Showing posts with label dental protocols. Show all posts
Showing posts with label dental protocols. Show all posts

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Oklahoma Oral Surgeon's Patients Sent Warning About Possible HIV or Other Infections

I read this article in the Seattle Times

Inspector's found improper procedures, improper sterilization protocols, rusty instruments and staff not authorized to administer sedation IVs, among other problems at an Oral Surgeon's Office in Oklahoma.  


Letter's were sent out to about 7,000 patients urging them to be tested for HIV.

Please Be Careful

If you are a dental health professional, please be ever so careful about these 'little details'.  It is not fair to your patients to use rusted instruments, improper sterilization protocols or to reuse drug vials.

Patients deserve the best care.   I am sure they are paying for the best. 

I do not know what to say about this type of thing.  It is horrible.  I hope that it doesn't happen very often as one expert suggested.

Patient Safety Should Come First.


And don't forget about prevention as well.  Many expensive dental procedures could be avoided in the first place, if patient's were more educated about prevention.   My favorite.   


PS:  Get your free guides on fighting gum disease and stopping bad breath  

PPS: prevention can also help a lot in reducing an individual's or family's health care costs.  My favorite prevention tool.  

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