Friday, August 9, 2019

What's the difference between this unit, and a waterpic...well, besides the price of course?


What's the difference between this unit, and a waterpic...well, besides the price of course?

Answer, thanks for your question.  

The HydroFloss is superior because of the hydromagnetics.   This has been documented in 2 peer reviewed journal articles in the prestigious:  Journal of Clinical Periodontology.  

The two articles are from may of 1993 and April of 1998.  

Both articles showed a significant increase in the amount of plaque and tartar reduction between your regular dental cleanings. 

It is reasonable to conclude that should lead to healthier gums and teeth. 

They are both oral irrigators.   But one produces superior cleaning in clinically documented tests.  These tests were done by independent researchers and not by any company with an interest in selling the HydroFloss.  

If you are on a mobile device, it might be easier to checkout from here instead: 

Finally, I have written on this topic before, you can find that post here: