Does Bad Breath "Run In The Family"?
Let's face it, sometimes an entire family is afflicted by bad breath.
Inheriting a Problem
One of the problems with being a baby is that we tend to receive our first oral bacteria from our primary care giver, most often the parents. So, if the parents transmit the bacteria to the children, it can happen that the develop colonies of the same type.

In addition, Geographical Tongue refers to a tongue that has a lot of grooves and fissures when compared to other tongues. These extra hiding spots are great for the anaerobic sulfur compound producing bacteria to hide.
You could inherit this type of tongue from one (or both) of your parents. Therefore, yes, it is possible to develop the same problems as our parents have.
What You Do Must Work
What you do to fight this problem has to be effective. Fresh breath has an influence on both personal and working relationships as well as that all important 'first impression' that everyone talks about.
Even though it may not be true, many people will interpret bad breath as a sign of a person who does not have sufficient cleanliness habits. This in turn, can affect a person's overall opinion of you. In sales, it can be a problem that directly affects your bottom line.
Therefore, you have to hit this problem hard. You have to strike it in a way that is not just masking symptoms but making an impact on reducing bacterial populations. Many mouthwashes, gums and drops simply cover one smell with another. This is not the ideal solution.
This is where the power of oxygen comes in. Remember that bad breath causing bacteria are mostly anaerobic in nature? This means that they don't like oxygen. In many cases they can die in the presence of oxygen.
Therefor oxygen is something you might consider adding to your daily oral health routine. Striking at the level of the bacteria present might make a greater impact over missing them completely by simply covering the smell. Get at the root of the problem can help to lessen the situation.
pH balance is also important in a product. A low pH (acidic) causes bacteria to grow more rapidly. Therefore, it might be helpful to utilize products that drive the pH higher. This can slow the growht of the 'bad' bacteria.
Since this problem can afflict an entire family, you can read more about the
Family Bad Breath Kit. This kit contains oxygenated and pH balanced products.
David Snape on
PS: Get your free home ozone report here.
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