Showing posts with label oral irrigator. Show all posts
Showing posts with label oral irrigator. Show all posts

Saturday, June 3, 2017

Oral Irrigator Remedies

When talking about an oral irrigator remedy, you are most likely interested in improving some aspect of dental health.  

In particular, an oral irrigator is helpful in keeping the teeth and gums cleaner and (hopefully) healthier.

There are many oral irrigators on the market but which one is best at obtaining the above stated goal?

The HydroFloss is.  And I will explain why.  Read on...

Why Is The HydroFloss The Best Oral Irrigator?

There is no oral irrigator on the market today, that I am aware of, than can produce the results that the HydroFloss can.    

I have my own personal experience with it and I've talked to many customers over the years.  Their experiences are similar to mine.

Read further to fully understand the power of the right  oral irrigator. 

Gum Disease is the Biggest Problem To Avoid

You may have come this page because you want to do a better job at preventing cavities and that is fine and a very good idea.   

Yet, gum disease is by far the biggest reason why people lose their teeth - whether they know they have it or not.   Not knowing is often the case.  

The HydroFloss helped me, personally, to shrink my periodontal pockets.   I was facing an expensive treatment from my dentist which I put off for over a year because I was looking for a better answer. 

I Made Many Attempts to Improve My Gum Health (Before Finding A Remedy That Worked) 

I tried many things but my dentist would confirm each time that nothing was better and I still needed her expensive and potentially painful treatment - that could also lead to gum recession (although she left out that part - I looked it up).  

The only objective measurement for gum health is what is called "periodontal pocket depths".   Mine were above 3 mm which is considered unhealthy (basically gum disease) by most dental professionals.  

You want them to be at or below 3mm.   That was my problem.  I was above 3.   Of course, there are other symptoms that may or may not appear.  That is why this measurement is important to you.  

As I was saying,  I tried many things.  Nothing worked.  I would get the dreaded news every time I went back to the dentist. 

There was one exception to that drama.   After I started using the HydroFloss my dentist was shocked.  Judging by the look on her face (and that of her hygienist) they were both in disbelief.  I was able to make my gums healthy again by using the HydroFloss.  

Why Is The HydroFloss Better Than The Others?  

The HydroFloss does something very special that other irrigators do not do.  It employs the use of a magnet to polarize the minerals that are in the water that flows through the device and into your mouth, washing away debris.   

The ionization of the minerals, in the correct manner, causes the plaque and bacteria to come off your teeth and gums better.  This gives your body a chance to heal itself.    This is why I think my periodontal pockets shrunk back to normal and why my dentist was surprised. 

The HydroFloss has been clinically shown to improve the reduction of plaque and tartar buildup between your regular cleanings.  This was demonstrated twice in the peer-reviewed Journal of Clinical Periodontology. 

This, in a nutshell is why the HydroFloss is better, superior, the best - whichever superlative you want to use to describe it.  

You Need To Know How To Use It To Optimal Effect

There is a 'best practice' to using the HydroFloss that maximizes the chances for success.  In this case success is measured by your periodontal pockets shrinking and your dentist informing you that your gums are healthy. 

I share this 'best practice' with those who purchase a hydrofloss from   There is no additional cost beyond a purchase of the HydroFloss from   

You need only request a phone consultation (free with purchase of the HydroFloss)  and I'll be glad to get on the phone and chat with you, answer your questions and I will likely be able to provide you with a good amount of information you may not have been aware of.   

Anyway,  the HydroFloss is the best.  And I'll also be glad to tell you how to get the most out of it under the single condition that you purchase your HydroFloss from  

-David for  
PS: you can use the above link or order by phone, same promise holds.

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Amazon Prime HydroFloss

Want to get your Hydro Floss Via Amazon Prime?  

While we would love for you to purchase your HydroFloss form and become one of our valued customers directly, we know that sometimes people just want to buy on Amazon:  

Buy One On Amazon   If you have an Amazon prime account and prefer shopping there. 

Buy one From This Site  -   There are a number of advantages to buying on this site, read more.

Read Customer Reviews   A great number of customer reviews on The Hydro Floss demonstrate why you want to buy the Hydro Floss from this site. 

If you have any questions, call 1-888-586-6849

Why The HydroFloss?  

The hydrofloss is a powerful for dental health that has helped a lot of people gain and maintain healthy gums.  One of the biggest health problems in terms of how many people it affects is gum disease.  Dental health professionals tell us that about 75% of people have some gum disease right now. 

Gum disease can lead to loose or lost teeth.  

On the way to that point, a person may encounter many expensive treatments.  Indeed, the cost of a lost tooth and an implant can be quite high.   

One of the most objective measures of gum health is periodontal pocket depths.   One pocket depths are above 3mm, generally speaking, many dental health professionals will say that your gums are unhealthy.    Conversely,  3mm and below, generally speaking, is interpreted as healthy gum tissue. 

The hydrofloss has reduced the pocket depths of users, including myself.  And this is something that could have immense value to you. 

Different Than Other Irrigators

Some people mistake the hydrofloss for a waterpik, but they are truly different.  You can read more about that here.  

Scaling And Root Planing Treatment 

I was personally able to avoid a scaling and root planing treatment or "deep cleaning" due to the HydroFloss oral irrigator.   Since the cost of such a treatment is about $1500, in my particular case, it was worth it to pay $100 for a HydroFloss.   

My dentist confirmed that my gums were healthy again and also told me that I no longer needed that SRP treatment that she had previously recommended.   I was delighted. 

So, is it possible that the HydroFloss will be beneficial to you and allow you to avoid expensive treatments and possibly even save your teeth?   Every human body is different, but for the costs involved, isn't worth it to find out of the HydroFloss will help you or not?   


Again, if you have questions for me, just call the number at the top of your screen.   I hope you can see the value of a HydroFloss at this point.  You can get one on this site.  

However, you can also find one on Amazon.


Friday, November 15, 2013

Oral Irrigation With Sulcus Jet Tips

sulcus  tip oral irrigation
 These tips were designed for people who suffer from periodontal pocket depths ranging in the 5 - 6 mm range.  

The pocket pal jet tips also serve this need as well.  

Overall, it comes to a matter of preference.  I like the softer rubber tip on the pocket pals, but there are still people who prefer the sulcus tips.

These are both designed to fit the Hydro Floss Oral Irrigator.  They are NOT for other irrigators.  One customer thought they might fit another kind of irrigator, but I do not suggest trying that.   These are only for the Hydro Floss.

You can check out the sulcus tips here

You can check out the Hydro Floss here

hydro floss is better than others that I am aware of


Monday, November 11, 2013

My Dentist Told Me I Need To Start Using An Irrigator

I recently,  just before writing this, had a customer chat in (lower right hand side of screen - if still available when you read this) and say that his (I assume) dentist told him to get an irrigator and start using it.

His Aunt gave him an old one to use.   But the tips were broken or missing, with only 1 good one left.
So, he was looking for tips that might fit his old machine.

He thought the sulcus tips would work.   I was a bit skeptical since these are different brands we were discussing.

Then I began to explain why the Hydro Floss Oral Irrigator is better than others.   I even created a video on this topic.  

Yes, I have a strong opinion.  But, I think that opinion is more than well enough backed up by researched fact.   This isn't my 'research'.  This is professional completed studies published in a peer reviewed journal.

So, I think there is more than enough reason to honestly say the Hydro Floss is better than all the others I am aware of.

Check it out today.  

hydro floss is better than others that I am aware of


Toilet Tree TTP-PRO 1000 Oral Irrigator Versus The Hydro Floss Oral Irrigator 7618.034

This is a comparison of the  ToiletTree Irrigator  TTP-PRO 1000 Oral Irrigator to The Hydro Floss Oral Irrigator

1. Customer Reviews Toilet Tree - Reviews on another site show complaints and unhappy users. 

Hydro Floss,  check our Hydro Floss Reviews here for comparison -
(most are positive with occasional negatives. 

2.  Power

The Toilet Tree uses a rechargeable battery.  I've spoken to at least one person who had two of these and he told me that the battery just does not last.

The Hydro Floss -  It uses a plug, no need to worry about recharging or batteries wearing out quickly.

3.  Water Container

Toilet Tree - I could not find information on how much the toilet tree holds at one time, but based on pictures it does not seem likely that it holds as much as the Hydro Floss (800 ML).

4. Technology And Effectiveness 

The Toilet Tree does not employ a magnet.   The Hydro Floss does, you can read more about the power of this magnet here.   

Basically, the use of the magnet has been clinically demonstrating to be around twice as effective as irrigators that did not use the magnet technology.  

Check out The Hydro Floss now. 

Still Have Questions?  

Just call 888-586-6849

ToiletTree Versues Hydro Floss Oral Irrigator


Monday, November 4, 2013

Hydro Floss Oral Irrigator Magnetic Quality and Benefit Explained

This is a relatively easy Hydro Floss question to answer: 

The magnetic quality is that a charge is placed on minerals that are in the water.  This charge, in turn, causes plaque and bacteria to become less adhesive and come off the teeth and gums easier.

This causes a greater reduction in plaque and tartar buildup between office visits as shown in two articles published in the Journal of Clinical Periodontology.   One article was published in May of 1993 and another in April of 1998.

The second study was done with the intention of disproving the first researchers results.  However, the second researcher obtained even better results than the first researcher, making her a 'believer'.

So, it has been clearly documented that the magnetic quality is a big deal and makes a significant difference.

If it is time to improve / protect your dental health or that of someone you love, then maybe it is time to get a  Hydro Floss?

Find More Here

Find More Here


Thursday, September 26, 2013

HydroFloss With Pocket Pal Jet Tips for 5 to 6 mm Periodontal Pockets.

Hydro floss with pocket pal jet tips for 5 and 6 mm pockets.  If you have been reading this blog for any length of time, you know without a doubt that I think the Hydro Floss is one of the best tools you can use for your home dental care needs.

You may have a solid chance at reducing expensive future bills through prevention.  

Generally speaking,  3mm and below is considered healthy by most dental professionals.  On the other hand, generally speaking, above that is considered unhealthy.

You can test how well the Hydro Floss is working by comparing your new pocket depths - after about a month of use - to your old depths.   If you see an improvement, then it probably means your Hydro Floss is making a difference. 

You should not be surprised about that, because it seems to work for a lot of people.  Does it work for everyone?  No.  You can expect it to work100% for everyone 100% of the time.   We are all different.  But it does work for a lot of people.  Including me.  

You might be wondering why it works.   Utilizing the mathematically correct magnet, it is able to put a charge on the minerals that are in the water that passes through it.   This in turn, causes the plaque and bacteria to become less adhesive.  This gives you a greater reduction in build up between your regular office visits compared to 'regular' irrigators (without a magnet).  

I hope you enjoy your new found power and perhaps greater control over your dental health. 

If you can prevent  even one lost tooth or expensive treatment, it is more than worth it to you. 


get pocket pal jet tips with your Hydro Floss oral irrigator
PS:   Get your free guide(s) to stopping bad breath   or gum disease

PPS: Sign up for deals, specials, coupons and more.

Friday, August 16, 2013

Interesting HydroFloss Story

Customer Barbara King from North Carolina called today with an intriguing story about the Hydro Floss.

Hydro Floss intriguing story(She told me it was ok to use her name here or I would not normally do so.)

Here is the experience that she shared with me:

She said that she was having terrible lower jaw pain.  She said there was no pain in the upper jaw, just the lower one.

She said that a dentist told her to get a Hydro Floss  After she started using it, the terrible jaw pain went away.

Barbara suggested that it must be the magnet in the Hydro Floss .

Thank you Barbara for sharing this experience.

Of course, we cannot draw anything conclusive or make any statements based on this one experience.  But I thought it would be interesting to write about it.

I wouldn't be surprised if there was a relationship between the two.   But we don't really have a good way to test that out.  

Read more about The Hydro Floss

interesting customer story about the hydroflossSincerely,

(glad my gums don't hurt anymore - Snape)

PS:   Get your free guide(s) to stopping bad breath   or gum disease

More resources: 

HydroFloss Customer Reviews

The Magnetic Irrigator

Effective HydroFloss Use

Hydro Floss Instructions / Directions

Hygienist Suggested 

10 Reasons To HydroFloss

PPS: Sign up for deals, specials, coupons and more. 

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Lynne Highly Recommends The HydroFloss

This review is from a customer and was placed on our site on February 2013.  Newer reviews can be found at this link. 

As you can see, Lynne is quite happy to be using the Hydro Floss.   

She mentions that her friend recommended it to her.   She goes on to tell her special story about how the Hydro Floss helped her.  

Finally, she rounds it out by saying that you will be surprised what this machine uncovers even after you think you mouth is clean from regular brushing and flossing.  (Many customers have made this same discovery).

When you think about it, if there is hidden debris, isn't it that much harder for the saliva to do its natural cleaning and rebuilding functions?    You would probably want any 'hidden' particles out of your mouth when it its time for bed or after eating a meal.    I'm just guessing you would want that, but it seems reasonable.  I know that I would like my mouth to be clean before bed so that I my saliva can do its natural job of rebuilding tooth enamel and killing bacteria.

Read more about the Hydro Floss Now. 


PS:  Get your free guide to stopping bad breath   or gum disease

More to Read: 


Monday, May 27, 2013

Her Dental Hygienist Recommended This For Her Husband


Well, I must admit, I did a very poor job on this video.  The picture is off center and there were horrendous spelling mistakes in the text itself that I did not correct before making the video. 

The uncentered picture also caused the complete header graphic to be unreadable.   However, despite all of this, the content is still relevant and all that really matters. 

It is the information that counts.  I hope you can see that the Hydro Floss is  powerful tool and can be very beneficial to your dental health. 

You might also be interested in - The Hydro Floss Magnetic Irrigator  

Additional Resources:

1. The Book: What You Should Know About Gum Disease  

2. The Guide:  How to Stop Gum Disease In 3 Easy Steps

3.  The Hydro Floss Oral Irrigator

Additional Pages On This site: 

Monday, April 29, 2013

Results - The Hydro Floss Gets Results - Video

Here is a Direct Link to the web page in the video

Buttons will be added here


Seriously though, it has helped a lot of people - including myself.    I think you and / or  your family can benefit from this machine. 

Many of my customer wait until their dentist or hygienist suggests that they get one.  But, why wait until then?   Why not start doing more to protect your periodontal health today?  

Since 75% of people have periodontal problems (gum disease) according to many dental health professionals, it only make sense to work harder on prevention today, right?  

The cost of expensive treatments is just to great.   Aside from the 'deep cleaning' treatments mentioned in the video, there are also tooth extractions and the cost of impants!   Then there are other surgeries and procedures for the gums as well. 

Prevention does pay!   (it pays the patient most). 

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Video Commentary: What Do General von Steuben and The Hydro Floss Have In Common

The Hydro Floss should not remain a mystery to so many people.  You should not leave yourself in the dark about its capabilities.

Sometimes, people are unaware of the coolest things that are sitting right in their own back yard.

It's time you learned about the Hydro Floss today - If you don't already know / have one.

 Read More About The Hydro Floss

Customer Reviews. 


PS:  Get your free guides on fighting gum disease and stopping bad breath   

More helpful links :

Pocket Pal Tips   

Pocket Pal Tip Reviews

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Video Commentary - Implantologist Loves The Hydro Floss


If you have questions, let me know. 

If you are a dental office or dental professional and are interested in giving your patients access to this fantastic tool, give me a call at 1-888-586-6849.  

This topic is open for discussion

Do not overlook / forget about dental health problem prevention as well.  Many expensive dental procedures could be avoided in the first place, if patient's were more educated about prevention.   My favorite.  


PS:  Get your free guides on fighting gum disease and stopping bad breath  

PPS: prevention can also help a lot in reducing an individual's or family's health care costs.  My favorite prevention tool.   

Hydro Floss Customer Reviews