Showing posts with label gum disease alternative. Show all posts
Showing posts with label gum disease alternative. Show all posts

Saturday, June 27, 2015

The Gum Disease Problem Afflicts The Majority of Mankind And You Should Be Aware Of This

Gum disease is one of the most prevalent problems that human beings face today.  When asked, many dental health practitioners will tell you that approximately 75% of people have some gum disease right now!   That's staggering.

So many people have this problem that is known to be the number one cause of tooth loss.   If you want to avoid this problem, education is key.

A lost tooth can be both traumatic and costly to replace.   In the United States a single implant can cost more than two thousand dollars!  Implants and other solutions can all be problematic in their own way.   Nothing is a perfect substitute for your own natural teeth.

Plan on living for a long time?   Try your best to keep your natural teeth.   Gum disease has been linked to many other diseases such as heart attack, stroke, lung infections, oral cancer and even things seeming unrelated like diabetes. 

Inflammation of the gums may be considered as a constant infection that your body has to use its precious resources fighting against.    Many cardiac patients have periodontal disease! 

Check out this book - it's a true eye opener!   - with 75% of people having some gum disease - and not knowing it - it's nearly a sure bet that someone in your immediate family could use this information right now.  

Author: What You Should Know About Gum Disease 

Thursday, July 31, 2014

Good Book On Dental Health

One of the biggest threats to your dental health is gum disease.   

This is a bad thing.  It is the number one cause of tooth loss.   

In addition,  lot of people lose teeth and get expensive replacements without ever knowing the cause of their misery was gum disease!   It's truly astounding when you think about it.

Did you know that:

  1. approximately 3 out of every 4 people have gum disease right now?  
  2. you dentist has not told you *everything* they  know about prevention?
  3. you can be 6 years old and have gum disease? 
  4. gum disease can be controlled? 
  5. Knowledge (about this problem) is power?  

Check out this very inexpensive but important book that every family should probably have on their book shelf.     

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Progress On Gum Care - Customer Report

I received an email from a customer entitled :  Progress on Gum Care. 

Here it is:  

Hi Dave,

I talked to you at length about 3 months ago.  I had been on a largely vegetable diet and gotten negative report from my periodontist  regarding my gums separating from my teeth.  I had one pocket at 7 mm (behind my last molar lower left).  I have gone back to a rich diet with lots of calories and protein.  I also followed suggestions you made:
  • Use 2 full tanks of water in my Hydroflosser 2 x a day
  • Use my tooth brush (Sonicare) lightly
  • Try pocket pals (that I purchased from your store) to some extent
  • Use Therabreath and Closys mouth washes for a neutral ph mouth
You asked that I feedback to you the results after about 3 months.
Last week I had my cleaning (root scaling and planing style).  My 7 mm was down to 6 mm and one other area in my mouth was better.  The good news is that no further deterioration had occurred and I don’t have to have any gum surgery.  My gums look healthy and are not bleeding.  The gum around my one implant is looking good. 

I’m going to keep using this style with a goal to all 3mm or less pockets.

Thanks for your help, Dave.

[name removed for privacy]



Sunday, November 10, 2013

Gum Disease Book ISBN 978-0981485508 is for the book titled:  What You Should Know About Gum Disease.   

 ISBN:  978-0981485508

10 Digit ISBN:  0981485502

Since dental professionals tell us that 75% or 3 out of every 4 people have some gum disease right now AND because gum disease is the number once cause of tooth loss, every family could use at least one copy of this book.

Check it out here

Also available here

ISBN:  978-0981485508



Tuesday, September 24, 2013

It's Not A Secret! Save Your Teeth

save your teeth.  an important secretYou may already know the gum disease is the number one cause of tooth loss

That being the case, doesn't it make sense to be fully educated about this problem?   You can potentially save your teeth with knowledge and application!  

Here are two resources for you. 

The first one is short and quick. 

The second one is longer and more in depth.   

Both are great for you and every family should have a copy of both.  

saving your teeth secrets


PS:   Get your free guide(s) to stopping bad breath   or gum disease

PPS: Sign up for deals, specials, coupons and more.

Friday, August 16, 2013

I Bet You Ticked A Lot Of People Off When You Wrote That

I really had no intention of making anyone mad - watch the video: 

hey,  let me know that you think about this video, drop a comment below!   Did it tick you off? 


David (I really don't try to tick people off) Snape

PS:   Get your free guide(s) to stopping bad breath   or gum disease

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Gingivitis Information Helps Sharlene - Video

Being skeptical is normal.  I am certainly glad that Sharlene took the time to share her success with this information.  

I would love to have more people read my book(s).  I know people will benefit.   This is such a widespread problem and very few people know they actually have it.   

There even appear to be people that have lost teeth and have had implants or dentures installed and still don't know that they lost their teeth due to gum disease.    How sad is that?   Very sad if you ask me.  

Dental pros tell us that it is about 75% of people.  Why doesn't that alarm people?   Does anyone stop to think the odds are NOT in their favor?     What are the chances you don't have this problem?   

This is the problem in a nutshell: People are not told and they don't know.    There are specific questions you should ask your hygienist or dentist.   

1. Can you take and tell me the periodontal pocket depths readings around every tooth?  
-generally speaking 3mm and below are considered healthy. Above that max is generally considered unhealthy.  You doc will tell you for sure.

2.  Do I have some gum disease?   Simple and direct.  That should get them to speak up if they have been ignoring it.     Gingivitis is really just another stage of the same disease process.  Basically, gingivitis is the beginning.  

Check out to learn more.



PS:   Get your free guide to stopping bad breath   or gum disease

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Three Out Of Every Four People Have Gum Disease - According To Many Dental Professionals

How to Stop Gum Disease In 4 Easy Steps

This is certainly a problem worth paying attention to.   Dental professionals also tell us that gum disease is the number one cause of tooth loss.    

What is it that 'they' say?  Knowledge is power.  

Check out:  What you should know about gum disease right now.  


PS:   Get your free guide to stopping bad breath   or gum disease

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Do You Have Gum Disease?

I am going to assume that if you are reading this you already know you have gum disease.   After all, why would someone bother to read this if they did not, right?

The sad reality is that MOST people have gum disease.  Dental health professionals tell us that about 75% of people have some right now.   That's 3 out of every 4.

Therefore, if you know you have gum disease, you are not alone.  It's just that most of the other people that have it don't know yet!   They probably won't find out until a tooth becomes loose or it is time for an expensive treatment or surgery.

In a way, you can be glad that you know you have it, because now you can start to do something about it.  Many other people aren't going to find out until things get bad, unfortunately.  That's just the way it seems to work.

One Possible Way To Solve This Problem

Anyone who says they have something that will work 100% of the time for 100% of the people is lying.  You can't trust someone like that.

But, I do know of something that has helped a lot of people.  The best part about it is that you can have your dentist verify your results.

How To Know When It Works

This is the fun part because it is more objective than subjective.   You just need to know your periodontal pocket depths.   This is a measurement that your dentist or hygienist will take around each tooth.

Generally speaking, most dental professionals will say your gums are healthy at 3mm and below and unhealthy at above that mark.   Therefore, you will know your gums are back to a more healthy state when you get all of those readings to 3mm and below.

How To Give This A Shot

The device that I have personally experience with, and thousands of my customers do as well, is the Hydro Floss Oral Irrigator.      It works rather well for a LOT of people.  You can read about it, and customer reviews as well, at that link.

You simply use your Hydro Floss twice per day with 2 reservoirs per use for a minimum of 1 month.  Then go back to your dentist and find out what your measurements are.   If those readings are headed in the right direction, then you know you are onto something.  Your dentist can verify your results in this objective way for you!

Of course, you may have additional questions about this simple plan.   If you do, just go ahead and give us a call at 1-888-586-6849.   There is no obligation and your questions about this can be answered.

If you have gum disease, take action.  The reason why is that it probably won't get better unless you do something about it.   Gum disease often leads to tooth loss.  It is the number one cause, in fact.

Read more about the Hydro Floss   or call 1-888-586-6849


PS:  Get your free guide to stopping bad breath   or gum disease

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Why Do Your Gums Bleed When Brushing Or Flossing Your Teeth?

Excellent question.  There are other reasons why your gums will bleed while brushing and flossing but the most likely cause is gum disease.  Of course, you will want a good periodontist or dentist to verify that for you and give you a professional diagnosis.

Gum disease is a rather serious problem that many people remain dangerously ignorant of.
Gum disease is the number one cause of tooth loss.   It is also the primary reason that teeth are lost and dentures or implants are needed.

Brushing and Flossing Twice Or More Time Per Day

It's quite a contradiction, isn't it?   We are told to brush and floss, yet 3 out of every 4 people, according to many dental professionals, still have gum disease!   Wow.  how does that work?

Using basic logic, it must mean that while brushing and flossing are very helpful, perhaps they are not enough for most people?  If they were enough, would so many people have gum disease?

Then the question becomes what else can you do to stop the progression of gum disease or prevent it in the first place?

 Here are some resource that might be helpful in answering these difficult questions:

1. The Book: What You Should Know About Gum Disease 

2. The Guide:  How to Stop Gum Disease In 4 Easy Steps

3.  The Hydro Floss Oral Irrigator

4. Will the Hydro Floss Work For You? 


Author: What You Should Know About Gum Disease : A Layman's Guide to Fighting Gum Disease

PS: The  Hydro Floss is one of the most amazing, if not THE most amazing tool to help you to regain and maintain your periodontal health.    Get yours today. 

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Readers' Praise For The Book: What You Should Know About Gum Disease

You can get this book here at Toothy Grins Store,   at Therabreath  at Amazon. 
It can also be found at B & N and many other online bookstores.   Garrison Keillor also has it on his site.   

Readers' Praise 
I love this book. It is a great resource for those interested in improving or achieving periodontal health.
—Stan Wint, DDS Periodontist 

David speaks for thousands of compliant patients who visit dental professionals regularly. These people follow directions, use recom- mended products yet never reach the conclusion of their treat- ment plan. Is oral health beyond control? Is damage caused by insufficient care? David shines a bright light on these concerns. Read, enjoy and start to question authority!
—Ellie Phillips, DDS 

David Snape saves!!! He may save teeth, money, time, and pain, but most importantly, he may save lives. Now that links have been established between the infection of chronic periodontal disease and many systemic illnesses like Diabetes, Heart Disease, Stroke and Low-weight pre-term birth his words are invaluable! Dave's new guide, "WHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW ABOUT GUM DISEASE" is a great layman's handbook about how to care for your teeth and gums. He has thoroughly researched gum disease and has written an easy to read guide for people to help themselves, yet gives bal- ance to the need for professional care. This book is a must read for people who are afraid to go to the dentist, people in underserved areas or those who just can't afford professional dental services. Dave makes the reader aware of the signs of gum disease and what they can do to help themselves. 

This book should be in dentist and doctor's office waiting areas and health clinics for the poor and working poor. He is respectful to the importance of Dentists and Hygienists in their role in help- ing people achieve good oral and systemic health, but also helps inform the public how to be better patients! Definitely a valuable book to have handy on everyone's bookshelf! 

—Hillary Yasmer Shemin, RDH, BSDH Marquette University Class of 1974, Holland, PA 

David Snape really gets it. Only you, the individual, can keep your- self from slipping through the many cracks in our well-meaning, but overly generic health care system. Perhaps not glamorous enough to command constant media coverage, Periodontal Disease, nonetheless has far-reaching health implications for every individual, affecting both quality of life and longevity.
Drawing from his own in-depth experience and knowledge on the subject, Snape enables his reader to go easily beyond the minimal preventive care offered to most Americans. The results will empower his readers to take charge of this vital, yet often-ignored aspect of good health and wellbeing. I only wish I had this book twenty years (and several lost teeth) ago.
—John Corso, MD, author of Stupid Reasons People Die 

The book IS wonderful, and very informative! It's down to earth, in layperson language, and gives direction where one can begin searching for dental health and improving overall periodontal care.
—Dr. Tamerut Adams, D.O. Board Certified in Internal Medicine 

Thank you to all of the professionals who were kind enough to read my book and provide this wonderful feedback!  Thank you very much.   

Get Your Copy Today 



PS:  Get your free guides on fighting gum disease and stopping bad breath 

Interesting Links: 
Read About The Hydro Floss ( a tool I know that has had a positive impact on the dental health of many people). 

Customer Reviews. 

Pocket Pal Tips   

Pocket Pal Tip Reviews

Sunday, April 28, 2013

How To Get The Publication - How To Stop Gum Disease In 4 Easy Setps - For Free - Video


Buttons will be added here

Gum disease is the primary reason that people lose their teeth.  Please share this page on all of your social media.  As this problem affects so many, perhaps you could help more of them by sharing this page?  

Thank you in advance for helping to spread the word about this important publication. 

How To Stop Gum Disease In 4 Easy Steps - Click Here To Download


David Snape

PS:  Get your free guide to stopping bad breath   

Read more on the Hydro Floss

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

How To Stop Gum Disease In 4 Easy Steps - Free Download

You can now get :  How To Stop Gum Disease In 4 Easy Steps entirely for free on this page.   Not even an email address is required.

You can either click the link or 'right click' and choose 'save target as' or  'save link as'  or  something to that effect!  Here is the download link:

How To Stop Gum Disease In 4 Easy Steps - Click Here To Download

<--   Or click the image to the right to open. 

Gum disease is considered to be the primary reason that people lose teeth - whether they know it or not.  

Learning what this problem is and how to deal with it, is an important step for the average person.  

Most people have no idea what is going on when they are told they need an expensive treatment.   This short guide may help to clear some of the confusion away. 

Feel free to email this guide to your friends and family or whomever you would like to.  

I just ask that you share this page on your favorite social media in return - A facebook like, a tweet, a google plus,  a linked in share or any other social media.   One share is great but multiple shares would be even greater!  

Thank you in advance for helping to spread the word about this important publication. 

How To Stop Gum Disease In 4 Easy Steps - Click Here To Download

David Snape

PS:  Get your free guide to stopping bad breath   

Read more on the Hydro Floss

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Cigna Study Shows That Treating Periodontal Disease Leads to Less Emergency Room Visits

Yet another study shows the connection between gum disease and systemic (whole body) health.
 The latest one that I read was done by Cigna.  You can read the full article here.

It is really quite amazing when you consider the volume of evidence coming from researchers today.  It seems like every time you turn around, researchers are finding another link between gum disease and some other body problem.

Now, less emergency room visits!  Wow.

So, this is really just a modern day validation of ancient wisdom.   Farmers today still understand the value of checking an animal's mouth before purchase.  They know that the mouth reflects the body.  The wisdom of farm life has taught them that and this knowledge has been passed down in this form for possibly thousands of years!

The mouth reflects the body.

Perhaps one of the biggest objective indicators of the presence of gum disease (periodontal disease) is those periodontal pocket depths.  And this is important for people to know.

Above 3mm = BAD   Below 3mm=Good.

If patients understood this correlation, they would probably be more interested in doing something about their periodontal issues.  Of course, the first step would be to recognize the problem in the first place!  And we know that so many do not.

Doctors and Hygienists often do their best to help the patient understand the problem and what they can do about it.  But the volume of information is just not enough.    The connections are hard to make in a 45 minute to 1 hour visit during which time the patient has their mouth wide open while being talked to (or at) by the clinician or hygienist!

Something that I believe can help is the Hydro Floss Oral Irrigator- it is something that is relatively easy to use at home.   It comes with simple instructions.  Most importantly,  as many doctors have been discovering,  it is helping patients to do a better job with oral health at home and they are seeing correspondingly smaller pocketing on subsequent visits!   This is great news!

This one tool, simple in design can make a big difference in patient's lives!


And don't forget about prevention as well.  Many expensive dental procedures could be avoided in the first place, if patient's were more educated about prevention.   My favorite.   


PS:  Get your free guides on fighting gum disease and stopping bad breath  

PPS: prevention can also help a lot in reducing an individual's or family's health care costs.  My favorite prevention tool. 


Monday, March 18, 2013

Are Your Teeth Worth Saving? Video


Only you have the power to do something at home.   What you do, every day, at home is the most important thing when it comes to your dental health.   There aren't many, if any, dental professionals that would disagree with that.   You can find one to ask if you don't believe me.

Educate yourself and take action today.


PS:  Prevention is powerful!  This info is free

* this site speaks in general terms only.  For specific questions about your own unique dental health situation, be sure to ask your periodontist or dentist.  Every human body is different and no one can guarantee any results.  But it sure seems like your chances are better with prevention knowledge than without, doesn't it?  

Saturday, March 16, 2013

HydroFloss And Free Book

The book is valued at $21.99, so you will get this value along with a brand new HydroFloss (latest model).  The HydroFloss comes with a warranty as well.   This is a 'real' book.  It is one that you can hold in your hand and read - the old fashioned way! 

The book, What You Should Know About Gum Disease is an excellent adjunct to your Hydro Floss.  It is about 240 pages packed full of easy-to-understand information on gum disease and dental health.  

This chocked full of the 'secrets' to dental health that most professionals either don't know or don't have the time to tell / teach you.   And 'secrets' there are. 

For example, the measurement of your periodontal pocket depths is an objective guage to the health of your gums.  3mm and below is, generally speaking considered good by dental health professionald and anything above, generally speaking, is considered a problem.

Yet,  many dental offices are not measuring these on each dental visit, they are not telling their patients what these numbers mean and the importance of them.  

You are empowered with these numbers to know where you stand.  When gum health deteriorates, expensive treatments are right around the corner.  And unfortunately, this is often the point that people find out they have gum disease! 

However, we already know, according to dental professionals, that 75% of people have some gum disease right now!   Start protecting yourself today.  

Click Here To  Read More ABout This Deal Now 



Author: What You Should Know About Gum Disease

PS:  my  favorite tool for dental health 

PPS:   Get your free guides on fighting gum disease and stopping bad breath  

* I speak in general terms only on this site.  Specific questions about your unique dental health situation should be addressed by  your doctor or periodontist.