Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Is There A Treatment For Shrinking Gum Pockets?

Essentially, laser gum surgeries, deep cleanings, a.k.a Scaling and Root Planing Treatments (SRP) and other treatments are aimed at reducing and shrinking periodontal (gum) pockets.

However, what is often not disclosed is that the recipients of these treatments will likely have to go through those treatments again 1 to 3 years or so later.  So, these treatments are not necessary going to have a lasting impact.

And of course, that is the essence of the difference between the two words "treatment" and "cure".   Most health care practitioners will not use the word cure at all.  Frankly, it is a bit dangerous to do so. A cure implies a permanent solution that works 100% of the time.  That's hard to pull off in any branch of medicine.

But these treatments are often very expensive, aside from not being 'permanent'.  So, are there any alternatives that could be helpful?

It's a fair question.  After all, who wants to spend thousands of dollars every couple of years to keep gum disease under control?   Yet, many will do so when there is a lack of awareness of other possibilities.  

Whenever dealing with gum disease or any other kind of oral health issue you should always be under the care of a qualified dentist or periodontist.   This is important.  Gum disease is the number 1 cause of tooth loss.  Therefore, it is important to 'get it under control' (and keep it there) as quickly as possible.

Gum disease is a bit mysterious to those who have no exposure or knowledge of what it is about.  But, don't let it be mysterious.  Essentially, it means that you have enough 'bad' bacteria accumulated , that secrete enough acids to destroy periodontal (gum tissue) which includes the periodontal bones that actually hold up the gums.  That is one reason you may see recession with gum disease.  

Is There an Alternative For Shrinking Those Pockets?    

I once faced the problem of gum disease.  I was offered the 'deep cleaning' treatment that usually runs around $1500 for the whole mouth.  I felt there had to be a better way and I looked high and low.

I tried a number of things including various mouthwashes, electric toothbrushes, essential oils and oil pulling.   I would go back to check with the dentist and sure enough none of these methods did not have much of an impact.  The dentist insisted that I needed that treatment right away.

Then one day, I happened upon the HydroFloss Oral Irrigator.   I decided to buy one and try it.   Sure enough, after several months of use I went back to the dentist who was quite shocked.  She told me that, "Whatever you are doing, keep it up.  You no longer need that treatment."    I was, of course, delighted.  My hard work and decision to find an answer and to stick with it, paid off.

Those periodontal pockets shrunk down to normal levels (3mm or less) and when that happens, the bacteria cannot accumulate to large enough quantities to secrete enough acidic waste products to destroy tissue.

Generally speaking, your dentist will tell you that your gums are healthy when those periodontal pockets are 3mm or less.  Generally speaking, they will also say your gums are unhealthy or 'diseased' when the pockets are above 3mm.    I had 4s and 5s and if I remember correctly, one 6.

The HydroFloss worked for me.   However, after I began to sell the HydroFloss I found that many of my customers had similar stories to tell.

Nothing is guaranteed 100% of the time for 100% of the people, but it seems like the HydroFloss works for a lot of people.   Of course, you always want your dentist to monitor your situation and keep an eye on those periodontal pocket depths (which they can easily measure) .  

I hope this story helped to educate and inform you a little.

 If you want to learn more about the HydroFloss, check it out here. Again, be sure to work with your dentist to monitor for results or lack thereof.   If this doesn't work for you, you may need to opt for one of those traditional treatments.


David for

free guide: How To Stop Gum Disease In 4 Easy Steps.

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