Sunday, August 14, 2016

How Do You Know If You Have Gum Disease?

As you may be aware, many dental professionals think that about 75% of people have some gum disease right now.

The problem is,  how would you know if you are among the 3 out of every 4 people who are estimated to have the problem?  

The answer to this question is to choose an objective measurement and not rely on what you think you might see in the mirror.

What is the objective measurement?   It is the periodontal pocket depths.  This is a measurement of how far a periodontal probe can be placed between your tooth and the gum tissue surrounding it.

Generally speaking, when that measured depth is 3 mm or less, most dental professionals would say that tissue is healthy.

On the flip side of that, again generally speaking, most dental health professionals would say that your gums are unhealthy if you have pockets greater than 3mm.

That's the closest you are likely to get to an objective answer to the question, "How do you know if you have gum disease."

I hope that makes sense?   If not, you can ask a question in the comment section below.

Who Takes These Measurements?  

Your dental hygienist or your dentist can take these measurements.  They can even chart them and compare future readings as well.  

Getting your pockets to 3mm or less is crucial if you want to avoid the negative effects of gum disease both now and in the future.   Gum disease is the number one cause of tooth loss.  

Tooth loss can lead to expensive implants or dentures.  Even if you have lost one or even a few teeth,  it is worth it to start protecting your remaining teeth.  

There is no artificial substitute that is as good as the real thing!   

Finally, one of the most powerful tools I know of to help support healthy gums is the HydroFloss.   You can check one out here.

Of course, you will always want to be under the care and guidance of a good periodontist if you have or think you might have gum disease, gingivitis, periodontal disease or any other term you want to give to what is essentially the same disease process at different stages.

Stay healthy and well,

David for