Sunday, July 28, 2019

HydroFloss Parts for Your Genuine Hydro Floss Oral Irrigator - Model 7618.034

Parts for your Hydro Floss:

also found at:

If you are having a problem with your HydroFloss, these parts will help you, provided your HydroFloss is a genuine, real hydrofloss and not an imitation.

If you feel that it might not be worth it to get parts to fix your HydroFloss or you think you might not have the skill to do it properly, you can simply purchase a new hydrofloss.    When you break down the cost per month of use, it extremely reasonable.  The longer it lasts, the more your costs go down.

You are guaranteed a year through your warranty.  But I do hear from people who have had their HydroFloss for 20 years.   Most don't last that long so that is an atypical example.

My general rule of thumb, which is just a suggestion and an opinion, I think that you should replace your HydroFloss if it is older than 3 years old.   You can do whatever you want, that's just my opinion based on years of experience.

If you have a question, feel free to call 888-586-6849.

New HydroFloss -

New HydroFloss -

Stay healthy and well and thank you for supporting Veteran Owned Small Business! 


PS:  This is a great show:  - I suggest taking the family to see it.