Showing posts with label cavities. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cavities. Show all posts

Sunday, February 24, 2013

How To Help Yourself Prevent Cavities

Modern Diet Problems

Our modern diet is a monster.  From carbohydrate and sucrose laden foods that stick to the crevices of our teeth, to the acidic sodas and beverages we like to consume, we are constantly adding fuel to the fire of decay.

It is a wonder that people do not have more cavities than they do.   Then there is the question of :   

When is a cavity really a cavity?  

Dentists know that the beginning stages of a cavity are reversible.  The teeth, like other body tissues, can heal.   The problem is determining when the line is crossed and a cavity really DOES need to be filled.

This becomes more complicated when you learn that visiting 3 or more different dentists yields very different diagnoses and ideas about 'what must be done' to 'fix' your mouth.

If you are ever in doubt, go get a second or even third opinion.  You will quickly learn that perceptions can vary greatly.    This leaves you with a feeling of "What's going on here?"

Dentists are fully aware that this happens.  It is not a surprise to them to learn that other dentists have different opinions.  

One woman I spoke to said that she went to a dentist who said she had 8 cavities to be filled.  Another dentist told her far less.   So it is interesting, isn't it?

One time, a dentist told me that I had a cavity.   I waited until my next visit and saw a different dentist in the SAME office.  The second dentist told me there was no cavity there.

Another time,  a dentist told me I had three cavities.  I was suspicious about that.  I went to another dentist who did not agree with the first one.

The first dentist also told me I might need a crown if he were to fix the leaky filling that I went to visit him for.  He actually said that he would not know until 'he got in there'.   How convenient that he had a crown making machine right there in the office!

 The second dentist told me there was no way he would need to place a crown and that he could easily replace that filling - which he did - without the need for a crown.  

If you ask around, you might hear similar stories from your friends and circles.   So, if you are ever in doubt, go ahead and get that second or even third opinion.

There ARE good dentist out there, you just need to be selective about who you allow to work on your mouth.  

 Helping Yourself To Prevent Cavities and Broken Teeth 

One of the key understandings about your teeth is that they are constant undergoing rebuilding or tearing down.  This is greatly influenced by the  pH of your mouth.

The saliva is striving to help your enamel stay strong.   When you have a higher pH in your mouth then you are helping the saliva to drive minerals into the tooth enamel.

When you have an acidic mouth, you may be directly influencing that reaction in the wrong way.  In addition,  the acid producing or 'bad' bacteria reproduce faster in an acidic mouth.  This causes a greater build of acidity.  A 'loop' so to speak. 

Some of the things we eat and drink are quite acidic!   Coffee and colas are among some of the most acidic beverages around.

Now, I am not suggesting a drastic alteration to your diet and lifestyle - as that is not always very practical.

Instead, consider paying particular attention to the pH balance of your mouth.   Perhaps pH balances mouthwash such as these can help?  Maybe if you focus on rebalancing pH after that acidic coffee or soda, you could help your teeth stay stronger? 

At any rate, this is a big clue to helping you prevent cavities.  The mouth pH is very important.  Acidic foods and beverages serve to undermine the natural strengthening that our saliva attempts to perform.

* I speak in general terms here.  Specific questions about your unique dental health situation should be directed towards your periodontist or dentist.   They can also provide advice, diagnosis and treatment, while this article cannot and does not. 

I hope this information was helpful?


PS:  my favorite home use tool for  dental health promotion between office visits.

PPS:  stopping bad breath guide.  

About Cracked and Broken Teeth

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Flossing And Brushing May Not Be Enough To Protect Your Dental Health

Not Enough For Most People

Many people believe that proper brushing and flossing are enough to stop or prevent gum disease and cavities.  I am going to attempt to explain why that may be true sometime but is not true MOST of the time. 

Perhaps you think that I am incorrect in saying that brushing and flossing are not enough?   I understand why you would think that.  After all, it is what we have been indirectly taught since the time we were children.

However, the basic fact remains:  About 3 out of every 4 people have some gum disease right now!  I did not make that up.  75% of people have some gum disease.  Ask any dental professional, this is the standard answer.  You might find some variation but 75% is the typical answer you will receive. 

Therefore, if 75% of people have some gum disease right now, then regular brushing and flossing must not work for most people. 

You Should Definitely Continue to Brush and Floss

Please do not misunderstand me.  You should continue to brush and floss because they are both important preventive measures that should not be overlooked.   It is important that you continue to do both.   

It is also important that you get your regular dental cleanings at the frequency that your dentist or periodontist recommends.  Those cleanings can really help you. 

However, nearly every dental professional will agree that what you do at home has the greatest impact of all on your dental health.    I think we just established that brushing and flossing, while important are not keeping MOST people from having gum disease. 

What Else Can You Do?  

 I have written a book on this subject entitled:  What You Should Know About Gum Disease : A Layman's Guide To Fighting Gum Disease ISBN:  978-0981485508

One of the most useful tools I have found for helping to stem the tide, reducing periodontal pocket depths and helping you to make your gums healthier is this home use machine.  

I have also written a free report about it called:  How To Stop Gum Disease In 4 Easy Steps.  you can get that free report HERE.  

Well, I think I have given you enough tools and resources to explore further if you want to.   

I can only say that I really do believe that a copy of my book belongs on every family's bookshelf.  When you consider that 75% of people have gum disease whether they know it or not, then in only makes sense that every family and most individuals need this information.  


David Snape
PS:  read more about the book here.  

PPS:  A doctor once told me that prevention doesn't pay.  What do you think he meant by that?