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Looking for a Tea Tree Oil Coupon?
Check out this 40% Discount on Tea Tree Oil here:
Not all tea tree oil is created equal. Some is MUCH better than others.
Lookout for the following because regardless of which tea tree oil coupons you utilize, you'll want to
know about what to look for:
1. Make sure it is from Australia. Industry experts generally agree that the Australian Tea Tree Oil is the best. Tea Tree Oil can come from China, New Zealand and other places. If it doesn't say "Australian" on the bottle, you might want to think about it. Why wouldn't they say that if it were? Look for the source of the oil.

Upon closer inspection however, it looks like there were two OTHER oils in the bottle! One was lemon grass and the other was something else - I don't remember.
That tea tree oil was CUT with other oils. What do you think that would do to the potency of the oil?
Yes, they had "100% pure tea tree oil" - but they had some other oils too! Look for 100% Pure Tea Tree Oil on the label and make sure there are NO OTHER oils in the bottle!
That was a not-so-nice marketing ploy! Don't fall for that.
Oil blends and tea tree cut with other oils is usually thick. Real 100% Pure tea tree oil is NOT a thick or heavy oil!
Whatever purpose you want tea tree oil for, it just makes sense that you would want to start with pure oil.
3. SMELL TEST - Admittedly, you can't work this test until after you get your oil, but it is worth knowing about anyway. Poor quality tea tree oil smells like turpentine! It's like some sort of industrial oil smell.
Good quality tea tree oil may smell strong, but it does NOT smell like tea tree oil.
There is a suspected problem that tea tree oil coming from a certain country that I won't name is chemically doctored. It passes the tests for tea tree oil but they haven't (so far) been able to get rid of the turpentine smell. Be on your guard!
Well, there you have it. If you are looking for Tea Tree Oil Coupons, it's still important to make sure you are getting high quality, 100% Pure, AUSTRALIAN tea tree oil.
Organic is a bit of a gimmick. Pesticides aren't really used on tea trees. They have a natural way to repel bugs!
Check out this 40% Off Coupon for Tea Tree Oil
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