Showing posts with label gum disease. Show all posts
Showing posts with label gum disease. Show all posts

Friday, March 8, 2013

Gum Disease Treatment

One should definitely be under the care of a periodontist if you know you have gum disease.  My periodontist has been very helpful.

One of the key concepts about gum disease is that it is a daily struggle.  As you have probably heard at sometime in your life:  The daily disruption of plaque is crucial to your success.

You can get this guide:  How To Stop Gum Disease In 4 Easy Steps

Since the daily disruption of plaque is important, it stands to reason that you cannot rely solely on your regular periodontal office visits.   As your doctor and hygienist will agree, what you do at home is very, very important.

Gum disease is a big problem today.  A lot of people have it whether they know it or not.   It also happens to be the primary (#1) Cause of tooth loss in this world.

That's a tragedy folks.  In most cases it does not have to be that way.

Periodontal Pockets

The measurements of your periodontal pockets provides your baseline and guage to  know whether what you do at home + your in office visits are working for you.

Generally speaking, you want your periodontal pockets to be 3mm and below.  Generally speaking again,  most dentists will consider your gums healthy when all of your periodontal pockets measure 3 mm or below.

So, for most people shrinking those pockets is going to be the key to success.  Failure to do so, as a corollary, is the key to failure.

I've written a tremendous amount of background information, in easy to understand terms, in the book: What You Should Know About Gum Disease  : A Layman's Guide To Fighting Gum Disease. I suggest you get a copy and read it from cover to cover.   There is a wealth of information in there.

The most powerful tool that I have found, bar none, is this.   And I believe you should get one of them and start using it.  I have posted guidelines in the above free publication,  How To Stop Gum Disease In 4 Easy steps.    It's free so you might as well get it and read it, starting today.

Finally, I want to point out that I speak in general terms in all of my information.  And it is important that you are under the care of a skillful and good periodontist.   He can provide advice, diagnosis and treatment for you. 

Yet, the above publications and information is very important to you.  As I mentioned before, and your doctor will likely agree, what you do at home is of the utmost importance.  The daily disruption of plaque is the main key to your success.  And since you cannot see your doctor every day - what you do at home, on your own, is crucial.   Again, ask your doctor if you don't believe me.


Check out the tool I mentioned on this article.


PS: Scoop up your free guides on fighting 1. gum disease and 2. bad breath

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Governor Tom Corbett of Pennsylvania Declares February as "Gum Disease Awareness Month"

Pennsylvania's Governor Tom Corbett has joined the list of Governors that have dubbed February as "Gum Disease Awareness Month"  - you can read the article from BeWellPhilly here.

So far, I have become aware of Illinois, Oklahoma and now Pennsylvania as states that are trying to raise the awareness of the seriousness of gum disease as well as how widespread it is.   Then there is Dr. Hudson in NY.

And that is great!  I applaud the Governors of these states as well as Dr. Hudson. 

The Problem Of Gum Disease Is VERY Widespread

In articles I've read recently some of the dental associations involved in these proclamations are stating that 85% of people suffer from some degree of gum disease.

The standard statistics is around 75%  - but even at that lower number that means 3 out of every 4 people have some.   Most of them don't know.

Many will not become aware until it is time for an expensive treatment.  There may be multiple reasons for this.  I don't want to speculate on that too much.    But, the fact remains:  A LOT of people have gum disease. 

It appears that many of those people will need expensive treatments and or lose one or more teeth!  (Gum disease is the number one cause of tooth loss! )


This Prompted Me To Write The Book 

To do my fair share in raising the awareness about this widespread disease, as well as what people can do to stop it from progressing, I wrote a book.

The name of the book is: What You Should Know About Gum Disease

I think every family should have a copy of this book on their shelf.   If so many people have gum disease now, and do not know it,  what are the chances that multiple people in your family could use this information?

Who knows, maybe they (or you) can save thousands of dollars in expensive treatments that were not needed because you took action to prevent them.

It's not all about brushing and flossing.   If that was all it took, would so many people have gum disease today?

I hope this article helped to raise awareness a little further.


PS:   This tool is my favorite and can be used at home. 

PPS:  Guide:  How To Stop Gum Disease

Friday, February 8, 2013

Garrison Keillor Has My Book On His Website

As I am a fan of Garrison Keillor, I am ever more greatly delighted to discover that he has good taste in useful books as well.

You can find my book:  What You Should Know About Gum Disease available on Garrison Keillor's bookstore :   Common Good Books

If you are not already familiar and you should be: Garrison is the personality behind the dashingly good show:  A Prairie Home Companion.

This show sponsors fun, wit, good humor and stories.  Garrison's hit show has delighted audiences for years and years!   And it is still going strong.

Love the cast, love the show, love the characters.

And now,  you can get my book on his site:

Check it out - Read more here


David Snape

PS: You can also findWhat You Should Know About Gum Disease on This sit.

This book is likely to provide you with a great deal of insight.  If you are a person who believes in protecting yourself, saving money and avoiding painful and costly treatments - this book is definitely for you!


Thursday, January 31, 2013

Gingivitis Symptoms, Causes And Treatment

I found a very basic article on the Dental Associates of New England sit3 (

The article discusses some basic things about gum disease and treatment.

I have my own thoughts on the topic

Gingivitis is the reversible form of gum disease.   Gum disease, periodontal disease and even gingivitis are different stages of the same disease process.  Dental professionals tell us that about 75% of people have some form of gum disease now. 

The best policy is prevention

The article goes on to mention all of the various treatments you can have done to restore the damage of lost tissue.

But, I think the best plan is to prevent it in the first place.

Some good resources on Prevention:


PS : Free guide:

Periodontal Disease and Respiratory Disease

This is a connection that most of us have heard about before.   

Of course, more research is called for.

I found this article here:

The article mentions a connection between gum disease and pneumonia.

This does lend itself to common sense.  If we have a rampant bacteria infection in the mouth,  its fairly likely that some of those little beasties  find their way to our lungs.

Not a big surprise. 

Of course, researchers have been noticing some type of connection between gum disease and all kinds of health problems including heart disease, mouth cancer, diabetes,  osteoporosis and others.  Not much is completely conclusive.  But many doctors today feel confident that the connections exist.

 Controlling Periodontal Disease

Terminology explained.  Gum Disease, Periodontal disease and gingivitis are all terms for various stages of the SAME disease process.

The culmination of this process leads to lost gum tissue, lost supporting bone, loose teeth and finally a tooth or teeth falling out or needing to be pulled.

So, it pays to control this problem.   How do you do it?

One of the key points you have probably never been told (as a patient) are the periodontal pocket depths.   These relatively objective measurements can tell you where the health of your gums are at.

You ask your hygienist or dentist to measure them on EVERY visit for a cleaning and checkup.

Ideal pocket depths are 3mms (millimeters) and below.  If your numbers are getting better at each visit, that's awesome.  You know you are headed in the right direction.

One tool that I have personally found to be helpful (and many other people too) is this one

Good hygienists and dentists that care about their patients already know about this tool.  And they tell their patients to get it.

By controlling your periodontal pocket depths, generally speaking, you are controlling, limiting and preventing any further damage.

Success in this area could very well mean that you get to keep your teeth (or the rest of them) for a lifetime of good service.

So Study Up On This Tool Today  - if you are an individual, it may help you.  If you are a doctor, it may very well help your patients reach and maintain periodontal health!

In either case, this information should be spread.  Link to this page today and tell others about it.


PS:  Free guide

related resources:

*I speak in general terms only.  If you have specific questions about your unique dental health situation, address those questions to your doctor or dentist. 

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Flossing And Brushing May Not Be Enough To Protect Your Dental Health

Not Enough For Most People

Many people believe that proper brushing and flossing are enough to stop or prevent gum disease and cavities.  I am going to attempt to explain why that may be true sometime but is not true MOST of the time. 

Perhaps you think that I am incorrect in saying that brushing and flossing are not enough?   I understand why you would think that.  After all, it is what we have been indirectly taught since the time we were children.

However, the basic fact remains:  About 3 out of every 4 people have some gum disease right now!  I did not make that up.  75% of people have some gum disease.  Ask any dental professional, this is the standard answer.  You might find some variation but 75% is the typical answer you will receive. 

Therefore, if 75% of people have some gum disease right now, then regular brushing and flossing must not work for most people. 

You Should Definitely Continue to Brush and Floss

Please do not misunderstand me.  You should continue to brush and floss because they are both important preventive measures that should not be overlooked.   It is important that you continue to do both.   

It is also important that you get your regular dental cleanings at the frequency that your dentist or periodontist recommends.  Those cleanings can really help you. 

However, nearly every dental professional will agree that what you do at home has the greatest impact of all on your dental health.    I think we just established that brushing and flossing, while important are not keeping MOST people from having gum disease. 

What Else Can You Do?  

 I have written a book on this subject entitled:  What You Should Know About Gum Disease : A Layman's Guide To Fighting Gum Disease ISBN:  978-0981485508

One of the most useful tools I have found for helping to stem the tide, reducing periodontal pocket depths and helping you to make your gums healthier is this home use machine.  

I have also written a free report about it called:  How To Stop Gum Disease In 4 Easy Steps.  you can get that free report HERE.  

Well, I think I have given you enough tools and resources to explore further if you want to.   

I can only say that I really do believe that a copy of my book belongs on every family's bookshelf.  When you consider that 75% of people have gum disease whether they know it or not, then in only makes sense that every family and most individuals need this information.  


David Snape
PS:  read more about the book here.  

PPS:  A doctor once told me that prevention doesn't pay.  What do you think he meant by that?  

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Periodontal Disease and Osteoporosis

I found this article about Gum Disease and Osteoporosis at the Loma Linda University Faculty Dental Practices Center for Dentistry and Orthodontics,  here is the link to the article:

I would NOT say that the evidence is definitive.  But certainly it is an area for researchers to take a closer look at.

What I didn't like about the article is that the only thing it mentioned was  diagnostic x-rays for ongoing evaluation.

Prevention wasn't mentioned in the article at all.

Preventing and stopping the progress of gum disease is very important.

The book: What You Should Know About Gum Disease : A Layman's Guide To Fighting Gum Disease has some very good information that can potentially help a lot of people avoid costly treatments through prevention.   It's never too late to derive benefit from this information. 

There are just some key concepts that the average person does not know.  But if this person did know, it could make a huge difference in how much they spend on dental health treatments over the course of a lifetime.
Of course, you always want to get your regular checkups and cleanings in with your doctor and hygienist.   But, what if you had a way to prevent the costly treatments that come out of pure ignorance for a person or a family?

Author:  What You Should Know About Gum Disease

PS:  Free guide.  How to Stop Gum Disease In 4 Easy Steps:

PPS:  Stopping bad breath  - check it here.

PPPS:  my 'favorite tool for dental health promotion.

*  I speak in general terms only both in the book and on this site.  For questions about your unique dental health situation, please direct those questions to your dentist or periodontist.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Signs And Symptoms of Periodontal Disease

Dr. Andrew Pallos has written a nice web page about the basic signs and symptoms of periodontal disease.

I won't go over them because they are pretty standard, but you can read Dr. Pallos' post here:

I will talk about:

What I Think Is Important

I like that Dr. Pallos wrote about periodontal disease.   It's also known as gum disease.   In fact, the three terms, gum disease, periodontal disease and gingivitis are simply different stages of the same disease process. 

Periodontal disease and gum disease are more or less synonymous and refer to the irreversible erosion of tissue.   Gingivitis, on the other hand, is the beginning stage of this disease process and can be corrected before irreversible damage occurs.

To cut through a lot of mumbo jumbo and make it simple, here are the key points:

You can monitor your level of gum disease (75% of people have some) more or less objectively through the periodontal pocket depths - as measured by a hygienist or dentist.

Generally speaking,  3mm and below is considered healthy and above 3mm is considered unhealthy.

Therefore, you want to find tools that can help you keep the plaque and tartar (as mentioned in  Dr. Pallos article, in check.    Or, reduce those pockets if necessary.

For me and many of my customers, this machine has helped.    In fact, it saved me from a SRP (Scaling and Root Planing Treatment or Deep Cleaning). 

In the US these treatments can be quite costly.   I've heard they are pretty inexpensive in New Zealand though!

The Best part about using this machine is that you can monitor and watch your results and progress (or lack thereof) via your very own dentist or hygienist. 

Nothing else worked for me and my dentist insisted that I get  that SRP treatment.   But, when I showed up at her office after using that machine for a few months,  she conceded that my gums where healthy and I did not need that treatment after all!    How wonderful.


Monday, January 14, 2013

What You Should Know About Gum Disease Part 31 Video

Part 31 Video

Part 30 Video 

What You Should Know About Gum Disease 

Top Tool For Home Use

Part 31 Video

You can only see your dentist a few times a year.   Most people don't get their teeth cleaned more than 2 to 4 times per year.

However, the struggle against gum disease is a daily one.  Since your dentist can't clean your teeth for you every day,  the bulk of the struggle against gum disease, cavities and bad breath falls on your shoulders.

Since gum disease is the number one cause of tooth loss, this daily struggle should be taken very seriously.   As you likely already know, the cost of fillings is fairly high.   I can assure you that the cost of dental surgery, gum grafts and implants is much higher.

Don't get stuck with big bills.  Learn what you need to do, beyond regular brushing and flossing, to help protect your dental health and your wallet!

Read the book:  What You Should Know About Gum Disease : A Layman's Guide To Fighting Gum Disease  Today!



PS:  Pick up your free guide to stopping gum disease.   And check out one of the best tools you can use to help you in that daily struggle you are facing.


Sunday, January 13, 2013

What You Should Know About Gum Disease Part 30 Video

Part 30 Video:

The full book can be found at:

Top tool that you should want to know about:

This Gum Disease Problem

It really is a big problem.  Lots of people have it and many don't know they have it.   So, how do you get this information in the hands of people if they don't even know they have the problem.

Preventing the problem is very important.  Stopping and existing problem is equally important.

When I say a lot of people have gum disease, dental professionals tell us about 75%  (sometimes higher) have gum disease.   That's 3 out of every 4 people.   That really is a lot.   What do you think the odds are that you are the 1 out of 4 that is safe? 

As I mentioned before, people just don't know they have this problem.  Often times, they are not told until it is time for an expensive treatment.

People are busy and they don't always have time to educate their patients.   Many doctors have found that the people actually do not listen until the situation is critical.   In a certain sense, you cannot blame them because they know people won't listen.

On the other hand, some dental professionals keep trying even though they understand the probability of getting through to more than a few people is unlikely.   This has been the blockage that has faced other dentists who have gone out of their way to talk about prevention. 

Unfortunately,  I am finding a similar situation.  Even though about 75% of people have some gum disease, they just don't want to pay attention to what I have to say.  

On the other hand, there are those who are delighted to find my information.  The absorb it, act on it, and some even call me to tell me how much better their dental health has become - as measured by their hygienist or dentist. 

I always advocate working with professionals.   My book is easy-to-understand and I believe it has the potential to save you a tremendous amount of money, pain and unhappiness over the years. 

Every family should have a copy and ever dental office should be giving copies to their patients. 

Read more here:

And don't forget the machine that I think provides exceptional value and one that has the potential to also save you a great deal of cash and turmoil. 


Travelling With Your Hydro Floss

Here is a Hydro Floss tip you can utilize for travel.   

The ability of the hydro floss to positively influence your dental health is unmatched by any other irrigator on the market today.

Yet, some people have to or want to travel.  Many do not want to be without their Hydro Floss.  
So, how can you travel with your Hydro Floss? 

A bank vice president somewhere in the state of Virginia gave me this travel tip.  She needs to travel a lot.

Tip:  Keep the original packaging that your Hydro Floss comes in.  This is a nice sturdy styrofoam cushion that can really help protect your Hydro Floss while traveling. 

Of course, there are no guarantees with this tip.  But, we know that the styrofoam packaging can keep the hydro floss and parts snug and secure. 

Her Thoughts: 
I have not spoken with this customer for probably 2 years or so.  But, she did say that she was able to avoid some expensive dental treatments as a result of using her Hydro Floss.

This is similar to my story as well.   I was able to avoid a Scaling and Root Planing (SRP) treatment.  It is also known as a deep cleaning. 

I don't remember if hers was actual surgery or the deep cleaning treatment.   In either case,  we both were able to save a lot of money.

I always advocate working with your dentist.  They can measure your pocket depths.  Generally speaking, 3mm and below is considered healthy by most dental practitioners. 

Therefore, if you are able to get these numbers down, perhaps your dentist will agree that you won't need your expensive treatment either? 

The Hydro Floss has helped a lot of people, myself included! 


David Snape 

PS:  Here is a free guide on stopping gum disease   and one on defeating bad breath

PPS:  share this page with others if you have found it informative / useful

Vs. Any Other Irrigator:

Book on Gum Disease:

Friday, January 11, 2013

What You Should Know About Gum Disease Part 29

What You Should Know About Gum Disease - Part 29. 

In this video we reinforce the concept that plaque is the enemy and that the plaque continues to come back again and again.   It is a fight that must be fought every single day.  Failure to do so, is usually a step backwards.

The plaque is a living 'biofilm' and it forms an oxygen shield.  When this happens the 'bad bacteria' have a chance to reproduce rapidly and produce more and more acidic toxins which can ultimately have the effect of destroying surrounding tissue.

If too much of that tissue, including the bone, is destroyed, the tooth or teeth can become loose.  This is a disaster.  Implants can be very costly.

You can find the book here. 

Many people have gum disease right now and many (most)  do not know it.   In fact, there are people who have lost teeth and now have implants and they still don't know or understand that the reason for losing the teeth was gum disease.

Gum disease is the number one cause of tooth loss.  It is possible to lose teeth through accidents or very severe cavities.  However, gum disease is the far, far in the lead when it comes to tooth loss.

I believe the book is one that every family should have o their book shelf.  Since dental professionals tell us that 3 out of every four or about 75%  of people have gum disease, there is a good chance that you or someone you love will need this information.

If you can save yourself from even one expensive treatment or toot replacement you will be far out in the lead.

If you have any questions, I can be reached at the number below 


David Snape

PS:  get the free guide, how to stop gum disease in 4 easy steps here. 

PPS:  here is on of the tools that I think is most useful

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Smile: Gingivitis Bacteria Manipulate Your Immune System

Smile: Gingivitis Bacteria Manipulate Your Immune System

This article was published in the  publication.

It turns out that that these little critters are secreting Interleukin-10  to trick your T-Cells (cells for fighting infection) into thinking everything is normal and there is no reason to take action.

If it weren't for this little trick, then they would likely be mitigating down to population sizes that would never make a difference or be harmful to your body.

Just like slime on the inside of a fish tank, once these colonies get a hold they never want to let go.  That's a bummer for us humans.

The Daily disruption of plaque becomes crucial in the fight against these little beasties.   It is under the plaque that they are shielded form oxygen- and this is where the trouble starts.

Daily disruption of plaque exposes them to oxygen and this, in turn, helps to keep them to manageable levels.


PS:  you can read this guide:  How To Stop Gum Disease In 4 Easy Steps


Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Subscriber Email for January 9th 2013

I hope you have had a chance to read your copy of How To Stop Gum Disease In 4 Easy Steps That I sent to you previously,   If not,  just ask me and I'll send another copy to you.

I have been busy creating more content about gum disease, dental health and related topics and I will share some of those with you now:

1.  What You Should Know About Gum Disease - Part 11 Video

2. Dr. Mercola Discusses The Hydro Floss

3. Hydro Floss Customer Reviews

4.  The Power Of Ozone, Nature's Cleanser  (this one has been viewed more than the others)

5.  Therabreath Coupons

I've actually written a lot more than that on my new blog at Toothy Grins Store.  This is the place where I think I will be doing most of my writing from now on.

As always I invite you to ask questions when you have them.   You can reply to this email or call the number 888-586-6849. 

That's it for now.   I hope you had a great holiday season and that the New Year is treating you well.  


Gum Disease And Impotence

Turkish Researchers Believe There May Be A Connection

Recently, I read some NEWS about researchers in Turkey who are suggesting that men with gum disease are at greater risk for erectile dysfunction.

While I heard that there were possible links between gum disease and diabetes, lung infections, heart disease, low birth weight babies and a few other things, erectile dysfunction is a new one on the list. 

Why All These Connections?

Researchers have been noticing these connections between gum disease and other diseases for years.  They may not be exactly sure what the direct relationship is,  but they have been noticing these things for quite a while.

Consider. for a moment, life about 200 years ago.    People lived from the land and many people were involved in farming ( a very noble profession in my opinion - as it feeds the people of the world).  Those people had an instinctual understanding about the health of their animals.

They somehow knew that the mouth was a reflection of the body.   You have probably heard some sayings related to this.   "Don't Look A Gift Horse In The Mouth."   What is that about?

Whenever people would buy livestock back then and right up until today,  they would always look in the mouth of the animal.  If there were problems there like rotting, missing teeth, then they figured the rest of the animal would be sick soon too.

But when something is given as a gift, you don't spend money on it.   So, "Don't look a gift horse in the mouth",  was a saying.  

How did they know that this connection existed?   They observed what happened in the real world over time.  It was just common knowledge back then that the mouth really could tell them about the overall health of the animal.

Modern Times

Today's researchers are just catching up now.  They can see that there is a relationship between the number on cause of tooth loss, gum disease, and other diseases.

They may not understand the exact mechanisms of these connections but they know they exist.  many doctors and dentists today just take it for granted that there is this connection.

One Anesthesiologist called me one day to order one of our Hydro Floss machines.   He told me that a lot of the heart patients they operate on have periodontal disease.   He told me he is sure about that connection and if more people cleared up their gum disease there would be less heart surgeries needed.

Real world subjective experience fueled his opinion.   It is probably just a matter of time before researchers pinpoint the exact mechanism(s).  In the meantime there appears to be enough anectdotal evidence to assume the connections are real.

Learning how to prevent or stop gum disease is very important, because about 3 out of every 4 people have some.    Some doctors ad the phrase 'over 35' in there.  But others just say a straight up 75%.

You have to realize that the over 35 group is just seeing the results of years of damage.  But younger people are found to have gum disease too.  You can be 6 years old and have some.

Anyway, I digress.  This is a real problem for the human race.  If you like the idea of health and doing all you can to keep it, then here are two resources to read about.

What You Should Know About Gum Disease
This machine

I speak in general terms only here.  Specific questions about your unique dental health situation should be directed to your periodontist or dentist.


PS:  Free guide (with email address)

What You Should Know About Gum Disease Part 28 Video

Part 28 of the Book:   What You Should Know About Gum Disease

Plaque Is The Enemy

Consistent, daily disruption of plaque is the secret to defeating many dental health problems, including gum disease.

The problem with plaque is that it harbors bacteria that are able to exist in an 'anaerobic' form.  This means that they use a biologically inefficient form of metabolism that leaves acid chemicals as a byproduct.

These waste products can attack your tooth enamel as well as your gum tissue.  The saving grace is that the plaque must remain intact for this to happen.

If the plaque is disrupted and the bacteria underneath are exposed to oxygen, they will die or revert to 'normal' efficient metabolism that does not produce the same harmful waste products.

Plaque will quickly begin to reform as soon as it has been disrupted.   It is believed that in about 24 hours it will have sufficiently regrown to shield the 'bad' bacteria from oxygen to the point that they can rapidly multiply and secrete more and more waste products.

Therefore, the work of disruption must be done daily.

Brushing and Flossing

These are definitely worthwhile plaque disrupting activities.  They should continue to be done.  The question is:  Are they enough?

The answer, I believe, lies in the fact that dental health professionals tell us that about 75% of people have some gum disease right now.   That is a frightening number for sure.  

I believe that it also answers the question about whether brushing and flossing are enough to prevent gum disease.

The Book:  What You Should Know About Gum Disease discusses what this problem is and what else might be helpful to you in your fight to put an end to or prevent this problem that attacks so much of the human race.   You can get your copy of that book here. 

Of course, you should get your regular dental cleanings and work with your dental health professional all the way.   But, if a little knowledge helps you to prevent lost teeth and expensive treatments, then it is more than worth the $20 or so that the book costs.

Whatever the case may be,  this problem definitely afflicts a lot of people.   Most people do not know they are part of the 3 out of every 4 that are affected.  They may not find out until later when the disease progresses to 'noticeable' levels.  But, at that point, the damage has been done.

Why reach that point?   Stop it now.


PS:  You can also read:  How To Stop Gum Disease in 4 Easy Steps, get it here.

I speak in general terms, specific questions about your unique dental health situation should be directed to your periodontist.  

Part 27

Part 29

Shrinking Periodontal Pocket Depths

Periodontal Pocket Depths Are Important Indicators Of YOUR Dental Health

If you do not know what these numbers are, you should ask your dentist.  This is something that should be checked during every office visit.  Although, it does appear that there are some clinics where these pocket depths are rarely if ever checked.

These Numbers Are Important

 If they come out much above 3mm in multiple spots, there is a good chance that your dentist will want to perform a special treatment.  Sometimes this takes the form of an SRP or 'deep cleaning' treatment.  There could be other recommendations as well.

Personal Experience

I was in this situation a several years back.   I did not have the deep cleaning done as I did not like the what it entailed.   In the US, these treatments can also be quite expensive.  Although, I have heard in other countries they may not cost nearly as much.

What I did use is a device called the Hydro Floss Oral Irrigator.    When I returned to the dentist, she said that my gums looked a lot better, the periodontal pockets were down to about normal levels.  She said:  "Whatever you are doing, keep it up."

I have sinced talked to a lot of people over the last 4 or 5 years and I do hear similar stories from other people.    Having said that, I must warn you that not every person or situation is the same and just because it worked for many does not guarantee it will work for everyone.

You must continue to work closely with your dental professional, they should be monitoring those periodontal pockets for you at every visit  to see where you are at.

Shrinking The Pockets

You should, of course, get your regular dental cleanings 2 to 4 times per year or whatever your periodontist recommends.   But why not use a powerful tool between office visits to help your periodontal (gum) tissue stay healthy.

The danger in deeper pockets is that there may be sufficient quantities of bacteria present to begin to destroy the supporting structure of your teeth.   This can lead to gum recession, loose and finally lost teeth.

This is why the periodontal pocket depths are so important to you.   Generally speaking, if you have them all at 3mm and below most dental health professionals will say that your gums are healthy.

You continue to work with your dentist on a regular basis,  but you have just do things at home to make your dental health better.  The device I mentioned above, I believe, can go a long way towards helping you as it has helped many others to do the same.


You can use the same tool to help you maintain your dental health.  If you are able to get your gums healthy with this method then you should be able to maintain them there as well.

Of course, I speak in general terms only here.  Specific questions about your unique dental health situation need to be addressed by your periodontist or dentist. 

There are no absolute guarantees that any one thing will work for you.  However, if you can help keep things healthy and avoid expensive and painful treatments, as well as lost teeth, wouldn't it all be more than worth it?    I think so.

Read More About The Hydro Floss


PS.  You can get this at no cost:  How To Stop Gum Disease In 4 Easy Steps

Monday, January 7, 2013

Diabetes' Relationship To Gum Disease

I found a nice, easy to understand explanation at Dr. Froum's website.   Because he made it easy, I think he deserves a reward with a link to his explanation.   Click here to read it.

Dr Froum is a cosmetic dentist with a penchant for periodontics and implants.   He is located in New York City and his phone number is:   (917) 338-0259 

I do prefer prevention over implants.   But it is good to understand that diabetics are at an increased risk for gum disease. They are more susceptible to infection.   Gum disease is, essentially a bacterial infection, but it is one that 'eats' the supporting tissue structure around each tooth.   

You definitely don't have to be diabetic to have gum disease.  In fact, gum disease is something that most people have, whether they know it or not.  But, that doesn't make it 'ok' to have gum disease.  
Dental professionals tell us that about 75% of people have this horrible problem.  And that is horrid.  

Yet, diabetics are even more at risk than the 'average' person.  So, it is in the interest of the diabetic to learn about the problem of gum disease and what he can do about it.   

I may be biased, but I think the book I wrote:  What You Should Know About Gum Disease: A Layman's Guide To Fighting Gum Disease is super to get the kind of information that could end up saving a person a lot through prevention.  

It sure is not all about brushing and flossing.   While those are good things to do and important.  If they worked for everyone, then I think we would not have a 75% incidence of gum disease!

Lost teeth, I'm pretty sure is something that everyone wants to avoid.   I like Dr. Froum's easy to understand explanation about the relationship between diabetes and periodontal disease.   Thanks Dr. Froum for sharing it. 


PS:  I wrote this free (with an email address) guide:  How To Stop Gum Disease In 4 Easy Steps 

And here is part of a video series on my book about gum disease: 

What You Should Know About Gum Disease Part 27 Video

What You Should Know About Gum Disease Part 27 Video

Part 26

Part 25

What I think is the best oral irrigator and why

Biofilm Is Plaque

The 'biofilm' is just another term for plaque.  The bacteria build it themselves.  When it builds up sufficiently, they start to rapidly multiply.  This time may vary slightly, but most experts think 24 hours is about right.

That means, you need to disrupt that plaque at least once every 24 hours or it will achieve the environment that allows for rapid growth.  That would be the 'shielded from oxygen' state that anaerobic (oxygen shunning) bacteria love.

So, how do you know that you are doing a sufficient job of that?  You will want an objective measure.  That measure  is the periodontal pocket depths.  You should know what they are and if you do not, then you should ask your dentist to measure them for you.

They should be measured on every visit.   Generally speaking,  most doctors will say your gums are healthy if all of your pocket depths are 3mm and below.  If not, generally speaking, most doctors will say that your gums are not healthy.

Over time, a bad situation tends to get worse.  Pocket depths increase, more tissue destruction occurs and the teeth lose more support.  One day the tooth may become loose.  After that, it could fall out.

So the daily disruption of plaque is important.

Tooth Loss

Gum Disease Is the number one cause of it.  There is nothing else that comes close.

This is why I think it is important for people to know about this topic.  Some people are quick to say 'brush and floss'.  While those are helpful and should be continued, the reality is that there are plenty of people out there who brush and floss faithfully but they still end up with gum disease.

So, perhaps the perception that 'brushing and flossing' is all that you need, should come to an end.

Learn what you can now, in order to save money, time and pain later.


PS read more about this tool

Friday, January 4, 2013

What You Should Know About Gum Disease Part 26

Part 25 

Suggested Tool 

Gum Disease - A Big Topic and A Big Problem

Before you ask, I do indeed get tired of talking about it.  But, it is necessary for the benefit of others to hammer some key points over and over again.

When you are trying to reach people with genuine and helpful information, it ends up being this way, as there is no other way.

The big key points,  and please pay attention, are:

1. Gum Disease affects 75% of people right now.   Ask any hygienist.  She will have any number of horror stories to tell you.    I know one hygienist that quit.  She told me that she was tired of looking at what she called the 'oreo cookie' look that people have in their mouths.

In case you are wondering, she is talking about excessive tartar build up.  Hygienist are the unsung heroes of dental care because they are constantly removing that stuff for people.

They know that under that tartar and / or plaque build up, unhealthy populations of bacteria love to grow.   In fact, these bacteria created the plaque and tartar.  They are constantly trying to build and establish a suitable environment in your mouth in which to proliferate themselves.

Think there is no intelligence at the cellular level?   Think again.

2.  Gum Disease Is The Number One Cause of Tooth Loss

Nothing else even comes close.  Accidents, cavities or anything else are far in the distance.  Gum Disease is out in front.  And It would love to have all of your teeth.

75% is a big number.  The disease progresses (usually slowly and over time) and people lose gum tissue.  They think it is a 'normal' part of aging.  NOT TRUE.  The final step is for the tooth to either fall our or be pulled.   I can only point things out, it is up to the individual to learn more about this problem.

Learn More


David Snape

PS: you can also get this free guide:  How To Stop Gum Disease In 4 Easy Steps

Part 25 

Suggested Tool