Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Do You Have Any Organization Or Productivity Tips To Share With Me?

I have to confess something.  I am not organized.  I know this is true, not because I recognize it, but because other people have told me.

My wife tells me I'm not organized.   She is very, very organized.  She has all the important papers in the right places.

I do not.   I'd have to look for a while. 

I also know that when I was single, I would often leave things in seeming disarray.   I just don't think in terms of organization. Nor do I seem to care that much about it. 

The only reason I am interested in this topic is because I suspect it might have some relationship to Productivity!  

I am interested in being more productive, because I know there is plenty of room for greater productivity in my life.  

So, I am asking you: 

Do you have any organization tips (as it relates to being more productive)?   Or do you have any straight up productivity tips to share with me?

In either case, I think you can surmise that I could use some help in these areas.   Please leave your tips, thoughts, inspiration or opinion in the box below that says " Enter Your Comment..."

Here is one interesting resource I found by a young guy who seems to be pretty successful by many peoples' standards.


PS:   Thanks in advance for sharing your productivity and organizational tips below.   Others will probably visit this page and they might be able to benefit as well!

are you productive and organized?
 Please share your tips if you are!  (Below - "Enter Your Comment'...)


  1. If you have any productivity or organizational tips to share, this is the place. Would love to hear from you.

  2. Hi David, I have a few quick tips on being more productive:

    Focus on one thing at a time.
    Multitasking is so overrated. There's great benefits in focusing on one thing at a time. Turn off distractions, close out unnecessary computer programs and give your complete and total attention to whatever it is you have to do at a given point in time.

    Make sure you are using up-to-date tools.
    Using outdated tools, be it hardware or even software, can slow down your ability to get things done. Make sure you have the best, up-to-date tools available to you as you work so you won't have to go back and redo things at a later date.

    Don't confuse activity with productivity.
    Just because you are busy or active during the day, doesn't mean you are necessarily productive. Make sure that whatever you are working on at any given time is directly in line with your future goals and plans and is helping you to move forward each and every day.

    Hope that helps!

    1. Yes, that is perfect! Thanks Rashelle - where can people find you if they want to read more?

    2. Glad to be of help! Sure, they can visit my blog, The Order Expert, at http://www.theorderexpert.com. It's a special day today...I just reached 400 posts!

    3. that's great news! that is a good milestone. How long did it take to get to 400 posts?

    4. Thanks! It took two years, two months to be exact. I first started posting daily, then just every other day after the first two months or so.

    5. I just checked it out, it is a very nice looking blog. Everyone, should visit http://www.theorderexpert.com to check things out.
