Want to get your Hydro Floss Via Amazon Prime?
While we would love for you to purchase your HydroFloss form ToothyGrinsStore.com and become one of our valued customers directly, we know that sometimes people just want to buy on Amazon:
Buy One On Amazon If you have an Amazon prime account and prefer shopping there.
Buy one From This Site - There are a number of advantages to buying on this site, read more.
Read Customer Reviews A great number of customer reviews on The Hydro Floss demonstrate why you want to buy the Hydro Floss from this site.
If you have any questions, call 1-888-586-6849
Why The HydroFloss?
The hydrofloss is a powerful for dental health that has helped a lot of people gain and maintain healthy gums. One of the biggest health problems in terms of how many people it affects is gum disease. Dental health professionals tell us that about 75% of people have some gum disease right now.
Gum disease can lead to loose or lost teeth.
On the way to that point, a person may encounter many expensive treatments. Indeed, the cost of a lost tooth and an implant can be quite high.
One of the most objective measures of gum health is periodontal pocket depths. One pocket depths are above 3mm, generally speaking, many dental health professionals will say that your gums are unhealthy. Conversely, 3mm and below, generally speaking, is interpreted as healthy gum tissue.
The hydrofloss has reduced the pocket depths of users, including myself. And this is something that could have immense value to you.
Different Than Other Irrigators
Some people mistake the hydrofloss for a waterpik, but they are truly different. You can read more about that here.
Scaling And Root Planing Treatment
I was personally able to avoid a scaling and root planing treatment or "deep cleaning" due to the HydroFloss oral irrigator. Since the cost of such a treatment is about $1500, in my particular case, it was worth it to pay $100 for a HydroFloss.
My dentist confirmed that my gums were healthy again and also told me that I no longer needed that SRP treatment that she had previously recommended. I was delighted.
So, is it possible that the HydroFloss will be beneficial to you and allow you to avoid expensive treatments and possibly even save your teeth? Every human body is different, but for the costs involved, isn't worth it to find out of the HydroFloss will help you or not?
Again, if you have questions for me, just call the number at the top of your screen. I hope you can see the value of a HydroFloss at this point. You can get one on this site.
However, you can also find one on Amazon.