Sunday, January 13, 2013

What You Should Know About Gum Disease Part 30 Video

Part 30 Video:

The full book can be found at:

Top tool that you should want to know about:

This Gum Disease Problem

It really is a big problem.  Lots of people have it and many don't know they have it.   So, how do you get this information in the hands of people if they don't even know they have the problem.

Preventing the problem is very important.  Stopping and existing problem is equally important.

When I say a lot of people have gum disease, dental professionals tell us about 75%  (sometimes higher) have gum disease.   That's 3 out of every 4 people.   That really is a lot.   What do you think the odds are that you are the 1 out of 4 that is safe? 

As I mentioned before, people just don't know they have this problem.  Often times, they are not told until it is time for an expensive treatment.

People are busy and they don't always have time to educate their patients.   Many doctors have found that the people actually do not listen until the situation is critical.   In a certain sense, you cannot blame them because they know people won't listen.

On the other hand, some dental professionals keep trying even though they understand the probability of getting through to more than a few people is unlikely.   This has been the blockage that has faced other dentists who have gone out of their way to talk about prevention. 

Unfortunately,  I am finding a similar situation.  Even though about 75% of people have some gum disease, they just don't want to pay attention to what I have to say.  

On the other hand, there are those who are delighted to find my information.  The absorb it, act on it, and some even call me to tell me how much better their dental health has become - as measured by their hygienist or dentist. 

I always advocate working with professionals.   My book is easy-to-understand and I believe it has the potential to save you a tremendous amount of money, pain and unhappiness over the years. 

Every family should have a copy and ever dental office should be giving copies to their patients. 

Read more here:

And don't forget the machine that I think provides exceptional value and one that has the potential to also save you a great deal of cash and turmoil. 


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