Why do I bring this up now? Because I was surprised to see someone smoking today.
Don't you see people smoking all the time? Yes, I do.
But, today was different.
It's bad for your lungs.
It's bad for your teeth.
It's bad for your heart.
It's bad for every part of your body.
Why Do You Still Smoke
I don't have any answer for that last one. People are not going to change until they are ready to.
All I can really do is talk about how bad it is to smoke.
Gross Anatomy
When I took gross anatomy, we had someone who had obviously smoked for a very long period of time in his life.
I remember that even though he had been soaked in formaldehyde for at least 6 months before we got him, the first thing I smelled when opening up the chest was CIGARETTE SMOKE!
It's absolutely sick. Smoke from INSIDE the chest cavity. It was even stronger than the formaldehyde smell.
Black Lungs
This man's lungs were coal black from the outside to the inside. It was the same degree of black on the outside of his lungs as the inside!You could cut all the way through his lungs lungs and it was just as black all the way through!
Normal lungs are PINK. PINK like a Caucasian's lips.
His lungs were BLACK like COAL all the way through!
I hope this information helps someone. This is a true story from my university / college days. I saw it myself with my own eyes.
Quit smoking.
Gum Disease
Smoking is also a risk factor for gum disease. According to professionals, approximately 3 out of every 4 people have gum disease anyway. If you smoke, how much higher are the odds against you?Do a little more than brushing and flossing to help keep your gums healthy.

David Snape
PS: Get your free guide to stopping bad breath or gum disease
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