Tuesday, September 10, 2013

The Pros And Cons Of Wisdom Teeth Removal

This was an interesting post in our dental health community.

It's about the pros and cons of removing wisdom teeth:

 You can read it here. 

It seems that conventional wisdom (no pun intended) is starting to shift a little.   Many doctors are beginning to realize that maybe the almost automatic removal of wisdom teeth should be toned down a bit.

Of course, there are often legit reasons to take them out.  But, all too often they are simply removed as a 'routine'.   That may not be necessary.

I remember having all of mine out in about 15 minutes - with only local anesthetic!

Those were the days, right?   just kidding. 

I also had a dry socket after that!   And that was definitely ~NOT fun.   If you have ever had a dry socket, then you know all about the pain that is involved!   

What is a dry socket?    It's when the clot washes away and bone is exposed to the air.   It's not fun, I can tell you that.

Typically, they stick a bunch of medicated gauze in the hole to until it starts to heal up a bit.

Well, I sure don't miss that experience!

Aside from getting wisdom teeth pulled, did you know that gum disease is the number one cause of tooth loss?

That's why you should get your no cost copy of :  How To Stop Gum Disease In 4 Easy Steps Now. 


10 hydro floss customer reviews.  David Snape
Author:  What You Should Know About Gum Disease

PS: get your free guides to conquering gum disease and bad breath.

Get your Copy of:   How To Stop Gum Disease In 4 Easy Steps


  1. good that you can only have them taken out once!

  2. I had to get mine out, they were infected : ( My face was like the moon : (

  3. Ouch! that sounds quite painful.
