That's a completely understandable feeling.
I'm going to tell you something that none of the other people out there are really saying:
It's TOUGH to make make money from blogging!
It's going to take persistence, hard work, diligent effort, learning, implementing and more!
Then you have to take your experience and somehow leverage that into profit.
After all that, there is no guarantee that you will get where you want to go. But some people do make it, so don't give up hope.
That is how life is, isn't it?
Remember, there are some who find success with their blogs and websites.
Lesson 1 : Watch what they do, rather than what they say.
Are other bloggers giving you advice about layout and design and blog commenting - as if that was all you needed to worry about?Now take a closer look at their businesses. Are they frequently emailing you to come back to their blog?
Something to think about, isn't it?
Look at some of the very popular websites out there. Even some of the big ones (large corporations) are sending email to people. In that email, aren't they constantly directing you back to their site? Or perhaps some other site or web page that they can potentially profit from?
If you think that what I said here was reasonable, sign up to get more about marketing and business on the Internet. Don't let your competition get ahead of you and leave you behind.

David Snape
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