I hear this on a regular basis. Someone calls to order a HydroFloss because their dentist or hygienist told them to get a Hydro Floss and start using it.
Sidenote: [ If you are a dental office that wants your patients to have the Hydro Floss - consider sending them to ToothyGrinsStore.com ]
Why do they recommend this particular tool? Why not recommend just any irrigator, like the ones you can buy at the local drugstore?
The reason they do recommend the HF is because they know that it works particularly well. Of course, there is no one thing the works 100% of the time - that would not be very likely. But for many people the Hydro Floss has worked.
What Do You Mean By "Worked"?
Many dentist and hygienists have seen that their patients end up with a reduction in periodontal pocket depths. 3mm and below is generally speaking, considered 'normal' and 'healthy'. While above 3mm, again, generally speaking is considered 'not normal' or 'unhealthy'.
Many people have deeper than 3mm pocketing and this is, generally speaking, indicative of gum disease.
With these deeper than 3mm pockets it is possible for the bacteria to achieve a high enough presence that they begin to erode the periodontal (gum) tissue that surrounds a tooth. This can ultimately lead to loose and lost teeth.
So, having deeper than 3mm pockets is basically the problem that you would like to prevent or fix.
Again, nothing works 100% of the time for everyone. Your situation should always be monitored by our dentist. They should be measuring these pocket depths on every visit and telling you what those numbers are. Follow your dentists advice.
The problem is that 'most' people have gum disease, they just haven't been told yet. Often times, they are told when it is time for an expensive treatment. Now that you know about periodontal pocket depths, perhaps you will be better equipped to prevent the problem or deal with it when it occurs. Read More About The Hydro Floss
Some marketers are trying to 'trick' customers into thinking there is a special 2015 model.
In fact, it is only that the packaging of the Hydro Floss changed in 2012. You should be aware that very few people are authorized to sell the genuine Hydro Floss oral irrigator.
Beware of people who are not authorized to sell this machine. In those cases, it is possible that they are getting these machines from an unauthorized source and when that happens it cannot be clear that they are genuine Hydro Floss irrigators.
Some appear to be looking for a marketing advantage somehow.
I speak in general terms only on this site. Specific questions about
your unique dental health situation should be addressed by your doctor
or periodontist.
The Hydro Floss Oral Irrigator is your Best choice - When it comes to oral irrigators, this is really true. Don't miss out on this special device. The money it can save you in prevention is worth a LOT more than the cost of this machine.
* I speak in general terms only on this site. Specific questions
about your unique dental health situation should be addressed by your
doctor or periodontist.
When she called yesterday, she ordered 6 more of each. I asked her what kind of results she was getting. She said that she had not heard back from everyone yet, but of those whom she did, the results were good.
I went on to explain that the best results come from using the Hydro Floss twice per day and two reservoirs per use. She mentioned that I had told her that before and that she had taken notes and had given each patient an instruction sheet.
It is absolutely no surprise for me to hear about her patients getting results. I have heard from enough people to know what the hydro floss can do for their dental health.
The only question is: Why aren't more dentists aware of this machine that has been around for nearly 25 years? The people are getting great results after all.
A good dentist will or should have knowledge of this machine. It has been reported twice in the Journal of Clinical Periodontology. And enough people have gained results that it should be part of mainstream awareness by now. Yet, it is still not.
I feel it is my job to help more people and more dentists find out about it. In the latter case, it is so they can inform more of their patients. A good doctor wants the best for her patients. And a good doctor should want the best!
* I speak in general terms only on this site. Specific questions
about your unique dental health situation should be addressed by your
doctor or periodontist.
* I speak in general terms only on this site. Specific questions
about your unique dental health situation should be addressed by your
doctor or periodontist.
The Hydro Floss oral irrigatoris one of the most powerful tools, in my opinion, for the promotion of dental health at home.
Peer reviewed, journaled studies have shown it to be about twice as effective as an irrigator that does not have its patented magnetic technology. These studies were published in the prestigious Journal of Clinical Periodontology in may of 1993 and again in April of 1998.
Why that is important to you is because reducing the plaque and tartar build up between your regular office cleanings is key to protecting your tooth and gum health.
Bacteria that cause tooth decay and gum disease like to hide under the plaque and tartar. When they are shielded from oxygen (which is the reason they create plaque and tartar) is to shield themselves from oxygen.
Once that happens, they begin to use a form of metabolism that secretes acid waste byproducts. These byproducts or 'waste' products attack your gum tissue and your teeth. This can lead to cavities and gum disease.
Since dental professionals commonly tell us that about 75% of people have gum disease today, it is important to understand the advantages that the Hydro Floss can provide you - even over other brands of oral irrigators.
Since gum disease is the number one reason people lose teeth and need dentures and implants, it only make sense that you will want to fully understand what the Hydro Floss can do for you.
It's easy to understand and quick to use. I even wrote a free guide on this machine called : How To Stop Gum Disease In 4 Easy Steps. - You can get your copy here.
* I speak in general terms only on this site. Specific questions
about your unique dental health situation should be addressed by your
doctor or periodontist.
This is a powerful machine for dental health maintenance. As you can see in the video, many people have derived benefit. It is worth reading about. Perhaps you will learn something important.
speak in general terms only here. Specific questions about your unique
dental health situation should be directed to your periodontist or
dentist. They can provide you with qualified advice, diagnosis and
treatment. This site cannot.
I had a customer who worked for a bank in Virginia. She was really into health and fitness. She worked out, she ate healthy and she really did everything she could to keep herself healthy and fit.
The only problem was that she had periodontal disease. She was scheduled once again for an expensive treatment.
She tried the Hydro Floss for a little while and her dentist and hygienist were able to verify that her periodontal pocket depths had decreased.
This pocket depths are a key objective indicator of the state of your gum health. Generally speaking, most dental professionals will say that your gums are healthy when you have no periodontal pockets above 3 mm - as measured by a professional at a dental office.
Our friend from Virginia had many deep pockets, one was even a 9. After using the Hydro Floss and getting checked again, most of the pockets had shrunk. She even told me that the 9 went to a 2!
That is just simply amazing.
Now, I do not advocate self treatment. Instead, you can simply ask your doctor to take before readings and after readings. If it works for you, then perhaps you will have your gum health under control. Your dentist will be able to tell you.
There is no guarantee that others will get the same or similar results. Every human body is different. However, I there are a lot of people who have told me similar stories.
In fact, I have a story about this machine myself. That is how I found out about it. I consider it one of the best kept secrets in the world. I am sure happy I know about it. Many others are happy too.
I speak in general terms only here. Specific questions about your unique dental health situation should be directed to your periodontist or dentist. They can provide you with qualified advice, diagnosis and treatment. This site cannot.
It usually has a reservoir, where you place the water. It has a pump inside. They usually have a power adjustment knob, for individual comfort levels.
How They Help
I think you may be able to easily imagine how a gentle stream of water against the teeth can help to clear away debris and food particles.
For example: Many people are surprised to find that even directly after regular brushing and flossing, using an oral irrigator somehow seems to dislodge food particles that were 'hidden' before.
I have experienced this myself many times and I am still surprised that this happens. Sometimes it is a significant amount.
You can probably imagine that getting those extra hidden particles helps your saliva to do the job of strengthening the teeth and cleaning the mouth. Particles can get in the way of that natural process.
Helping To Reduce Plaquing
Studies seem to indicate that using an oral irrigator can help to reduce above-the-gumline plaquing between office visits. That's important because under the plaque is where the 'bad bacteria' find a great home to build large colonies.
They like the no oxygen environment. These anaerobes are need limited oxygen in order to secrete their acidic acids that attack our teeth and gums.
Clearly, keeping plaque down to a minimum is going to help protect your dental health.
More Power
While this is good, there is something even better. The Hydro Floss oral irrigator has been shown in two peer reviewed published articles (Journal of Clinical Periodontology - May 1993 and April 1998) to reduce plaquing nearly twice as well as regular oral irrigators.
I received my order yesterday and was very pleased how fast the order came. I used it last night and when I turned it on I was extremely surprised by how loud it is. Is the machine suppose to be this loud? If so, would it affect the way the machine works if I put it on a towel or some kind of pad to absorb some of the noise?
Sincerely [Name Removed for Privacy]
Here was my reply:
Hi Chris,
Yes it is a little bit loud - about as loud as a hair dryer.
But, you are exactly right, you can limit that sound greatly by folding a hand towel and putting it under the Hydro Floss. That's what I do and it works great. I got that information directly from the manufacturer.
Dental health is rather precious. You are probably already aware of the costs involved just with getting a simple cavity repaired.
You may have experienced other costs for crowns, root canals, bonding, implants, dentures and gum surgeries, among others. When you stop to consider how much you can pay over a lifetime for dental costs, the numbers are quite staggering.
That is true even if you have good insurance. Because in the dental world the co-pays can be quite high. In many cases, insurance won't pay because they either 1. consider it your fault or 2. consider it a cosmetic issue.
The sad part about this is that a staggering number of people know they need dental work done, but they also know they can't afford it. Therefore, they let it go. The dental community has an obligation, in my opinion, to reach out to those people.
The costs of dental care are high and do tend to support higher than average lifestyles. That is why I think that obligation exists. Of course, few people are going to pay me any heed. I know that. :)
Therefore, Prevention becomes even more important to all of the people, regardless of socio-economics.
Prevention Is The Key
Everyone knows about brushing and flossing. But, if they were really all you needed to do, would people have so many dental health problems?
No prevention method is a 100%, but I do think it is reasonable to consider that people need more than brushing and flossing if they want to prevent more problems and avoid more costly treatments.
No one wants the pain of some treatments anyway. Even when the anesthetics wear off, there will be pain.
What can you do besides brushing and flossing, plus your regular dental office cleanings, to improve your odds of avoiding costly treatments and perhaps even saving teeth? The answer, I believe is with the Hydro Floss.
It's helped a lot of people and there is a good chance that it can help you. Again, no method is 100%, but if you add the Hydro Floss to your regular brushing and flossing routines, how much more might the odds be in your favor?
There were actually two studies published on the HydroFloss oral irrigator.
This one was published in May of 1993. The title is: The Effect of Oral Irrigation With A Magnetic Water Treatment Device On Plaque And Calculus.
The chief researchers were Clifton D. Sutton (George Mason University - Center for Computational Statistics, Department of Operations Research and Applied Statistics), Cecelia Rosenfelder (Dental Hygiene, Reston Va), and Dan L. Watt (General Dentistry, Reston Va).
Published in J Clin Periodontol 1993; 20; 314-317. ISSN: 0303-6979.
The results were deemed 'statistically significant' and indicated that supra-gingival calculus and its accompanying plaque was greatly reduced.
A second research project was completed and published in April of 1998 in the same journal with similar results.
The study itself goes into detail about the study, how 14 patients were removed from the study results when they could not or would not comply, etc. The paper also goes on to speculate on theory about Calcium and Phosphate ions and how the effect of the magnetic could be hindering the formation of plaque and calculus.
If you want to read the Journal article yourself, please check the above reference so that you can find locate the article.
The addition of a properly oriented magnet appears to make a big difference!
Oh, I suppose you could argue that it is my opinion, but frankly, you would be wrong. The Hydro Floss really is the best and I will tell you why.
IT Gets Results
I have my own personal experience and I have had the privilege of talking with dozens if not hundreds of customers over the last few years. The experiences they relay to me are often similar to my own.
I was able to utilize the Hydro Floss to get an objectively measurable difference in my periodontal pocket depths. I was once told I needed a SRP or 'Deep Cleaning' treatment. In the US, these can get quite costly. I used the Hydro Floss a lot for about 5 months.
When I returned to the same dental office, the looks of shock and amazement on the face of both the hygienist and the dentist were quite pronounced. My dentist said, "Whatever you are doing keep it up, you no longer need that treatment! (The SRP) I was delighted.
But, when I began selling the Hydro Floss, I heard from many customers who have also been able to reduce their periodontal pocketing and avoid expensive treatments! Sometimes they mention this in the product review section of our site.
One man, just the other day was buying a new one from Toothy Grins Store. He said, "My current one is not even broken, I just want a spare so that I don't have to go without the Hydro Floss."
Another man liked his results so much that he bought 5 the other day to give to all of his relatives!
This is the kind of response that comes about because something works. It is not imagination, it has worked for a lot of people!
It Has Been Documented
The Hydro Floss has been tested by professional researchers and their results have been published in the peer-reviewed journal: The Journal of Clinical Periodontology.
This did not happen once, but it happened twice. Once in May of 1993 and again in May of 1998. The researchers in both studies declared their results to be statistically significant. This means, the results were unlikely to be random.
They used one machine with magnetic technology that comes with each new Hydro Floss against machines were the magnetic technology had been removed. The difference in results was, again, significant.
So you have two avenues form which to look at this:
Why take a chance on something that may not provide the absolute best possibility to get results?
The Hydro Floss Is documented and customers get results.
Of course, every human body is different and results can't be 100% guaranteed for everyone - that would be impossible. But, the vast majority of people I have spoken with, have been able to obtain good results.
What you want is for those periodontal pockets to be at 3mm and below. Generally speaking, most experts would say your gums are healthy at that point.
* I speak in general terms only. If you have a specific question about your own unique dental health situation, be sure to direct those questions to your dentist or periodontist.