Showing posts with label gum disease information. Show all posts
Showing posts with label gum disease information. Show all posts

Sunday, June 21, 2015

Can You Reverse Gum Disease Naturally?

There May Be Problems With Costly Gum Disease Treatments

If you look around and read some research (dental literature) you may discover that it 'slips' out here and there that Scaling and Root Planing, a.k.a 'deep cleaning'  or 'SRP' treatments may contribute to gum recession. 

If you talk to people that have had this kind of treatment, you likely know some because this is very commonly done, they might subjectively tell you something similar.   One of my relatives said something of that sort.  

Gum disease treatments can also be quite costly.   Therefore, it seems reasonable to assume that a lot of people would like to have some sort of natural alternative. 

Many People Have Gum Disease

Gum disease is extremely prevalent.  The problem is that most people that have it are relatively clueless and will remain so until they are told that it is time for an expensive treatment.  

The patient is often left with the feeling or thought: "Why wasn't I told anything about this before"? It's not the best feeling in the world to have.  

Why does this scenario play out all over the country?  Well, I could give you my opinion but I it might be best if each person thinks about it a little on their own.  

Good News

Here is the good news.  There are about 2% of the population that will never experience any gum disease.  On the other end of the spectrum there are 2% that just can't seem to stop it.  
The rest of us are in the other 96%.  

What does it mean to be in the 96%?  It means that each of us has to work to varying degrees to stop the progression of gum disease.   Some people will have to work harder than others.  

Brushing and Flossing

Please don't fall into the trap of thinking that everything is your fault.   That might be true for some people.  But it's not true for everyone. 

Let me explain.   We know that dental professionals generally agree that 75% of people have some gum disease right now.    That's 3 out of every 4 people. 

Brushing and flossing are very important, but clearly they are not enough for most people.   

The conclusion is that more is needed.   What is that more?   I think I may have the answer. 

I've been selling this machine for years now.  It's the best thing I can find.  What I mean by that is that it seems to work, when used properly, for the most people to obtain healthy gums again.  

Nothing (or very, very few things) works 100% of the time for 100% of the people.  That seems to be true in health care no matter what you are talking about.   However, if you can find something that works for the majority of people, then you are ahead of the game. 

This machine, when used properly works for a lot of people.    Since it doesn't involve dramatic treatments, drugs or surgeries, I call it natural.   

How Do You Know Your Gums Are Better Anyway?  

Wouldn't it be great to have some sort of objective way to know if your gum disease is under control and no longer destroying the tissues in your mouth?   

Well, it turns out there is a way.  There is an objective measurement called 'periodontal pocket depths'.   Knowing these numbers and what they mean is important to you.  

Here is how it works:  Generally speaking, when your periodontal pocket depths are 3mm or less, most dental professionals would say your gums are healthy at that point.   Anything above 3mm and the opposite tends to hold true.  

Why is this?  Because when the pockets are kept that shallow, there is not enough area for harmful bacteria to build up to the extend that they are destroying tissue.   Therefore, keeping your pockets to 3mm or less is going to help prevent gum recession and tooth loss.  

The Machine

There is a specific way to utilize the machine I just mentioned.  This way seems to provide the greatest results for the most people.  This is something I share with my customers.   If someone purchases their hydrofloss machine from I will be glad to talk to them further and share what I know as well as provide additional information and answer questions that can help one to further understand this problem of gum disease and what can be done about. 


Then, follow the plan for about 30 days and go back to your very own dentist's office and have them measure your pocket depths.  Compare your new numbers to the old ones.  If it is working for you, you will find that those pockets have shrunk.   

This way you can get confirmation from your very own doctor and you don't have to play the mental game of asking yourself:  "Is it better or not"?  

When or if you get them all down to 3mm or less, continue following the plan.   It's worth a few minutes of your time daily to keep your gums healthy and prevent the ravages of this pesky disease from coming back. 

I hope this information was useful to you.  Feel free to leave a comment below.  If you would like to talk further, I'm at 888-586-6849.  


Saturday, August 10, 2013

Gum Disease Symptoms - How Aware Are You?

Like many people, I had a small amount of bleeding when brushingor flossing my teeth. At the time I did not think it was a big deal, but it was a signal that I had gum disease.   I just didn't know it, like many people today. 

symptoms of gum diseaseBleeding by itself is not a conclusive indicator of gum disease. Bleeding gums can also indicate various kinds of other diseases, health conditions, or even reactions to medicine. 

If your gums bleed or are sore and tender when you floss, you most likely have a problem with gum disease. 

A diagnosis from your dentist will be needed to be certain and to rule out other possibilities. 

I experienced even more bleeding during my regular hygienic cleanings at the dentist’s office. In fact, the hygienist would have a pile of blood tainted gauze when she was finished cleaning my teeth.

Like most people, I did not realize that it is not normal to bleed alittle while brushing, flossing, or during regular dental cleanings. 

Yet, a person can still have gum disease even if there is no bleeding during these activities.


Some of the other indicators of gum disease are: 

Persistent bad breath 

Red, swollen, or tender gums Painful chewing

Loose teeth

Sensitive teeth 

Gums pulling away from the teeth Teeth that have shifted in position.

Pus anywhere around your gum line 

 This is not an exhaustive list; there could be other similar symptoms, as well. 

symptoms of gum diseasePlease do not think you are home free if you do not exhibit any of these symptoms; they are not always evident until the disease has progressed. 

By the same token, try not to be frightened if you have just one of these symptoms in isolation. They can be caused by other factors and are not conclusive. 

They are merely indicators and still require the diagnosis of a dentist or periodontist. 

The most likely cause is gum disease, but  some of these symptoms could indicate the existence of other problems. 

If you have any of them, please make an appointment with your dentist or periodontist immediately. 

Self-diagnosis can get you into trouble. You need a trained professional to verify if you have—or do not have—gum disease. The untrained who think they know the difference are frequently wrong. 

Was I able to solve my problem?  

Yes, I was - you can read more about that here.     

There are ways to work on this problem and a way to know if what you are doing is working or not. 

I wrote a book entitled:  What You Should Know About Gum Disease - A Layman's Guide To Fighting Gum Disease.    

You can find it on this site, amazon, or therabreath's website. 

But this information is almost free  (  email address required)

symptoms of gum disease


PS:   Get your free guide(s) to stopping bad breath   or gum disease

PPS: Sign up for deals, specials, coupons and more.  

Bleeding gums are a bad sign, it is important to take action now.   

gum disease symptoms

Gum Disease Is An Epidemic That Has Been With Mankind For So Long That Everyone Thinks It Is Normal

gum disease, the quiet epidemic that has plagued mankind for thousands of years
 It really isn't an epidemic technically, because it is accepted as a 'normal' human condition.   

But, really,  with 3 out of every 4 people affected, isn't it one? 
In fact, it might as well be. 

Gum disease causes tooth loss.  If you know you have some, and most people have some, then you should educate yourself and take action.

What you do at home for yourself is the most crucial.   The fight is a daily one that no one is likely to fight for you. 

Knowledge is power.  Keeping your teeth for a lifetime of good service can be majorly impacted by how much you understand and how much action you take daily.

It is not normal, despite that fact that it has been accepted as such for so long.    It is a disease process.  

Don't let it catch you unaware.   

free bad breath information


PS:   Get your free guide(s) to stopping bad breath   or gum disease

PPS: Sign up for deals, specials, coupons and more. 

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Learn How To Stop Bleeding Gums. It's Super Important For Your Dental Health

So, your gums bleed when you brush and floss?  Sometimes, it doesn't even take that.  Some people just wake up with blood in the mouth after sleeping all night!

how to stop gum diseaseThe most likely cause is gum disease.   However, you need to go get checked out by a dentist or periodontist to rule out more rare possible causes.

I have put together a guide called:  How To Stop Gum Disease In 4 Easy Steps.  Fill out the form below to get it sent to you.  You can see that many people have done so already:

Subscriber Counter

You may not know this, but this is a serious problem.  Gum disease has been linked by research to an incredible amount of problems.   Don't let it get your teeth.    It is the number one cause of tooth loss.

Hurry, read this info.   I'll be the first to admit, I put too much information in this guide.

Therefore, you are invited to call me after getting it and I can boil the information down for you a little more quickly.   I'm at 888-586-6849.

The phone call is free with no obligation.  But I do have a wish to sell something to you.  It's only partly to sell, it is also about helping you get rid of this serious problem.

You will also learn how to get your results verified by your dentist.  Always get your regular checkups and cleanings!

learn how to stop bleeding gums

PS:   Get your free guide(s) to stopping bad breath   or gum disease

PPS: Sign up for deals, specials, coupons and more.  

Monday, July 29, 2013

Gums Bleeding While Brushing And Flossing Worries You? It Should!

gums should not bleed when brushing or flossingAnd you should be concerned.  Healthy gums should not normally bleed while brushing and flossing.

You definitely want to be under the care of a good dentist or periodontist.  Your doctor will tell you what your problem is.

Most likely, it is gum disease.

Doctors also know that it is what you do at home that makes the most difference.   You should go to your regular checkups and cleanings.  But,  the fight against gum disease, cavities and even bad breath is a daily one.

If your regular brushing and flossing habits just are not cutting it,  you should consider adding something more to the daily mix.

Next:  Read: 10 Reasons To Own A HydroFloss

Her Hygienist recommended this

Read more about the Hydro Floss

your gums should not bleed when you brush and floss


PS:   Get your free guide(s) to stopping bad breath   or gum disease
PPS: Sign up for deals, specials, coupons and more. 

gums should not normally bleed

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Your Gums Should Not Bleed When You Brush Or Floss

your gums should not bleed Bleeding gums are really not normal at all.  Most of the time it is a sign that you have gum disease.  You will need  your periodontist to examine you and give you a diagnosis.

Barring a few other things your periodontist may rule out, the most likely cause is gum disease.  You wouldn't be alone though as 3 out of 4 people, according to dental professionals, have gum disease.

That's 75% of people!  Yet, most people have no idea they have this problem.  On the other hand, I would guess that gum disease accounts for billions of dollars just in costly dental surgeries, gum grafts and dental implants alone!

What You Can Do

I'm going to assume that you have been to the dentist or periodontist and you know you have gum disease.   You will want to work with and under the supervision of your doctor at all times.

One of the key objective indicators of gum disease are your periodontal pocket depths.  Generally speaking your periodontist will consider your gums unhealthy when they are above 3mm.  

Conversely,  most periodontists, generally speaking, would say that your gums are healthy when you have no pocket depths above 3mm.

Therefore, your goal is to get to 3mm and below!

A Relatively Effective Way to Achieve This

Nothing will work 100% of the time for 100% of the people, that is impossible.  But I have something that worked for me personally and many other people too.

That is the HydroFloss oral irrigator.   

What you do with it is use it twice per day with two full reservoirs (place where the water goes) per use for a solid month.   After that, visit your periodontist again and see if your pocket depths have shrunk down.  

If so, simply keep up the routine.   If not, then you have to tweak and alter what you are doing at home until you achieve the desired results - as measured by your periodontist or hygienist.

I tried many things, but in the end it was the Hydro Floss that gave me the results I was looking for.  Now you know the secret to proving whether it will work for you or not too!

Read more about it.

You can talk to me if you have questions about whether this is the right way for your or not.  Call me at 1-888-586-6849 (ask for David). You can also join my skype group for conversation.

PS:  Get your free guides on fighting gum disease and stopping bad breath  

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Stopping Bleeding Gums

Bleeding gums are quite often a sign of gum disease.   You will want your dentist to give you a diagnosis and rule out anything else.

Once that is done, you might be faced with the prospect of spending a lot of money to solve this problem.   Unfortunately, gum disease is the number 1 cause of tooth loss.

I advocate working under the care of your periodontist at all times.   Let your Periodontist check your results and verify improvement (if any).

I have a specific methodology to tackle the problem of gum disease.  Since you will be working with your dentist, he can monitor and verify your results.

You can learn about this method by reading  : How To Stop Gum Disease In 4 Easy Steps

This is the tool that I discuss in that publication - It is also the one I believe to be the most effective. 


Here is the problem.:  I've been told that 99% of people download these reports and never read them!

I know, that's crazy right?   No one wants to go 50% of the way and then quit.

So,  I know the chances are good that you are not going to read this report - even after it is on your computer!

That's a shame.  Because I  have some valuable things to share.  Perhaps you can save yourself a lot of money and some or all of your teeth?    How much would that be worth.

 Like I said, most people will download the report but never read it.

I allow people to call me and ask questions.  I'm at 1-888-586-6849.  That includes those who don't read the information I suggested, but it would be better if you did! 

For people that don't want to talk on the phone, you can contact me on Skype as well:  just clickthe link below  This is two way communication, you will be able to chat with me and I will chat back.

Here is link to connect on Skype.

I think it would be a good idea to call instead, but I leave the Skype option open for those who aren't ready to talk on the phone.

The purpose of the call or the chat will simply be to figure out what is best for you and whether I have something to share that will align with YOUR goal for  yourself.

If there is an alignment, I'll explain further.

If there is not an alignment, you will walk away with some good / free information that you may find very helpful and good.

In ANY case, if you have bleeding gums, please take action by visiting a periodontist ASAP.



Monday, July 1, 2013

What You Should Know About Gum Disease - A Layman's Guide To Figthing Gum Disease

You can easily find this book by typing: into your browser. 

should know about gum diseaseThis is the book that got me moving in the direction that you have seen take. 
Given that this problem is so very prevalent and so few people understand it, I guess I took it as a personal mission to start educating people.

I knew it was going to be a hard road.  But, I still thought that people should know about this.  
I ran into a doctor that told me, "prevention doesn't pay".     I knew at that moment that what I was trying to do was going to have some tough obstacles. 

There have been dentists that have tried to educate the masses in the past.  Despite their efforts, they remain relatively unknown by the general public.

The public remains relatively ignorant about what gum disease is and what they can do to try and prevent it.  Their is an equal or greater level of ignorance regarding what can be done to fight this problem, mitigate it and even have the periodontal tissue become healthy again!

Gum disease is a billion dollar + industry.  I have no idea how much is made from this problem but a billion per year would be relatively conservative in my estimation.   It's probably far more than that.

Have you ever been to a periodontist's (a dentist who specializes in gum disease / health) waiting room?    It's usually quite full!    The people that have this problem don't talk about it - even though "most people"  have it whether they know so or not.

Dental professionals generally say  that about 3 out of every 4 people have it.   That is 75% of people in case you were wondering.   Gum disease is the number one cause of tooth loss.  How many people have lost teeth, obtained dentures or implants and still are ignorant of the fact that their tooth loss was caused by gum disease?

Will they go on to lose more teeth?   It's difficult to fix what you don't know about, isn't it?

These are some of the reasons that I wrote the book:   What You Should Know About Gum Disease.  ISBN:    978-0981485508

Read More Now



PS:  Here is one of the top dental tools that I think are worth having.  It has helped a lot of people, including me, personally.

PPS:  this book is also available at Amazon and on Therabreath's site as well.   


Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Gingivitis Information Helps Sharlene - Video

Being skeptical is normal.  I am certainly glad that Sharlene took the time to share her success with this information.  

I would love to have more people read my book(s).  I know people will benefit.   This is such a widespread problem and very few people know they actually have it.   

There even appear to be people that have lost teeth and have had implants or dentures installed and still don't know that they lost their teeth due to gum disease.    How sad is that?   Very sad if you ask me.  

Dental pros tell us that it is about 75% of people.  Why doesn't that alarm people?   Does anyone stop to think the odds are NOT in their favor?     What are the chances you don't have this problem?   

This is the problem in a nutshell: People are not told and they don't know.    There are specific questions you should ask your hygienist or dentist.   

1. Can you take and tell me the periodontal pocket depths readings around every tooth?  
-generally speaking 3mm and below are considered healthy. Above that max is generally considered unhealthy.  You doc will tell you for sure.

2.  Do I have some gum disease?   Simple and direct.  That should get them to speak up if they have been ignoring it.     Gingivitis is really just another stage of the same disease process.  Basically, gingivitis is the beginning.  

Check out to learn more.



PS:   Get your free guide to stopping bad breath   or gum disease

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Three Out Of Every Four People Have Gum Disease - According To Many Dental Professionals

How to Stop Gum Disease In 4 Easy Steps

This is certainly a problem worth paying attention to.   Dental professionals also tell us that gum disease is the number one cause of tooth loss.    

What is it that 'they' say?  Knowledge is power.  

Check out:  What you should know about gum disease right now.  


PS:   Get your free guide to stopping bad breath   or gum disease

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Do You Have Gum Disease? - Video


Read more about the Hydro Floss   or call 1-888-586-6849


PS:  Get your free guide to stopping bad breath   or gum disease

Do You Have Gum Disease?

I am going to assume that if you are reading this you already know you have gum disease.   After all, why would someone bother to read this if they did not, right?

The sad reality is that MOST people have gum disease.  Dental health professionals tell us that about 75% of people have some right now.   That's 3 out of every 4.

Therefore, if you know you have gum disease, you are not alone.  It's just that most of the other people that have it don't know yet!   They probably won't find out until a tooth becomes loose or it is time for an expensive treatment or surgery.

In a way, you can be glad that you know you have it, because now you can start to do something about it.  Many other people aren't going to find out until things get bad, unfortunately.  That's just the way it seems to work.

One Possible Way To Solve This Problem

Anyone who says they have something that will work 100% of the time for 100% of the people is lying.  You can't trust someone like that.

But, I do know of something that has helped a lot of people.  The best part about it is that you can have your dentist verify your results.

How To Know When It Works

This is the fun part because it is more objective than subjective.   You just need to know your periodontal pocket depths.   This is a measurement that your dentist or hygienist will take around each tooth.

Generally speaking, most dental professionals will say your gums are healthy at 3mm and below and unhealthy at above that mark.   Therefore, you will know your gums are back to a more healthy state when you get all of those readings to 3mm and below.

How To Give This A Shot

The device that I have personally experience with, and thousands of my customers do as well, is the Hydro Floss Oral Irrigator.      It works rather well for a LOT of people.  You can read about it, and customer reviews as well, at that link.

You simply use your Hydro Floss twice per day with 2 reservoirs per use for a minimum of 1 month.  Then go back to your dentist and find out what your measurements are.   If those readings are headed in the right direction, then you know you are onto something.  Your dentist can verify your results in this objective way for you!

Of course, you may have additional questions about this simple plan.   If you do, just go ahead and give us a call at 1-888-586-6849.   There is no obligation and your questions about this can be answered.

If you have gum disease, take action.  The reason why is that it probably won't get better unless you do something about it.   Gum disease often leads to tooth loss.  It is the number one cause, in fact.

Read more about the Hydro Floss   or call 1-888-586-6849


PS:  Get your free guide to stopping bad breath   or gum disease