Friday, June 12, 2015

White Toenail Fungus Treatment

WebMD defines White Toenail Fungus as  

"White superficial onychomycosis is a fungal infection of the nail surface. Symptoms include:
  • White spots or streaks on the nail surface.
  • Soft and powdery nail surface, as the infection gets worse.
  • Damaged, crumbly, and brown or gray nail surface. But the nail doesn't separate from the skin underneath."

Dr. Weil Toenail Fungus Treatment Recommendation

Dr. Weil's website says the following: 

"Dr. Weil has always recommended using tea tree oil, a natural disinfectant sold at health food stores, for nail fungus. Here, too, you won't get speedy results. Paint the oil on affected nails twice a day for at least two months. The nail has to grow out for the fungus to be eradicated, so you may not see results for a year. An alternative remedy is grapefruit seed extract used the same way as tea tree oil - twice a day for at least two months. Eating 1-2 cloves of raw garlic a day may also be helpful over time as garlic has significant anti-fungal properties."

Additional Help. 

Here is some information on a customer who used tea tree oil on his toenail fungus.  He offers a unique twist that I think is worth reading.  

Remember to always be under the care of a physician.   Don't try to self diagnose because what if the problem is something other than what you think it is?    When self-treating something, even if you know what it is, it is still best to be under the guidance of a physician so that she can monitor your progress and help insure that everything goes smoothly. 



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