Thursday, June 6, 2013

Why Does Your Breath Smell So Bad?

This is, of course, a very natural question.  It's also a very private one.  Which is why you came to this page, no doubt.    This isn't a conversation that most people are willing to have.

So, I don't want to disappoint you.

Here is a link to get some really good information for no cost. 

It's a large and well written publication. 

One of the leading experts on the topic of bad breath, over the last few decades, has written this book.

That's a very positive action because frankly, there just isn't that much good information out there on this topic. 

This is not an easy problem to solve.    You have possibly been to other sites and obtained information that didn't work out for you in the end. 

I believe this information has the potential to be different.   I think that it is possible to conquer this problem.  Knowledge is power.   Fortunately, this information doesn't cost you.

I could talk about oxygenation and pH balance here, but I don't want to spoil it from you.  The man who wrote this has degrees in both dentistry and bacteriology.   So, he is really well suited to write on this topic.

You will learn about VSCs  - Volatile Sulfur Compounds and how they affect the quality of our breath.  What strengthens them and what weakens the bacteria that create them.

Click this link to get the information , at no cost, now.



PS:  Get your free guide to stopping bad breath   or gum disease

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