this association too. 

Gum disease is believed to be related to so many other health problems.  The question becomes, which comes first, the chicken or the egg?  That question doesn't currently have a definitive answer.  But I can tell you one quick story.   A doctor called me, he was an anesthesiologist.  He bought a HydroFloss and we got to talking about what he does.  He worked in cardiac surgery.   He mentioned that nearly all of the heart patients they operated on had rather advanced periodontal disease (gum disease).  

Some thoughts to ponder.  The gum tissue in our mouth is rather thin.  That tissue has many blood vessels supplying it.   If there is an infection, like gum disease, it could act as a chronic wellspring that allows bacteria into your bloodstream. 

I remember reading that when analyzing the plaque that occurs around the heart when arteries are diseased, that p. gingivalis - an oral bacteria known for causing gum disease was found in that heart plaque.   

That being the case, that could easily count as a reason why the health of the mouth is related to the health of the rest of the body.  

Bottom line:  Just an opinion, but it would seem prudent to keep on Hydro Flossing.

Stay Healthy and Well! 

PS:  Life is short and we all want to remain healthy to enjoy our years on Earth.   I have found these gentle and relaxing exercises to be helpful in that regard:

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Gum Disease Is A Problem That Has Plagued Mankind For Thousands Of Years

 Gum Disease Facts

Gum disease is the number one reason people lose their teeth.    Many people don't realize this is the truth. 
The second shocking truth is that approximately 3 out of every 4 people, or 75% of people have some gum disease now. 
I learned a long time ago that keeping my periodontal pockets under control is the best defense against this awful problem that has plagued mankind for thousands of years.   
The one tool that I can recommend to you that has helped me to do this is the HydroFloss: 
Keeping your periodontal pockets to 3mm or less is the key.  When the pockets are that shallow, you may prevent the bacteria from destroying bone and flesh. 
You can have your dentist or hygienist measure the pockets for you.   Make them do it on every visit.  This is the only objective way to know where you are at.  

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

How To Stop Gum Disease Update Sep 7 2019

A couple of days ago, I received a call from a person in the North East of the country.  
She told me that thanks to the HydroFloss her gums have never looked better in her entire life.  
She said that she did not know how bad her gums were because they were like that most of her life.  She thought it was normal. 
I was delighted to hear that story.  It's not the first time that I have heard someone say that.   Gum health is really hard to tell by looking in the mirror.  
Sometimes people don't know there is a problem until that problem isn't there anymore!  
Gum disease is a silent disease (for the most part)  over time it destroys tissue.   Many people think they are just getting old when they see their gums recede.  Most of the time, that's not really it. 
She was happy to have a HydroFloss and my customers who talk to me personally get the information they need to empower them to a better chance for success. 
When customers purchase at the following link, they are entitled to an up to 30 minute phone call with me.  It usually doesn't take that time to impart the information and experiences I have to share.  
You can go it alone, and it might still work.    But what if you had someone tell you the shortcuts to give yourself the greatest chance of success?   
The best part is, your dentist will be able to verify your results.  I can tell you how that works too. 
Here is that link: 
Stay healthy and well

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

HydroFloss and Gum Disease

Can The HydroFloss Help With Gum Disease?  

While each human body is different which makes it impossible to definitively answer this question, I can provide information and subjective experiences.  

Periodontal Pockets

The only objective measurement for gum disease is something called periodontal pocket depths.  

Most dental professionals would agree that when those pockets are at 3mm or less your gums are healthy. 

Most would also agree that when you are at 4mm or more, you have a problem.   a.k.a.  gum disease

Usually when this happens, dental offices would like to perform a SRP or 'Scaling and Root Planing' on you.  

This is an expensive and painful (after the anesthetic wears off - if they use one) experience.   

How I Shrunk My Periodontal Pockets

My dentist wanted to do a SRP or 'deep cleaning' on me for quite some time.  I kept saying no to the treatment and tried to find something that would work. 

I tried various toothpastes and mouthwashes, essential oils and oil pulling (although I may have used the wrong kind of oil).    If you are going to try it, I suspect coconut oil would be a better choice.  

Nothing worked for me!   And after several visits the dentist was still after me for the 'deep cleaning' treatment. 

Finally, I found the HydroFloss Oral Irrigator that you see pictured above.   It worked!   It shrunk my pockets down and the dentists said, "Whatever you are doing, keep it up.  You don't need that treatment anymore".      

She didn't seem interested in knowing what I did.  Which I found quite strange.  

You can read more about the Hydro Floss at these two locations

For mobiles and tablets:   

Sunday, October 14, 2018

Gum Disease And Gingivitis Cure?

Is there a cure for gum disease or gingivitis?   

Let me start out by suggesting that the cure word is a big 'No, no!"  in health care.  You will very seldom here health care practitioners talk about a cure.  They usually avoid that word like the plague.
They usually talk about 'treatments' or protocols2 or something like that.  But seldom will you hear the word 'cure'.   It's nearly taboo and for a number of good reasons that we don't need to elaborate on here.

We will follow the same line in this blog post.  We won't talk about a cure for gingivitis or a cure for gum disease.  Instead we will talk about what has worked for a lot of people and might work for you too.   In addition, I'll give some tips on how you can prove to yourself if it is working or not.  So read on.

Gum Disease And Gingivitis Basics

Gingivitis is usually considered the beginning stage of gum disease and when they use the word gum disease, it is slightly more advanced.   When they get to "periodontal disease"  it's usually a little more serious.   But,  please understand that these terms are somewhat interchangeable and the definitions are a bit blurry at times.    Just understand that these three terms describe the same disease process, just to varying degrees.

What Is The Gum Disease / Gingivitis Process?

It is essentially anaerobic bacteria run amok.  Much revolves around the depth of your periodontal pockets - which your dentist can measure for you.   When those pockets are deeper than three millimeters, generally speaking,  most dental health professionals will call that a disease situation.

Conversely,  at 3 mm or less, most dental professionals would consider that tissue to be healthy.
When the 'bad' anaerobic bacteria accumulate to sufficient quantities the are able to secrete enough toxic acids  (mostly waste products) to destroy your tissue.  That would refer to gum tissue as well as the supporting bone underneath.  When the bone underneath is destroyed you often see the results as receding gum tissue.

Again, when the periodontal pockets are 3mm or less, the bacteria, it is generally thought, cannot achieve sufficient quantities of acidic by products to destroy tissue.   Hence you have the cutoff of 3mm as the line between healthy and unhealthy gum tissue.

How The Periodontal Pocket Depth Numbers Directly Help You

This is perhaps the most important piece of information in this blog post.  So, if you can only focus on one place, put that focus here.
Whether you utilize my preferred methods for combatting gum disease or some other method, the periodontal pocket depth readings are perhaps your only objective way to figure out if you are improving or not.

Because they are a relatively objective way to measure gum health, these numbers empower you.  It takes the guess work out and it eliminates your reliance on someone else to explain where you are at.  It also reduces someone's ability to scare you into expensive treatments.

Furthermore,  they inform you on the progress or lack thereof of what you are doing at home to stop this problem.   What you do at home is most important and it is the key to knocking this problem out.
So, as a recap:  When your periodontal pockets depths are 3mm or less, generally speaking, most dental health professionals will tell you that your gums are healthy.   When they are more, generally the opposite is true.

Find out what your baseline is today and measure what you do from this point forward against that baseline.

This will tell you where you are at on your journey and if you have arrived at your destination without being totally dependent on someone else's opinion.   If the last few paragraphs didn't make sense, read them again and stew on them a while.  It should become evident how important this is at some point.  Or bookmark this page and come back and read it again tomorrow and more until you 'get' it.

What Worked For Me Personally

I was in a situation where my dentist and hygienist were pushing me to get a Scaling and Root Planing treatment.  This is also know as SRP treatment or 'deep cleaning'.    That was at least 12 years ago and I've never had one because the need for it, as stated by my dentist, went away.
How did that happen.  Well, I had been told by my dentist and hygienist that nothing else would work aside from this treatment.

However, I found information that indicated to me two things:
  1.  You can have gum recession as a result of this treatment
It doesn't really address the root cause and consequently a person often needs the same treatment again in 1 to 3 years.

I could not imagine how this could possibly be the 'best thing' for me.   I however was stuck for some time.

I tried a number of things including various mouthwashes, oil pulling, essential oils and different combinations of things.   In some cases, I think some of these may have made the problem worse.

I'm not saying those things don't work for some people, but I am saying they did not do the job for me.  I did finally find something that works after this lengthy period of trial and error.  I kept going back to the dentist and hygienist and they kept telling me what I was doing wasn't working and that I still needed their treatment.

That is until:  I started using this device.     After using that device for several months, I went back and this time I was told by the same dentist, "Whatever you are doing, keep it up.  You don't need that treatment any longer".    Bang, problem solved - for me.

I have since discovered that when used correctly, many other people have achieved similar results to mine.   I have heard from a number of people who say this is what keeps their gums healthy and that their dentist is surprised to see their gums in such good shape.

I decided to write a book about my experience and share the information that I uncovered about the disease process itself, the above mentioned device and a number of other useful things I found.   This book is available in both paperback form and e-book form. 

I also have a free guide entitled How To Stop Gum Disease In 4 Easy Steps.  You can find that here.  

No matter what you have read here, you should always be under the care of a good periodontist.  They are specialized dentists in gum health and disease and they are the primary professional you should seek out if you have or think you might have gum disease.

Sunday, August 14, 2016

How Do You Know If You Have Gum Disease?

As you may be aware, many dental professionals think that about 75% of people have some gum disease right now.

The problem is,  how would you know if you are among the 3 out of every 4 people who are estimated to have the problem?  

The answer to this question is to choose an objective measurement and not rely on what you think you might see in the mirror.

What is the objective measurement?   It is the periodontal pocket depths.  This is a measurement of how far a periodontal probe can be placed between your tooth and the gum tissue surrounding it.

Generally speaking, when that measured depth is 3 mm or less, most dental professionals would say that tissue is healthy.

On the flip side of that, again generally speaking, most dental health professionals would say that your gums are unhealthy if you have pockets greater than 3mm.

That's the closest you are likely to get to an objective answer to the question, "How do you know if you have gum disease."

I hope that makes sense?   If not, you can ask a question in the comment section below.

Who Takes These Measurements?  

Your dental hygienist or your dentist can take these measurements.  They can even chart them and compare future readings as well.  

Getting your pockets to 3mm or less is crucial if you want to avoid the negative effects of gum disease both now and in the future.   Gum disease is the number one cause of tooth loss.  

Tooth loss can lead to expensive implants or dentures.  Even if you have lost one or even a few teeth,  it is worth it to start protecting your remaining teeth.  

There is no artificial substitute that is as good as the real thing!   

Finally, one of the most powerful tools I know of to help support healthy gums is the HydroFloss.   You can check one out here.

Of course, you will always want to be under the care and guidance of a good periodontist if you have or think you might have gum disease, gingivitis, periodontal disease or any other term you want to give to what is essentially the same disease process at different stages.

Stay healthy and well,

David for

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Are There Any Natural Cures For Gum Disease?

A Word About The Word 'Cure'

First, if you are having issues with gum disease or any other oral health problem, please be sure you are under the care of a licensed, qualified dentist.

Second,  cure is a dangerous word.  Are you cured of gum disease if your periodontal pockets shrink to 3mm or less?   Or are you still in danger of the condition returning?

Are you cured of cancer if you are in remission?   You see, the word cure is rather troublesome and I do object to its use.

However, we can talk about what you can do to try and control gum disease or get your gums down to 3mm or less on those periodontal pockets.   Most dental professionals, generally speaking, will consider your gums healthy when your pockets are at 3mm or less.

Therefore, your end goal with gum disease might be to get those pockets to 3mm or less.  That's a fairly objective way for you to monitor you gum health and know if what you are doing works or not.

Why 3mm Or Less On Those Periodontal Pockets?  

Generally speaking, it appears that the 'bad' (anaerobic bacteria) cannot accumulate to large enough populations to damage your gum tissue and supporting structure when those periodontal pockets are no bigger than 3mm.  

However, go above that level and the bacteria can grow to large enough numbers that their acidic secretions begin to destroy tissue and bone.   This is essentially what gum disease is and what it does.  
Gum disease is a HUGE problem in the world today.   Depending on who you talk to, gum disease may afflict 75% of the population.  Some quote lower numbers somewhere around 50% - but in either case that is 3 out of every 4 or 1 out of every 2 people!    

That's a huge number.  That's why Periodontists usually have full offices!  

Since those numbers are so high and keeping those pockets down is so crucial, and the evidence tends to support the concept that 3mm or less is good for gum health, then it makes sense to move in that direction, right?  

Since these are objective measurements, relatively speaking, those pockets also make a great gauge for you to personally be aware of.   Just ask your dentist or hygienist to take those readings at every visit and compare them to your last measurements.  This is a great way to keep an eye on your gum health or lack thereof.  

One of the biggest problems with gum disease is that most people don't know they have it!  

Stop to consider what was mentioned above.   One out of every two people (better case) or 3 out of every 4 people (more alarming case) have gum disease right now.   That means half to most people.   How many people are in the room with you right now.   What are the odds that one or more of them have gum disease?

Even if you are in a room alone the odds are not good that you are free of it!  And when you don't think you have a problem, you are not likely to do anything about it.  Until, one day, the dentist or hygienist says it is time for a 'deep cleaning'  (SRP) or some sort of laser or gum surgery!

Then you find out you have been the victim of gum disease.  But what are you going to do then?   The same thing we mentioned above, work on getting those periodontal pockets down to 3mm or less.  Then you can stop the bad bacteria from destroying more tissue!

Tooth Loss Is Bad

As if the previous NEWS was not bad enough, gum disease happens to be the number one reason that people lose their teeth.   Accidents are relatively rare.  However, they do happen, particularly in sports.  But, gum disease is the usual culprit and suspect when teeth are lost.   

The solution to lost teeth is usually going to be dentures or implants.  Neither solution is as good as your natural teeth and both can be problematic.  

Keeping your natural teeth is ideal.  And I bet it is something you would like to do throughout your life.   If that is the case, consider paying attention to those periodontal pocket measurements at every office visit.  

What Can You Do?  

The most powerful tool that I know of that has helped me personally shrink pockets as well as many of the people I have spoken with over the phone the last several years is this one: 

I tried a lot of things when I was struggling with this problem.  I tried different kinds of mouthwashes, essential oils, oil pulling, brushing and flossing like crazy, but not much of a dent was made when I went back to my dentist to check my progress. 

My dentist was pushing me to get the dreaded 'deep cleaning' treatment.  I balked and didn't want it.  So I was trying hard to find a solution.  

After about a year, I found the HydroFloss.  Like many people I scoffed at the 'magnet' concept.  But I thought I should give it a try since nothing else was working.  

And as you can surmise, it did work.  It worked in a big way.  My dentist was quite shocked.  She told me to keep doing 'whatever' I was doing and that I didn't need that deep cleaning any longer.   

I was delighted.  If I can keep my pockets down and my gums healthy, perhaps I can keep my teeth until the end of this lifetime.  That would be great.  So many people suffer from the condition of lost teeth and the 'cure' of dentures or implants.   

Washing your teeth with water that has been through a magnet seems a lot more natural than those artificial solutions, doesn't it?    Well, I don't know how you answer that question,  but it sure seems like a better outcome to me!  

To your dental (gum) health!  


David for

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

How To Get Rid Of Gum Disease

How To Get Rid Of Gum Disease

Preparation and Back Info

Firstly, always be under the care of your dentist or , even better, a periodontist.  They specialize in gum disease.   

Regardless of what you read here, you should be working with a periodontist if you have gum disease.   

Gum Disease is the number one cause of tooth loss in the world.  So, it will pay you to learn how to mitigate this problem and then keep it from coming back.  

This is because the cost of a single implant is expensive.  If you have lost or will lose multiple teeth, the costs will add up - to a LOT.  

In addition, no artificial tooth, denture or other appliance is a perfect replacement for your own natural teeth.  These solutions all come with their own inherent problems and hassles.  

So, having your own teeth and keeping then healthy for a lifetime is in your best interest.  

Know Your Numbers

What you are about to learn right now about periodontal pocket depths will be very valuable to you.  It will give you a way to monitor your own situation and know whether you are making progress or not.   

If and when you get your gums healthy again,  knowing these numbers will help you to maintain your gains and help you make sure you don't slip backwards.  If you do, you will know it by monitoring these numbers. 

The basics:   Generally speaking, most dental health professionals will say that your gums are healthy when your periodontal pocket depths are at 3mm or less.  Conversely, and generally speaking again, most dental health professionals will say that your gums are unhealthy when your pockets are above 3mm.  

Key Point:  This takes the guess work out of your job which is to get your pockets down to 3mm or less and keep them there for the rest of your life.  

On every office visit you have, from now on, make sure they tell you what your pocket depths are, around each and every tooth.  That way you will know if you have a problem or still have a problem. You can compare your current numbers with the past numbers, regardless of whether you saved the past numbers or they did. You should save a copy for your own records - I hope that goes without saying.  Don't rely on others to safely keep your records.  

However, if you don't make sure they take those measurements, you won't know what you had last time.  So this is very important.   Every dentist or hygienist should be taking these numbers at every visit anyway.  Don't leave without getting them done.   

If you are going to a periodontist's office, there is far less chance of them forgetting.  Gum disease is their specialty so they like to know those numbers too.  In a regular dental clinic, it should be done as well.  However, sometimes, this doesn't get done.   A general practitioner's office isn't necessarily geared towards gum disease like a peirodontist's office is. 

What Are Periodontal Pocket Depths and Why Are They Important?  

Basically, these periodontal pocket depths are a measurement of how far a probe can go between your tooth and your gum tissue without meeting with resistance.  The less far it gets the better.  

Again, 3mm or less is generally considered preferable. 

The reason this is important is because it is when the pockets are deeper that the 'bad bacteria' can grow to large enough numbers to start destroying tissue and bone.  This leads to progressively more tissue destruction and bone loss.  The visible manifestation is receding gums and eventually loose teeth. 

Incidentally, if any of your adult teeth are loose right now, you need immediate attention from a periodontist.   This is past the point of prevention and you need help right away.   A good periodontist will have various techniques to strengthen your teeth and make them tight again.  However, you should be aware that many will suggest that you pull the tooth and get an implant.  This is easier for the doctor and more lucrative.  

Therefore, if you are in this situation, you might have to hunt around a bit for the 'right' doctor.  You want one who is interested in saving your teeth and not in pulling them and then providing an implant - unless you don't care and that is what you want.  

You may have to look around a bit.  The doctors who have this skill to the greatest degree are periodontists.   However and again, you need to find one that is interested in saving your teeth. Therefore, you may need to go to several, ask a lot of questions and pick one who wants to help you with what you want.  You want a doctor who won't go for the easy path of extraction and implant and will really help you to save any loose teeth you have  Got it?  I hope so.  

Again, if you have any loose teeth, go immediately to a periodontist.  Do not delay.  Go right now! Loose teeth are a sign that you have an advanced problem and prevention is no longer what you need. You need immediate attention for any loose adult teeth that you have.

Before this point is reached, you want to shrink those pockets up so that the tissue destruction will stop or be retarded.  The pocket depth numbers give you a more or less objective gauge to know how you are doing.  You'll be able to better determine if what you are doing at home is working or not.  

So, you see, keeping your periodontal pocket depths under control is an extremely important aspect to blocking the progression of gum disease.   I'll speak more about that later. 

I hope I have thoroughly explained the pocket depths and why they are important to you.

Your Home Care Is The Most Important Aspect To Stopping This Problem

What you do at home is the most important aspect to shrinking your pockets and keeping them minimized.   This is pretty obvious when you think about it.   You can only visit your doctor's office a few times a year to get checked up, get your teeth cleaned and have any needed work done.   No one will be there to clean your teeth daily for you.  So it is entirely up to you.

Plaque is a word that most people have heard before.  It's a big problem.  It's a 'living' biolayer of bacteria and their secretions, among other components.   The bacteria are actively building the plaque and the continue to do so constantly.

The plaque is important to the 'bad' bacteria that cause cavities, tissue destruction and even bad breath.  They need the plaque layer to remain intact.   The reason is that when the plaque layer is intact for about 24 hours or so, the 'bad' bacteria are shielded from oxygen.  When this happens, they use a form of are able to use a form of metabolism that is called 'anaerobic' or without oxygen.  This is where the problems start.

The anaerobic form of metabolism leads to acidic waste products.  It is believed that these waste products are what cause the tissue destruction.  This is why you want to disrupt plaque on a daily bases.  No one will be there to do it for you unless you are extreme and pay someone to brush and floss your teeth for you every day.   So it is really up to you.

This is why what you do at home every single day is the most important factor in your dental health. That plaque must be disrupted frequently, even multiple times per day.

I hope you now understand why you need to take action at home.  If you have the problem of gum disease and you have been doing regular brushing and flossing up until now,  you may surmise that you need something more.

Well, the statistics would agree with you.  If you remember, I mentioned that gum disease is something that affects about 75% of people.  It is difficult to imagine that 75% of people don't brush and floss, although I suppose it is possible.   Anyway, if 3 out of every four people still have gum disease then maybe those activities alone are not enough to stop this problem.   

Two Key Points About Gum Disease That Can Empower You, Reviewed

So, far we have covered two important points to keep in mind.

1. The daily disruption of plaque is very important to your dental health

2. Knowing your periodontal pocket depth numbers and what they mean are key to knowing where you are at and where you are headed compared to where you have been.

In addition, when and if you can get your pockets to 3mm or less, you know that most dentists, generally speaking, would consider your gums healthy at that point.  The process of tissue destruction, should, barring any other consideration, be arrested at this point.

Then, you know that you have to maintain the 3mm or less levels or the problem can return again.

Without the daily disruption of plaque and preferably multiple times per day, you also know that the 'bad bacteria' that cause this problem have a free pass to multiply very rapidly.   This living bio layer must be disrupted frequently.   Failure to do so means the rapid proliferation of what you don't want.

This is why even your dentist or hygienist should be telling you that what you do at home is of the most importance.  They can only see you a few to several times per year.  What you do at home is absolutely crucial to you.

However, you still need your dentist for regular checkups, to clean your teeth, fix any problems and of course, to check your periodontal pocket depths.

Hopefully, this all made sense to you.  Now, we can move on.

What You Should Know About Gum Disease

If you feel like the above information made sense, but you would like to know more than the following is for you.  It is also for you if you had trouble understanding the above as it will explain these concepts again in different forms.  

What You Should Know About Gum Disease Is a book that I wrote, you can purchase a hard copy here or a digital copy here.  

That book should really fill in any gaps you may have.  Anyone who purchases that book is also permitted to call me personally for further discussion.  

How To Stop Gum Disease In 4 Easy Steps

Another digital publication I have is call How To Stop Gum Disease In 4 Easy Steps.  It's shorter than above book and doesn't contain as much information, but it is free. 

You can get your copy, for free,  here.   *Please note, that it does require an email address to get it emailed to you.  

How To Get Rid Of Gum Disease

Now that we have the background out of the way, we can talk about what MIGHT work for you.  I say might because there is virtually nothing in the medical or dental realm that works 100% of the time for 100% of the people.

Therefore, there is always the possibility that it won't work for you.   However, you have learned, from this page, that you can use your periodontal pocket depths to figure out if it, or anything else you try for that matter is working for you.

So this page has a wealth of good information on it, so consider linking this page and sharing it with others - in order to help them too.

With the knowledge you now have about periodontal pocket depths, you can figure out what helps you and what does not.   Once you have those pockets shrunk, all that is left is to maintain them.

I tried a lot of things when my dentist told me I had this problem.  Nothing seemed to work.

I was getting frustrated and the dentist was trying to get me to submit to a Scaling and Root Planing treatment.  This is also called a 'deep cleaning' or SRP treatment.

As I just mentioned, nothing I tried worked.   I tried various mouth rinses, essential oils, and oil pulling but nothing worked to get those pockets shrunk and the dentist continued to push me towards the above mentioned treatment.

All of that changed for me, however, when I discovered the HydroFloss.  I used it a lot, more than I had to as I have since discovered.  But when I went back to my dentist, she was completely shocked.  She said to me "Whatever you are doing, keep it up."  You don't need that treatment anymore.

What was odd is that she never asked me what I was doing.  It was as if she didn't want to know.  I thought that was interesting.

I have since learned that many other people have obtained similar results with the HydroFloss.  That's why I sell it on this site.  It worked and it did the job.  That was over 10 years ago.  It has continued to keep my pockets under control and I have never been told that I have gum problems ever since.

So, the HydroFloss is the one device, I know has worked for a lot of people.   You can read more about it here.  

David For


PS: Whatever you do, please be under the care of a good dentist, preferably a periodontist.  They can monitor your progress and keep you on track.

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Conversation About Saving Loose Teeth

This conversation took place as a result of a previous article on saving loose teeth. 


"Thank you David, I really needed this now. One of my wisdom teeth is very loose and I was going to have it pulled. But if there is even a slight chance that it can be saved I will definitely go see a periodontist.

Thank you, you are the best. And your book is awesome.

Much love,



Thanks Zsofia,

Don’t get discouraged, the good periodontists are out there.  

Sometimes, you have to look harder and sometimes not!  

Thanks for saying nice things about my book, I really appreciate that!  

It helps me to know that my book is continuing to help people. 

May I quote you on my blog?  



"It would be an honour.



Saturday, June 27, 2015

The Gum Disease Problem Afflicts The Majority of Mankind And You Should Be Aware Of This

Gum disease is one of the most prevalent problems that human beings face today.  When asked, many dental health practitioners will tell you that approximately 75% of people have some gum disease right now!   That's staggering.

So many people have this problem that is known to be the number one cause of tooth loss.   If you want to avoid this problem, education is key.

A lost tooth can be both traumatic and costly to replace.   In the United States a single implant can cost more than two thousand dollars!  Implants and other solutions can all be problematic in their own way.   Nothing is a perfect substitute for your own natural teeth.

Plan on living for a long time?   Try your best to keep your natural teeth.   Gum disease has been linked to many other diseases such as heart attack, stroke, lung infections, oral cancer and even things seeming unrelated like diabetes. 

Inflammation of the gums may be considered as a constant infection that your body has to use its precious resources fighting against.    Many cardiac patients have periodontal disease! 

Check out this book - it's a true eye opener!   - with 75% of people having some gum disease - and not knowing it - it's nearly a sure bet that someone in your immediate family could use this information right now.  

Author: What You Should Know About Gum Disease 

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Home Remedies For Gum Disease

* First and most important point :  Be sure that you are under the care of a dentist or, better yet, a periodontist when fighting gum disease.  This disease is not something you should mess around with. 

1. Gum disease is the number one cause of tooth loss.

2.  According to many dental professionals about 75% of people have gum disease right now. 


This is a problem that many people face and do not know they are facing it.  Kudos to you if you are aware of the problem.


You need to understand this problem thoroughly,  so get this book:

The book 

There are many things you can do at home.  But understanding the what and why is very important.  

Skip to the chase: 

This is the best and most useful tool for home use that I have found.   If used correctly, it can make a huge difference.   This is not like other brands, it is special.

Check it out here.     or on Amazon

Get Checked Out


I cannot stress to you enough that you should be under the care of a good dentist or periodontist when fighting this problem.    They need to monitor your progress and make sure that what you are doing is working. 

Having said that,  what you do at home is the most important.   Fighting the plaque and bacteria is something that must be done daily.    You cannot see your dentist every day.  And they cannot clean your teeth for you daily.

You are going to have to take responsibility for the daily work. 

Check out the two resources above.  Remember that any home remedies for gum disease that you try also requires working with your doctor to insure that you are making progress.

Gum disease, if allowed to progress can easily lead to lost teeth.   Get your periodontal pockets down to 3mm or less.

Keep visiting your dentist to monitor the problem and to determine when your gums are healthy again.


David Snape

Friday, September 5, 2014

Mouthwash For Gum Disease - Are There Any Good Ones?

Mouthwash For Gum Disease

There are both prescription mouthwash and commercial mouthwash available.  

When using either, you'll always want to be under the care of your dentist or periodontist.  They should monitor your situation.  Always tell them what you are using at home. 

The dentist can prescribe Chlorhexidine Gluconate - this is very powerful stuff and can ONLY be used for the short term.    Generally speaking, no more than 2 weeks tops.   One of the side effects is staining the teeth and therefore it isn't something you want to use long term.

Gum Disease Is A Big Problem

It really is.  Many dental professionals will tell you that gum disease affects about 75% or 3 out of every 4 people!  

Since gum disease is the number one cause of tooth loss, it is worth paying attention to.   If you have it, try your best to control it!   

Commercially Available Mouthwash.  

One mouthwash for supporting healthy gums is Perio Therapy.   It was created by a dentist and contains peppermint oil,  zinc and oxygenated compounds.  

That last is helpful because bad bacteria don't particularly like oxygen.  So giving them a lot of it tends to do some damage.  

I have a several items listed here for you to take a look at.   Each contains Perio Therapy Mouthwash.  

Contains 4 bottles of Perio Mouthwash Plus 2 PerioTherapy Toothpastes + A book to provide important information and understanding

1 bottle of PerioTherapy Mouthwash,  1 PerioTherapy Toothpaste and Moldable Trays to Keep Therapy Toothpaste Gel in Contact with the gums for a longer period of time

If you have questions, feel free to call...  



PS:  Get your free guide :  How To Stop Gum Disease In 4 Easy Steps  

Can Gum Disease Be Reversed? : Sound Impossible?

Can Gum Disease Be Reversed? 

This is a complex question.   Can the disease process be reversed?  Maybe.  But it takes some work.
Results can vary and there is always a small percentage of people who just can't do it.    

On the positive side.  Many people have made their gums healthy again.   

I want to stress, however, that you should always be under the care of a dentist or periodontist when working on this kind of problem.  

Can the damage that has already been done be reversed?   No and maybe a little bit.   That little will probably be dependent on procedures that your periodontist can perform.   They can do gum grafts where needed.  They can also sometimes stimulate the regrowth of periodontal bone with various procedures and Emdogain.  

However, without that kind of intervention, not much of the damage that has already happened is likely to go away.  At least not under the wisdom of the current level of medical technology. 

I say that because it is never a good idea to say something is 'impossible'.  

Reversing It

"Reversing" may not be the correct viewpoint.   Because it causes confusion.  Reversing the recession that has already happened might not be possible without the aforementioned medical help. 

However, can you make your gums healthy again?  

Let's say that the objective criterion is periodontal pocket depths.  This is the measurement that your dentist or hygienist should take on every visit.   

Generally speaking, when your periodontal pocket depths are at 3mm or less, most dentist will say that your gums are healthy again.   Meaning that the disease process is probably not going to keep moving forward - provided those depths stay at 3mm or less.  

So, that tells you that your end goal is to get to that 3mm ore less level - AND keeping them there once you achieve it.  

Personal Experience

My situation was diagnosed as 'mild to moderate' gum disease.   I was told that I needed what's called a Scaling and Root Planing Treatment.   These are also called 'deep cleaning' treatments.  

Eventually, I was told:  "Whatever you are doing, keep it up.  You don't need that treatment any more."   That's what my dentist told me after I made several attempts on my own to defeat this problem. 

For the record, I have never had a SRP (deep cleaning) and I have never been told that I have needed one since I 'figured it out'.  

I still go to the dentist on a regular basis for a checkup and to get my teeth cleaned.  You should to!  

* Please remember that you should always be under a doctor's care,  work with your dentist or periodontist. Let them know what you are doing at home.  Let them advise you and monitor your situation.   

Resources For You To Investigate

Here are some things that you can checkout on your journey towards finding out if you can reverse gum disease:   -   One book and one guide that I wrote about gum disease.  - The physical version of the book with the same name.  Also available on Amazon. - The tool I recommend the most.  You can use this at home and it can really help.  on Amazon   bundled packages

Phone:   Give me a call if you want to talk:  888-586-6849.  

Chat Box:   You should see one to the lower right.  If I'm on line you can chat with me. 



PS:  Get your free guide :  How To Stop Gum Disease In 4 Easy Steps  

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Can Gum Disease Be Cured?

Can Gum Disease Be Cured?  

Note: Cure is not the right word.  Very few professionals would use the word cure.   What is the right word? :  Controlled and perhaps even reduced!   But not cured...   Read on:

Many People Have Gum Disease

As Crazy as this may sound, a lot of people have gum disease.

Actually, a lot of people who have it are completely unaware.

This is not good because professionals will generally confirm for you that about Seventy-Five Percent of people have some gum disease right now.

Gum Disease Can Lead To Tooth Loss

What's really mind blowing is that gum disease is, by far, the most common cause of tooth loss.

That basically means that there are a large number of people who don't realize they lost a tooth and needed a replacement due to of gum disease!

Those implants are mighty expensive. In the US, they may run up to $2000 and more for a single one! Ouch!

Of course, you can go 'out of the country' to South America where it is less expensive. But, why not avoid the whole tooth loss thing in the first place?

Reducing The Power Of Gum Disease

To maximize your chances, you need knowledge. This book will help you to understand, in easy terms, what's going on with this.

Knowledge can equate to power, get powered up now:

The Gum Disease Fighting Trick That No One Told You About

When your periodontal pockets measure 3mm or less, generally speaking, most dental professionals will say that your gums are healthy! 

The trick is to reduce your pocket depths!  

One tool that has been helpful to a lot of people in this regard, including me personally is the:

You can get the Hydro Floss + The book mentioned above in this package if you so choose.  

You can ask questions in the comments below or simply call 1-888-586-6849. 

Sincerely wishing you success in your struggle against gum disease, 


PS:  Get your free guide on stopping gum disease. 

PPS:  You may also be interested in reading:   

Home Remedies For Gum Disease - Are There Any Good Ones?


PS:  Get your free guide to stopping gum disease

Thursday, July 31, 2014

Good Book On Dental Health

One of the biggest threats to your dental health is gum disease.   

This is a bad thing.  It is the number one cause of tooth loss.   

In addition,  lot of people lose teeth and get expensive replacements without ever knowing the cause of their misery was gum disease!   It's truly astounding when you think about it.

Did you know that:

  1. approximately 3 out of every 4 people have gum disease right now?  
  2. you dentist has not told you *everything* they  know about prevention?
  3. you can be 6 years old and have gum disease? 
  4. gum disease can be controlled? 
  5. Knowledge (about this problem) is power?  

Check out this very inexpensive but important book that every family should probably have on their book shelf.     

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

How It All Started For Me

I thought I would share a little bit about my story today.

When I was somewhere in my mid thirties, the dentist and hygienist were
trying to tell me how bad my gums were.

They warned me that If I didn't get their SRP (Scaling and Root Planing
or Deep Cleaning) treatment that I was in danger of losing my teeth.

I was convinced that this treatment wasn't the right direction for
me to go in.

So, I set out trying to figure out what was going on.   I learned
that bleeding gums were definitely a bad sign.

Mine didn't bleed at home, but they bled quite a bit when I was getting
my teeth cleaned.   At the time I thought that was normal.  But, nothing
could be further from the truth.

Once I was convinced that I really did have a problem, the next step
was figuring out what to do about it.

I kept trying different things like essential oils, oil pulling, various
kinds of mouthwashes.  But, every time I went back to the dentist,
they would shake their head and tell me it was time to get their

But I resisted.

Finally, I found the Hydro Floss.  When I went back
after using it for a few months, everything had changed.

My gums were healthy again!  This time my dentist was shaking her head
in disbelief!  She said, "Whatever you are doing, keep it up.".

But what really bothered me is that she never wanted to know what
I was doing.   I would think she would want to share that with her
other patients.

That was naive thinking on my part.  I understood what was going on
in retrospect and after thinking about it for a long time.

This inspired me to write the book: What You Should Know About Gum

And this is the reason I sell the Hydro Floss today.  I don't think
there is anything that works better and I'm not kidding when I say that.

So, if you have one, count yourself as among the lucky ones.
Hopefully, you are getting GREAT results.   If not, you should
call me.  Chances are there are a few tidbits of information that might
skyrocket your results.

You'll know its true if your dentist tells you your gums are healthy


David Snape

PS: I highly recommend this show for people of all ages. It is so
well done that it is astounding.