The Book: What You Should Know About Gum Disease
Gum disease is an interesting problem. It is extremely common. It is so common that it is estimated that 3 out of every 4 people have some right now!
Yet, does anyone ever talk about this problem? Unless you meet a friend in the waiting office of a local periodontists office, it's pretty unlikely that the two of you would otherwise discuss it.
It's certainly not a sexy topic or even one that most people would want to bring up. The overall unwillingness to talk about it just adds to the problem. Ignorance is not bliss after all. Certainly not in this case.
Who is going to voluntarily talk about it with their friends. Unless you all happen to be dental professionals, it is an unlikely conversation topic.
75% of people, that's what 3 out of 4 means. That's a lot of people. If there are 7 Billion people on the planet and the 75% figure holds true. That means that 5 Billion and 250 Million people have some gum disease right now.
No wonder dentists are so excited about their profession, right?
Gum Disease Is A Problem
Gum disease is very worrisome. It is the number one cause of tooth loss. No other cause even comes close.
When you lose a tooth, or a tooth reaches the point where 'they' want to pull it, it usually means an implant or at the very least, dentures. It's not ok to leave a gap between your teeth because your teeth will likely shift around, this can throw your bite off and lead to uneven wear on other teeth.
So, you should really not leave a gap there.
Implants are expensive.
TIP: If you are being told that a tooth needs to be pulled: Go get a second opinion and maybe a third from a periodontist. Ask them specifically if the tooth can be saved. Periodontist have the skill set to save teeth. The problem is sometimes finding one who will do that rather than taking the easy route: Extraction and Implant(s).
Wouldn't the best thing to do be to avoid gum disease and lost teeth in the first place?
What You Should Know About Gum Disease
A little knowledge can go a long way and it really helps to understand what you are dealing with. It's really a gum disease fighting book. You can see it here, click here.
The book does advocate that you work with and be under the care of a good periodontist. This doctor can measure your progress or lack thereof.
The book is chocked full of information and things you can do to start fighting back. After all, saving your teeth is more than worth the effort. One implant can cost $2,000 or more. Imaging facing multiple lost teeth!
You can also sign up for the free guide: How To Stop Gum Disease In 4 Easy Steps. It's not as detailed as What You Should Know about Gum Disease, but it is a great start that focuses on just one helpful tool.
Whether you use one of both of these books or not is irrelevant. The important thing is that you attack this problem immediately. Work under the care and guidance of your own dentist. Explore and see what works for you. They can tell you if you are making progress.
I hope this information helps you. Feel free to share your experiences and thoughts in the comment section below.