This is a connection that most of us have heard about before.
Of course, more research is called for.
I found this article here:
The article mentions a connection between gum disease and pneumonia.
This does lend itself to common sense. If we have a rampant bacteria infection in the mouth, its fairly likely that some of those little beasties find their way to our lungs.
Not a big surprise.
Of course, researchers have been noticing some type of connection between gum disease and all kinds of health problems including heart disease, mouth cancer, diabetes, osteoporosis and others. Not much is completely conclusive. But many doctors today feel confident that the connections exist.
Controlling Periodontal Disease
Terminology explained. Gum Disease, Periodontal disease and gingivitis are all terms for various stages of the SAME disease process.The culmination of this process leads to lost gum tissue, lost supporting bone, loose teeth and finally a tooth or teeth falling out or needing to be pulled.
So, it pays to control this problem. How do you do it?
One of the key points you have probably never been told (as a patient) are the periodontal pocket depths. These relatively objective measurements can tell you where the health of your gums are at.
You ask your hygienist or dentist to measure them on EVERY visit for a cleaning and checkup.
Ideal pocket depths are 3mms (millimeters) and below. If your numbers are getting better at each visit, that's awesome. You know you are headed in the right direction.
One tool that I have personally found to be helpful (and many other people too) is this one
Good hygienists and dentists that care about their patients already know about this tool. And they tell their patients to get it.
By controlling your periodontal pocket depths, generally speaking, you are controlling, limiting and preventing any further damage.
Success in this area could very well mean that you get to keep your teeth (or the rest of them) for a lifetime of good service.
So Study Up On This Tool Today - if you are an individual, it may help you. If you are a doctor, it may very well help your patients reach and maintain periodontal health!
In either case, this information should be spread. Link to this page today and tell others about it.
David Snape
PS: Free guide
related resources:
*I speak in general terms only. If you have specific questions about your unique dental health situation, address those questions to your doctor or dentist.
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